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General Zhu on U.S. Arms Sales to Taiwan

The State’s Outlook Weekly magazine published interviews of Chinese military figures on U.S. arms sales to Taiwan. Major General Zhu Chenghu of China’s National Defense University believes that it is not surprising to see the increase in China-US friction. “One needs to see that the long-term existence of the Taiwan issue is inevitable under the broad framework of the U.S. strategy toward China. So the long-term and complex nature of the Taiwan issue needs to be understood. In the long run, the U.S. global strategy will not change much." He [Zhu] summed up the U.S. strategy: rely on two treaties (NATO and the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty), base on two continents (Asia and the Americas), control the seas, curb China and Russia, and dominate the world.”

Source: Xinhua, February 9, 2010

Hu Jintao: Accelerating Transformation of the Mode of Economic Development

From February 3 to 7, 2010, senior provincial Party leaders attended a workshop at the Party School of The Chinese Communist Party in Beijing. Hu Jintao and other members of the Standing Committee of the Politburo spoke at the workshop about how to speed up transforming the mode of economic development. He stated that the key to the transformation is to "speed up" and bring results. Wen Jiabao emphasized that only by speeding up the transformation can China better cope with predictable and unpredictable international risks, and constantly improve the international competitiveness of China’s economy. Xi Jianping highlighted the urgency of strengthening the efforts to grow the Party to ensure success in the transformation.

Source: Xinhua, February 12, 2010

Party Directive: Party to Focus on Establishing Study Groups

The General office of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party has issued a new directive on Party growth. “Study-oriented Party organizations are the foundation of a Marxist-study Party,” it says. The Party organizations are called upon “to conduct in-depth studies of Marxist theory, of the Party’s line, of principles and policies and State laws, of the Party’s history, and of the knowledge needed for modernization, and to achieve new results in arming the mind, guiding the practice, and promoting the work.”

Source: People’s Daily, February 9, 2010

2010: US-China Trade Relations not Likely to Improve

International Finance News of the People’s Daily reports that a prominent professor of economics forecasts continued trade conflicts between China and the United States. “In 2010, Sino-US trade conflicts will become more frequent and China’s export environment will be challenging.” “Compared to 2009, the Sino-US trade frictions are not likely to improve. First, in the post-crisis era the U.S. domestic economy is still relatively difficult and needs to look for external factors to balance it. The U.S. Government and Congress will take advantage of the factor of the Sino-US trade imbalance. Second, the recent conflicts between the two countries are also constantly escalating, which will cause the trade environment between the two countries to deteriorate in the near future.”

Source: People’s Daily, February 8, 2010

Xinhua: Did Secretary of State Clinton Use the Wrong Words?

According to Xinhua, a director from the China Human Rights Society, a State run organization, said that the United States is solidifying its Internet hegemony under the pretext of Internet freedom. “Back then, to defend her husband’s reputation, Hillary openly demanded to restrict the Internet’s dissemination of information. Now, in order to offer reciprocation to their own political sponsors, she is publicly calling for other countries to relax control of the Internet. Is freedom of speech and freedom of the press the ‘weapon of mass destruction’ where one can see the head but not the tail?” “What is needed in the area of the Internet is dialogue, rather than blaming each other, and cooperation in technology, rather than attacking each other.”

Source: Xinhua, February 5, 2010

Xinhua: Western Media Overstate China-US Conflicts

China’s experts on US-China relations believe the western media are exaggerating recent conflicts between China and the United States. “The reported ‘new cold war’ between China and the U.S. is clearly an exaggeration.”

On February 6, the Japanese Sankei Shimbun outlined five key issues for this round of China-US conflicts: China hacking Google, arms sales to Taiwan, Obama meeting the Dalai Lama, RMB appreciation, and Iran’s nuclear development, based on which Sankei Shimbun concluded that the foundation for a booming China-US relationship has been eradicated.

Source: Xinhua, February 8, 2010

Xinhua: 2010 Security Situation for China Complex

Xinhua reports that a Chinese military commentator predicts the continuing trend of China’s rise and gain in international influence in 2010. Peng Guangqian also predicts that the national security environment for China will continue to improve. He states, if the security situation in 2009 was “difficult,” the security situation in 2010 will be “complex,” notably, “diversified, varied, complex and uncertain.”

Source: Xinhua, January 29, 2010

Xinhua Reports on Russian Arms Sales to Vietnam

Citing a U.S. Defense News website, Xinhua reports that Vietnam is now officially Russia’s biggest arms client due to recent orders for six Kilo-class submarines and 12 Su-30 fighter jets, according to a Moscow-based think tank. Vietnam’s deal for its first submarines is Russia’s second-biggest contract for subs in the post-Soviet period, after a 2002 contract with China for eight submarines, said the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies that monitors Russian military exports. Now Vietnam joins the top 5 clients of Russian arms sales. The other 4 are India, Algeria, Venezuela, and China.

Source: Xinhua, Janaury 25, 2010