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Xinhua: China Is Building up Its Satellite Navigation System

After China launched the second satellite of its Compass Navigation Satellite System (CNSS) on April 15, Xinhua published articles stating that China is building up its own satellite navigation system. Ten satellites will be launched in this year and next year, a global navigation system with over thirty satellites covering the entire world will be in place by 2015.

Xinhua stated that the global navigation system is largely for military use. It also mentioned that CNSS will help break the US’ monopoly in the world’s global positioning and navigation system business.

The positioning accuracy of the newly launched satellite is at the centimeter level.

Source: Xinhua, April 17, 2009

Xinhua: Global Times English Edition Starts Publication

Global Times English Edition will start its first publication on April 20, 2009. The Global Times English website will also start on the same day. Global Times English Edition will be the second comprehensive English newspaper published in China. It will report the world from the Chinese angle and convey Chinese people’ s stance and viewpoint on major issues around the world.

Global Times, a newspaper under the People’s Daily, began publishing in 1993 and is one of the newspapers with the largest number of subscribers in China.

Source: Xinhua, April 19, 2009

China’s New Strategy: Loan for Oil

China National Radio reported that China and Russia signed an intergovernmental agreement on oil cooperation in Beijing on Tuesday. Under the intergovernmental agreement, China will provide a $25 billion loan to Russia, Russia will use oil as collateral. Russia will sell China 15 million metric tons of oil from 2011 to 2030, using the East Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) pipeline.

Energy Resources are currently the number one target of China’s overseas investment. Since the beginning of 2009 China has signed several "loan for oil" cooperation agreements with other countries, including a $10 billion loan to Brazil on February 18, a $4 billion loan with Venezuela on February 21, and a $1 billion loan with Angola on March 13. On April 5, President Correa of Ecuador announced a possible deal of exchanging crude oil for a $1 billion loan from China.

On April 16, China National Petroleum Corporation signed a contract to provide a $5 billion loan to Kazakhstan’s KazMunaiGaz National Co. to jointly buy AO Mangistaumunaigas, an oil and gas company in Kazakhstan.

Source: China National Radio, April 21, 2009

China’s Navy Is Undergoing a Major Transformation

Xinhua published a lengthy interview with the Commander of the People’s Liberation Army Navy, Wu Shengli. Wu mentioned that the Navy is undergoing a major transformation. The transformation includes modernization from a mechanized system to an information technology based system and extension of target combating area from near sea to distant sea.

Wu stated that the Central Party Committee requested the Navy emphasize the preparation of military combat over the sea as the national security strategy and military strategy, and gradually develop a defense system over the sea to safeguard the country’s ocean security and development interests.

Source: Xinhua, April 15, 2009

China Kicks off Nationwide Patriotic Education Program

The People’s Daily published an opinion piece titled "Let the Glory of the New Era Shine in our Patriotism." It states that "to celebrate the new China’s 60th anniversary, (China) will carry out public patriotic education in depth throughout the entire nation. The Publicity Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China had a teleconference to motivate its staff and assign tasks, marking the kickoff of the program."

Source: People’s Daily, April 15, 2009

China’s Exports Declined 17% in March Compared to Last Year

China’s General Administration of Customs announced on April 10, 2009 that China’s total amount of imports and exports was $162 billion in March, 2009, a decrease of 20.9% from last year. Among that, exports were $90.3 billion, a decrease of 17.1% and imports were $71.7 billion, a of 25.1% decrease. The trade surplus was $18.6 billion, an increase of 41.2% over the previous year.

Source: BBC Chinese, April 10, 2009

Human Rights Action Plan Admits China Faces Many Challenges on Rights

China published a “National Human Rights Action Plan (2009-2010)” on April 14, 2009. At a press conference, Wang Chen, Director of the State Council Information Office, acknowledged that China faces many human rights challenges. There are many unresolved issues in basic human rights, including public participation, legal protection, social justice, employment, social security, education, and medical and public health. The public has a very high expectation and strong demand for human rights improvement and protection.

Source: China News Services, April 14, 2009

Xinhua: Panchen Lama’s English Shocked the World

Xinhua reported the following. On the opening of the Second World Buddhist Forum on March 27, 2009, the 11th Panchen Lama Qoigyijabu gave a speech in English. His English skills “shocked” the eminent monks and cultural elites at the conference. He took at least two English lessons each week.

Xinhua also quoted reports from other media sources. According to Xinhua, Ta Kung Pao said that the Panchen Lama’s good English is helpful to promote Tibetan Buddhism overseas and to clear the outsiders’ misunderstanding of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism. Xinhua said Reuters stated that the “Chinese government chosen” Panchen Lama is the critical tie for Tibetans to stay loyal to the central government. Xinhua also offered Sing Tao’s comment that “Under the official arrangement, the 19-year old Panchen Lama is moving quickly to the front stage.”


Chinascope Editor’s note: Panchem Lama is the second highest religious position in Tibet. After the death of the 10th Panchen Lama, the Dalai Lama proclaimed Gedhun Choekyi Nyima as the 11th Panchen Lama. However, the Chinese government named their own 11th Panchem Lama, Qoigyijabu, whose parents are both Chinese Communist Party members.

Source: Xinhua, April 2, 2009