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Xinhua: UN General Assemble Votes to Urge the US to Cease its Embargo against Cuba

Xinhua reported from the United Nations on October 26 that, in their speeches to the UN General Assembly Meeting, the European Union (EU), G77, the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM), Venezuela, South Africa and Cuba strongly urged the United States to cease its embargo against Cuba. The EU complained about the extension of the U.S. embargo to a third country and CARICOM suggested that the embargo is unlawful. 187 out of 192 UN member countries voted for lifting the current U.S. blockade measures. This is the 19th time the UN has passed such a motion.

Source: Xinhua, October 27, 2010

Xinhua: China Is Not Using Rare Earths as a Bargaining Tool

Zhu Hongren, Chief Engineer and spokesman for the Ministry of Industry and Information, recently stated that China is not using rare earth minerals as a bargaining tool. Instead, he said, China would like to achieve a win-win situation with other countries on the protection and utilization of these non-renewable natural resources. China holds 55.7% of the world’s reserve of rare earth minerals. China’s exports are the source of 90% of the international market. Zhu suggested that China did not do a good job of managing the production process in the past, especially in terms of environmental protection. Now China is controlling the mining, manufacturing, and trade areas to introduce order into the management process. He claimed that these steps do not violate WTO rules.

Source: Xinhua, October 28, 2010 

Xinhua: China Launches Manned Space Station Project

The spokesman for the China Manned Space Project announced on October 27 that the manned space station project has officially started. A large scale, national level manned space laboratory is expected to be established around the year 2020. The project is divided into two phases. Phase one is to launch a space laboratory before 2016. Phase two is to launch the Core Cabinet and the Lab Cabinet to complete the space station by assembling the two together “in-orbit.” The spokesman suggested that the project will be built on top of current space research accomplishments. According to the plan, the first unmanned spacecraft docking experiment will take place in 2011.

Source: Xinhua, October 27, 2010

China News Service: Online Public Opinion Influenced by Microblogging

The Public Opinion Research Lab of Shanghai at Jiao Tong University recently released a report that indicated that microblogging, as a new communication channel, is having an impact in influencing public opinion. The report took a look at the hot topics of the top 20 websites in the third quarter of 2010 and analyzed the coping abilities of local governments, companies, and individuals. Indexes included communication speed, communication skills, and communication effectiveness. The research showed that microblogging is becoming an effective channel for companies and individuals to provide information. In some instances, microblogging played a very important role in spreading messages. The report also found that government agencies were weak in terms of controlling communication and releasing information during crises.

Source: China News Service, October 20, 2010

Xinhua: China’s Plan to Explore Mars Revealed

At the time of The Third China Space Technology Forum, the Chinese Academy of Space Technology (CAST) revealed China’s plan for exploring Mars. The plan is mainly based on the technologies used in the Chang-E Moon Satellite Platform. According to CAST experts, the Chinese plan reached a pretty high level compared to Mars exploration plans developed outside of China in recent years. Experts also indicated that the Chinese space activities targeting Mars will increase China’s power in the deep space technology race and shorten the distance from leading countries. This is considered the mission of the future Chinese space technology development.

Source: Xinhua, October 21, 2010

China News Service: New Record High for the Wealthiest in China

The Hurun Report recently published its 2010 list of the wealthiest individuals in China. The average wealth of the top 1,000 increased 26% from last year. The most rapid increases were in the medical, IT, retail, and apparel industries. The number of billionaires reached 1,363 this year, and 97 reached the 10-billion level. Ten years ago, those numbers were 24 and 1, respectively. Also, most of the wealthiest women in the world are from China. Out of the top 20 self-made female billionaires in the world, 11 are from China.

The Hurun Institute publishes the report. It is a "leading luxury publishing and events group," comprising a magazine and an active events business targeted at China’s high net worth individuals. It was established in 1999 by Rupert Hoogewerf. The Wall Street Journal (US Edition Jan 2008) commented that “people often aren’t considered truly rich until anointed by the Hurun Report.”

Source: China News Service, October 12, 2010

Ministry of Land and Natural Resources: Provincial Level Governments Accountable for Housing Prices

The Chinese Ministry of Land and Natural Resources recently announced that, in order to further implement State Council policies, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Land and Natural Resources, and the Ministry of Supervision jointly decided that the provincial level governments will be held accountable for stabilizing housing prices. An assessment system will be established and there will be a follow-up for poor performance. The three ministries are demanding a nationwide increase in housing supplies as well as an increase in the speed of development of low-income housing projects. Effective land supply management is also a requirement and is being put under the monitoring program. Stronger market supervision was also mentioned in the announcement.

Source: China Review News, October 12, 2010

Ministry of Commerce: China Now Africa’s Biggest Trade Partner

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce recently published the “Report 2010: Economic and Trade Relations between China and Africa,” in Chinese, English and French. The report claims that China is now Africa’s biggest trading partner, citing a $91 billion trade volume in 2009. In addition to the traditional infrastructure construction area, new developments in the relationship include finance, telecommunications, energy, tourism and aviation. The report includes a “Historic Review of the China-Africa Economic and Trade Relationship,” “The Relationship in 2009,” and “A Look into Year 2010.” This report is considered the first comprehensive annual report on China-Africa trade relations.

Source: People’s Daily, October 15, 2010