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$50 Billion Worth of Cryptocurrency Left China within 12 Months

According to a report from the blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis, over the past 12 months, over $50 billion worth of cryptocurrency has left China. Analysts claim that the yuan’s fluctuating valuation over this year and tensions amid the ongoing U.S.–China trade war could be spurring local investors to evade capital controls. Beijing bars citizens from moving more than the equivalent of $50,000 out of the country each year.

Tether (USDT) in particular — could be playing a key role. Since Beijing’s 2017 ban on the direct conversions of the yuan to cryptocurrency, the U.S. dollar-pegged stablecoin Tether has served as a popular stand-in for fiat for traders in the Chinese market. In the East Asian market, over $18 billion worth of Tether was moved to addresses based in foreign jurisdictions over the past year. How much of this reflects capital flight remains difficult to establish conclusively.

While yuan-USDT trades are, strictly speaking, also prohibited, OTC (over the counter) brokers continue to sell the stablecoin to enable traders to lock in their gains from crypto trades without worrying about price volatility. In June of this year, Tether outflanked Bitcoin to become the digital asset that East Asian addresses received the most.

The government has meanwhile cracked down on routes for offshoring capital via foreign real estate investments and other assets, leaving cryptocurrency as a possible alternative.

Other contributing factors include uncertainty as to how Beijing’s forthcoming national cryptocurrency will impact the private digital asset market. Chainalysis suggests that this may be driving China’s cryptocurrency community “to move portions of their holdings overseas.”

Source: Central News Agency, August 22, 2020

China Reports Continued Growth of “Belt and Road” Projects

According to its state media People’s Daily, from January to July, China made 423.65 billion yuan (US$61.23 billion) in non-financial direct investments overseas, a year-over-year decrease of 2.1 percent. The value of newly signed foreign contracted projects was 855.67 billion yuan (US$123.66 billion), an increase of 4.3 percent. The completed business turnover was 491.26 billion yuan (US$71.0 billion), 10.5 percent lower than the same period last year. 159,000 workers were dispatched for foreign contracts. At the end of July, 644,000 Chinese workers were still abroad.

From January to July, China’s non-financial direct investment in “Belt and Road” countries totaled US$10.27 billion, a year-over-year increase of 28.9 percent, accounting for 17 percent of total outward investment in the same period. The contract value of newly signed projects in “Belt and Road” countries amounted to US$67.18 billion, and a completed turnover of US$40.43 billion.

Outward direct investment was sent mainly to leasing and business services, manufacturing, and wholesale and retail industries. Leasing and business services increased 18.1 percent and wholesale and retail investment 43.2 percent. The newly signed contracts in construction, petrochemical, and water conservancy construction projects have shown high growth.

Source: People’s Daily, August 21, 2020

Scholars Believe China’s Digital Currency a Return to Planned Economy

China’s state-owned banks such as the Agricultural Bank of China and China Construction Bank are testing the operation of digital currencies. Scholars believe that the Chinese model of the digital currency actually enables the central government to exert full control over personal wealth, which means returning to the era of a planned economy.

Si Ling, a financial scholar from Shandong University told Radio Free Asia (RFA), “The purpose of China’s vigorous promotion of digital currency is to manage its fiscal revenue in a more organized manner. With the deterioration of Sino-US relations and China’s foreign trade situation, the government will focus on fiscal revenue. In the past, many people used cash transactions to evade tax collection.”

Si believes that, if the Chinese government fully implements digital currency, “transactions will be completely under government supervision, which is conducive to the growth of government revenue. If digital currency is implemented, it may be a public-private partnership in the 21st century. In other words, private wealth can become public owned overnight, if the government chooses to do so.”

Dong Yongqi, a businessman from Shanxi province, told RFA that once the Chinese people start to use digital currency, their personal interests and their privacy will be infringed upon. “For the common people, it will do more harm than good. Most people read the propaganda and don’t understand the invasion of personal privacy that occurs with digital currency. The digital currency is the preparation for returning to the planned economy.”

Dong discussed the fundamental difference between China’s digital currency and that of Western democracies. “The digital currency of a free country by nature uses the blockchain technology and is decentralized, but our country’s digital currency has been centralized. The central bank is in charge.”

Chinese economist Hu Xingdou told RFA that China’s so-called digital currency is not a digital currency in the real sense: “It should be called electronic currency. It is very different from digital currency in terms of privacy and traceability. In other words, digital currency protects personal privacy. Other people, even the government, control no information.”

Caijinglengyan, an overseas social media account, commented that China’s digital currency is to prepare for the planned economy! Its characteristic is the control over currency use and material distribution. One can consider digital currency such as food stamps, meat coupons, travel passes, transportation documents, and permits for big-ticket purchases in the digital age.

Source: Radio Free Asia, August 17, 2020

Shanghai’s Police Chief Ousted

Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) disciplinary authority is investigating Gong Daoan, deputy mayor of Shanghai city and head of the city’s Public Security Bureau. The website of the CCP’s Commission for Discipline Inspection did not specify the date of the probe. However, according to Jiefang Daily, the mouthpiece newspaper of Shanghai’s CCP committee, Gong’s last public appearance was on July 31, when he participated in a national video conference that the State Council held.

Ranking number six among the eight deputy mayors of Shanghai, Gong is in charge of public security, judicial administration, stability maintenance, and traffic safety. He is the head of the Public Security Bureau, the Judicial Bureau and the Municipal Prison Administration.

Born in November 1964, Gong Daoan is the first deputy ministerial official in Shanghai that has been ousted since the 19th CCP National Congress. According to media reports, he is also the third senior public security official under investigation this year. The other two were Sun Lijun, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Public Security, and Deng Huilin, Deputy Mayor and head of the Public Security Bureau of Chongqing city. All three individuals were investigated for “serious disciplinary violations.”

Source: Voice of America, August 18, 2020

China’s Summer Grain Acquisitions Fell, but State Reported Grain Harvest Was “Highest in History”

A government report showing the progress of summer grain acquisitions, released on Wednesday August 12, showed that wheat purchases in regions including Hebei, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shandong, and Henan dropped by 18 percent. However, the state media in Jiangsu and Henan announced “good news.” The media claimed that the summer grain harvest “stayed at the highest level in history.”

In the past few months, disastrous events have occurred in major agriculturally productive regions in China and crops have seen severe damage. However, Zhou Xuewen, the deputy Minister of Emergency Management and deputy Minister of Water Resources, boldly predicted at a recent press conference that the year 2020 will be a great year of harvest. He stated, “The year of flooding is often the year of harvest and will be the harvest of (double-crops and) late rice. Why? The water conditions are better, and the soil is fertile. Our disaster relief measures and our post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, along with our strengthened restoration and planting management, as well as some technologies being used, mean that I don’t think food will be affected this year.”

The website of the National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration published the progress of the summer grain purchases. As of August 5, the total purchase of wheat in the main producing areas was about 42.85 million tons, a drop of about 9.38 million tons, or 18 percent, on a year-on-year basis.

Between January and July, China suffered from the COVID-19 pandemic and severe flooding. Hubei, Anhui, and parts of Jiangsu were flooded. However, state media in those regions claimed that there was a grain harvest. The Jiangsu survey team of the National Bureau of Statistics released data on July 14 showing that the total output of summer grain was 25.2 billion jin (12.6 million tons), an increase of 3.6 percent over the previous year. The Henan team released data on July 17, showing that the total output of summer grains in the province reached 75.1 billion jin (37.5 million tons), around the highest level in history.

He Huiling, a farmer in Luoyang, Henan, told RFA that the drop in the purchase of summer grains is related to the reduction in grain production and the over-exploitation of arable land. “Excessive (real estate) development and excessive land acquisition have left many people with little land to grow crops. Farmers make a living by purchasing food. Many of our local lands have been confiscated.”

Another villager in Nanyang, Henan, told RFA that he does not have any residual food at all. The central government is advocating food conservation because it is worried about a food shortage, “Recently the central government has spoken out about saving food. In our hometown, there is no food in the house. The main reason is that there are fewer farmers. Another reason is the reduction in arable land.”

Source: Radio Free Asia, August 13, 2020

Manager of Huarong Needed One Hundred Houses to Store All His Graft

The case of Lai Xiaomin, ex-chair of the China Huarong Asset Management Co., Ltd. (CHAM), one of the largest financial asset management companies in the country, opened a session in a court in Tianjin on August 11. Lai was charged with bribery, corruption and bigamy. Lai pleaded guilty and repented in court.

It was alleged that, between 2008 and 2018, when Lai Xiaomin held the positions of the director of the General Office of the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) secretary and chair of CHAM, he illegally accepted property with a total value of more than 1.788 billion yuan (US$ 0.26 billion).

This figure may have broken the record for the amount of corruption among all indicted Chinese officials. Pan Lu, a former teacher from Suzhou, gave a vivid description of the 1.788 billion yuan, “The money weighs 20 tons in 100-yuan bills. A one-hundred-square-meter house is not big enough to store that much cash. A dedicated villa is needed.”

China’s Caixin Media reported that there are three “one hundreds” in Lai’s case, including more than one hundred houses, one hundred contacts (with high-up officials), and one hundred lovers. In addition, the investigators found 270 million yuan (US$ 38.9 million) in cash in Lai’s residence, setting a record for the amount of cash seized from corrupt personnel.

Pan believes that the Lai Xiaomin corruption case is not unusual, and pales in comparison with the amount of corruption in China’s red families, the families of top CCP officials. “We know that the amount of corruption in the families of CCP Standing Committee members has reached astronomical figures. Lai was simply sacrificed by the regime to show that the CCP has the ability to fight corruption. One should not believe that the CCP is bold and decisive in fighting corruption just because of Lai’s case.”

Source: Radio Free Asia, August 11, 2020

China’s Large-scale Digital Currency Testing

According to China’s English language official media CGTN, four major state-owned banks, including the Bank of China, China Construction Bank, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and the Agricultural Bank of China, have started testing digital currencies in Shenzhen, a signal of the upcoming introduction of the digital renminbi (the name of the Chinese currency).

Years ago, China formulated a plan for the central bank to issue legal digital currency. Since 2014, the government has planned to replace cash with digital currency, but has yet to announce a clear time table. On August 3, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) announced that it would “actively and steadily advance the research and development of the legal digital currency” in the second half of the year. Back in 2016, Zhou Xiaochuan, then governor of the PBOC, China’s central bank, stated that he planned to spend 10 years to digitize the banknotes which have been in use in the country for more than 800 years.

The PBOC’s digital renminbi is temporarily named “DC/EP” (the abbreviation of “digital currency/electronic payment”). At present, the employees of some state-owned banks have begun to use it for transfers, payments, and other transactions.

Users, after registering in a mobile app, can use a digital wallet to recharge, withdraw, transfer and scan QR codes to pay. Transfer can be done only based the other party’s mobile phone number. The PBOC is studying a scenario of money transfer without a network.

Didi Chuxing, the country’s app-based transportation services giant, said last month, that it established a “strategic cooperation agreement” with the PBOC. With 450 million Didi users, the PBOC hopes to use this huge platform to test the application of digital renminbi in the field of smart travel. In addition, it is reported that Meituan, a food delivery platform that generates billions of dollars of daily transactions, is currently negotiating with PBOC on digital renminbi.

According to Mu Changchun, director of the Digital Currency Research Institute of the PBOC, who is regarded as one of the leaders of China’s digital currency plan, “As long as you and I have a DC/EP digital wallet on your mobile phone, you don’t even need the Internet. As long as your phone has power, you can transfer the digital currency from one person’s digital wallet to another by touching the two phones.”

In April this year, China announced that it will conduct internal testing of digital currency in four main locations — Shenzhen, Suzhou, Chengdu, and Beijing’s new satellite city Xiong’an. A PBOC official disclosed that a larger scale test will also be conducted during the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics to further evaluate the capabilities and risks of digital currencies through large-scale cross-border transactions.

Although the new currency is to be issued by the PBOC, ordinary people still need to deal with state-owned and commercial banks. In April, a screenshot of the digital currency wallet application test by the Agricultural Bank of China was circulated on the Internet. The screenshot is said to show a variety of functions, including QR code payment, remittance, currency exchange, and “touch” transfers. PBOC officials said that the digital currency will adopt a two-tier operating system. The PBOC will interface with commercial banks, and the commercial banks will be directly interfacing with ordinary people.

Although Beijing’s enthusiasm for digital currency began a few years ago, it is the Bitcoin market and the “Libra” digital currency plan that the US technology giant Facebook initiated that accelerated the process.

Mu Changchun said frankly in an open class, “If Libra is accepted by everyone and becomes a common payment tool, then it is completely possible for it, ultimately, to develop into a world-class super-sovereign currency.”  “In order to protect our currency sovereignty and legal currency status, we need to plan in advance.”

The digital renminbi being tested is the equivalent of paper currency in value and they may be exchanged freely with each other. Unlike Bitcoin and other encrypted digital currencies based on blockchain technology, the PBOC is the currency issuer and requires real name user registration. Senior officials at the PBOC stated that, after the introduction of digital currency, payment data will be anonymous, but this anonymity is “controllable” and the government and banks still have the right to inquire.

Wan Hui, the founding partner of Primitive Ventures, a blockchain investment institution, wrote in an article that, in the traditional sense, the central bank can only directly control the creation and destruction of the base currency, but can only exert indirect control over the broader money supply driven by credit flows. If digital legal tender is issued, the central bank may bypass commercial banks and regain direct control over currency creation or supply. She believes that this will allow China’s central bank structurally to centralize the power to formulate and implement related monetary policies, and it can affect social and economic activities at a more granular level.

Source: BBC Chinese, August 11, 2020

Xi Jinping’s Instructions on Food Waste

On August 11, Xinhua News Agency reported that Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, had recently issued an “important instruction” on food waste. Xi pointed out that the phenomenon of food waste is shocking and distressing! He added that, despite the harvest of the country’s grain production in recent years, it is necessary to have a sense of crisis for food management. The impact of the global corona virus epidemic has sounded the alarm. Xi Jinping emphasized the need to strengthen legislation and supervision, take effective measures, and establish a long-term mechanism to stop food waste.

It is a rare phenomenon that, in recent weeks, the supreme leader of China has repeatedly mentioned food management.

Source: People’s Daily, August 12, 2020