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PLA’s Modernized R & D System In Place

At a joint meeting of several Ministries and Agencies overseeing science and education, a senior official claimed that a modernized national defense scientific research system has emerged. Sun Yanlai, Deputy Chief of Bureau of Science Technology and Industry for National Defense, depicted the national defense science and technology industry as a network composing of nearly 300 core military institutions, 90 plus key laboratories, and 7 research universities. He added that the number of defense technologies patents grows at an annual rate of over 46 percent over the past three years. The newly developed technologies include 1 million kilowatt-class nuclear power plant, large geostationary satellite platform, new regional jets, new generation of large-scale carrier rockets, super tanker, design and construction of liquefied natural gas ship.

Source: Xinhua, March 28, 2008

Political or Apolitical: The 2008 Beijing Olympics

China has alleged that international human rights groups are politicizing the Olympics by pressing China to cease human rights abuses. The International Olympics Committee reiterates the Games is all about sports, not politics. A review of the regulations and practices that China has adopted in preparation for the Olympics, however, shows that China is treating the event as the most important political milestone since it came to power in 1949.
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Sino-Peru Joint Press Communique Signed in Beijing

On March 20, Beijing published a Sino-Peru Joint Press Communique during the State visit of the President of Peru Alan Garcia Perez to China from March 18th to 21st. The Communique states that the Peruvian government supports the one-China policy and opposes Taiwan’s referendum on UN membership. Peru acknowledges the “market economy” status of China, with its bilateral trade volume exceeding 6 billion USD. China and Perus will engage in cooperation on mining, energy, telecommunications, electric power, and fishery. Peru highly appreciates China’s important aid. China wishes Peru’s success as host of APEC in 2008. Peru wishes China’s success as host of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.

Source: Xinhua, March 20, 2008

Beijing’s New Central Task Force for the Olympics Security Operation

Under the guidance of Opinions on Deepening the “Olympics Security Operation” throughout the City [of Beijing], a commanding and coordinating task force for the “Olympics Security Operation” has been set up by China’s Central Government. The director is Jiao Huancheng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the State Council, Deputy Secretary-General of the State Council, Director of the Bureau of Government Offices Administration of the State Council, and Director of the Social Security Comprehensive Control Office of the Central Government. The two Deputy Directors of the task force are Deng Xujun, Deputy Secretary of the State Organs Work Committee of CCP, and Gao Xiang, Deputy Director of the Government Offices Administration of the State Council. Other members of the team come from various central Party and government offices.

Source: Xinhua, March 20, 2008

Xinhua Lists Governments Supporting Beijing’s Policies in Tibet

On March 21, Xinhua reported that some governments openly supported the Chinese government’s “handling of violence” in Tibet, and opposed the actions of “Tibetan separatism” and the politicizing Beijing Olympic Games. Those countries include Russia, Belarus, Pakistan, Lesotho, Singapore, and Arab countries. A spokesperson for the Russian government said that Russia hoped the Chinese government would take all necessary measures to end the illegal actions, and it recognized that handling the relationship between Beijing and the Dalai Lama was China’s internal affair, according to Xinhua. The report also said that the diplomatic representatives of Arab countries to Beijing expressed “shock” after learning about the violence in Tibet, and said they stood against any “plot” to link the incident with the Beijing Olympic Games.

Source: Xinhua, March 21, 2008

Olympics: Beijing Arrests Falun Gong Practitioners Ahead of Games

On March 5, 2008, Falun Gong’s official website Minghui published a list of over 50 Falun Gong practitioners in Beijing who were arrested since December 2007. According to the report, the police began monitoring and following them as early as August 2007 in an attempt to limit efforts to expose the persecution of Falun Gong in the run-up to the Olympics.

Source: Minghui, March 5, 2008

China Launches Second Phase of Moon Probing System

Ye Peijian, an acadamic at CAS (Chinese Academy of Science) told the Chinese press that the second phase of China’s moon probing mission had begun. After launching its first lunar probe, named “Chang’e 1,” last year to “orbit” the moon, the second phase planned is a soft landing on the moon’s surface along with an “inspection using probing robots and probing devices," abbreviated as “landing”. According to Ye, the “landing” phase is scheduled to be completed by 2013. Experiments with the use of moonbuggies have also been conducted. The third phase will be a mission to carry out a soft landing on the moon’s surface and then return  the moonbuggy with collected lunar samples, abbreviated as “return”. Ye also anticipates that China will be capable of realizing a manned moon flight between 2020 and 2025.

Source: Xinhua, March 6, 2008

Xinhua Censors Wen’s Government Report

On March 5, the 11th National People’s Congress opened with Premier Wen Jiaobao’s two-and-half-hour report of government work. According to Radio Free Asia, in the transcript of Wen’s speech posted on the website of Xinhua New Agency, some of his words were missing. For example, in the part where Wen addressed  “strengthening the construction of socialistic democracy and the rule of law, facilitating social justice”, Xinhua’s report skipped the following words of Wen’s: “conduct democratic elections, democratic decision-making, democratic management, democratic supervision, and protect people’s rights to know, to participate, to express, and to supervise.”

Source: Radio Free Asia, March 5, 2008