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International Herald Leader: West’s New Tactic to Stop China’s Aircraft Carrier

The International Herald Leader, under Xinhua News, published an article suggesting that the media in the West is changing its tone. The report indicated that the West is now promoting the “Delay Theory” instead of the “Threat Theory”. It is believed change in tone is just another way to slow the development of the Chinese Navy.

The report also stated the belief that building an aircraft carrier fleet is a good way to stimulate the domestic market. The article also stated that there is no way to stop China from becoming a sea power.

Source: International Herald Leader, May 14, 2009. 

HK Wen Wei Po: The Direction of The Chinese Road

Hong Kong based newspaper, Wen Wei Po, strongly supportive of the Chinese Communist government, published an article on May 15 to discuss the future direction of the Chinese economy. The article suggested that although tertiary industries such as the techology and services industries are important; it is very hard for them to compete against the West. Agriculture and basic industries still provide the primary support to Chinese economy. A future strategy emphasized in the article was to keep developing the economy’s export orientation which is believed to have been a successful approach thus far. The article also stated that the Chinese financial industry needs significant improvement, yet it should not follow the example of the West, offering too many complicated “gambling” financial tools which form what the article called the “Casino Economy”.

Source: Wen Wei Po, May 15, 2009. 

Chi Fulin: Three Important Signals

Famous scholar, Chi Fulin, who acts as an important advisor in Chinese reform and development research, believed that the Third Central Committee Plenary Session of the Seventeenth CCP National Assembly sent three important signals.

The first was rural reform, which he claimed was the central point connecting the rest of the reform strategy; the second was to stabilize the macroeconomic environment, which heavily relies on expanding rural markets;the third defined the focal point of rural reform – the increasingly larger gap between cities and rural areas, which was believed to be a primary reason for social conflicts.

Source: Xinhua News, October 28, 2008.

Hubei Province’s Large Investment in A Tomb of Lian Zhan’s Ancestor

Based on Chinese media sources, BBC Chinese reported on May 6, that the government of Hubei Province is investing 13 million RMB to rebuild the tomb of a famous person named Lian Shunbin. It is believed that Lian Shunbin is the ancestor of Lian Zhan, who is the former Chairman of the Taiwan Nationalist Party (Kuomintang, KMT) and former Vice President of the Republic of China.

Source: BBC Chinese, May 6, 2009. Last Update (Monday, 11 May 2009 )


Global Times: Get Out of “US Dollar Trap”

The Global Times, under Chinese state-owned People’s Daily, published a report on various views about the strategy to get out of the “US Dollar trap”. All the scholars quoted in the report agreed that in the long run, China should reduce the amount of its assets valued in US Dollars. However, most of them agreed that it’s not wise to do so in the short term. Exit strategies discussed in the report included: increasing the use of RMB as a settlement currency, increasing stockpiling physical strategic resources and taking advantage of existing large US Dollar assets to gain more share in the current world financial system.

Source: Global Times, May 8, 2009.

Chinese Exporting Companies Facing a Wave of Refused Shipments

The International Herald Leader, under Xinhua News, reported that a large number of Chinese exporting companies are dealing with more and more refused shipments. With the international financial crisis, various excuses are being used by foreign importers to reject shipped goods. Credit risks are significantly increasing. For example, in the first 2 months of 2009, Chinese private exporters alone lost $100 million due to refused shipments – an increase of 87.5% compared to last year.

 Source: International Herald Leader, May 8, 2009.

Military Talent Gaps

Study Times, a magazine by the CCP Central Party School, recently published an article on the gaps between Chinese military generations.

The article identified three major issues: (1) average military officers’ lack of education, especially in information technology; (2) significant lack of talented officers capable of joint combat commanding in the information systems environment; (3) significant lack of high level technical talents.

The article concluded that the causes of the problems are that the(1)education system is far behind modern day world standards; (2)the military organizational structure does not meet the requirements of today’s challenges;(3) and that compared to profitable civilian organizations, the military does not have enough incentives to attract needed talents.

Source: Study Times, April 27, 2009.

Xinhua: Navy Ceremony Starts the “Era of Chinese Sea Power”

Xinhua News published a digest article on April 23, based on a report by The China Press, a US based publication sponsored by the Chinese government. The article pointed out that the Chinese naval 60-year anniversary ceremony marked a “breakthrough” on the traditional limited “Coastal Waters Defense” naval strategy, which “obviously” does not match China’s status as a rising world power.

China has noticed that its sovereignty over sea waters has been significantly challenged in recent years. As an example, the article referred to recent incidents between China and Russia, Malaysia, Japan and the United States.

Source: Xinhua, April 23, 2009.