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PLA: China’s Military Power is no Threat

China maintains a limited military power only to safeguard its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and won’t pose a threat to any country, said Liao Xilong, Director of the General Logistics Department of People’s Liberation Army, according to Xinhua on March 5, 2008. According to Liao, the increased portion of the national defense budget will be used to increase subsidies for soldiers and officers, to provide food, gas, education and training, to improve the living conditions for troops stationed in remote regions, and to upgrade the military equipment of information technology.

Source: Xinhua, March 5, 2008

Fiscal Revenue Growth Not the Result of State Tax Increase

China’s fiscal revenue in 2007 hit 5.13 trillion yuan (733 billion US dollars), an increase of 1.25 trillion yuan, or 32.4 percent over the previous year, released Ministry of Finance on March 5, 2008. Ministry of Finance maintains that China’s fiscal revenue has maintained a rapid growth, not because of State tax increase but as a result of statistical standards, price factors, the difference between the GDP structure and tax structure, tax collection and management, as well as some special factors.

Source: Ministry of Finance of China, March 5, 2008

Xinhua: U.S. Report On China’s Military Power Continues “China Threat”

In response to the Annual Report on China’s Military Report of U.S. Defense Department, Xinhua states, "The Annual Report on China’s Military Power submitted by the Pentagon to the Congress, as one of the series of military assessment reports, again criticizes that China’s lack of transparency in military and security matters may lead to misunderstandings and miscalculations, therefore posing a threat to regional stability.”  Xinhua cites a Washington Post’s article on differences between U.S. Defense Department and U.S. intelligence officials.

Source: Xinhua, March 4, 2008

Xinhua: Transparency of Chinese Military Increases

China’s military transparency has been increased according to a Hong Kong newspaper, says Xinhua on March 3, 2008. The Hong Kong newspaper article cited the statistics in the December 2007 "World Military Yearbook 2007" published by the PLA Publishing House December 2007.

Xinhua comments, “Some so-called international military experts have focused their attention on China’s military spending, accusing China of military affairs being not transparent with ulterior motives. The releasing of ‘World Military Yearbook 2007’ greatly increases the transparency of China’s military power, and effectively refutes the senseless accusation of these ‘experts.’”

Source: Xinhua, March 3, 2008

Largest Weaponry Manufacturers Saw Revenues Exceed 100 billion Yuan

According to China Military Net, China North Industry Group Corporation (CNGC) and China Ordnance Equipment Group (COEG) have passed the survival stage and entered into global expansion. CNGC’s 2007 revenue hit 126.5 billion yuan, up 20.8 percent comparing to 2006. Its profits grew by 41.5% over 2006. Revenue base are primarily high-tech military products, products for military and civilian dual use, and petroleum exports. COEG’s revenue grew to 129.9 billion yuan (18.3 billion dollars) in 2007, profits totaling 3.69 billion yuan (0.52 billion dollars). The pruduction and sales of COEG’s automobile/motorcycles and photoelectric products lead the whole world, said the website.

Source: China Military Net, February 28, 2008

Shipbuilding Targets Released for 2008

China’s Commission of Science Technology and Industry for National Defense released the 2008 China’s shipbuilding industry goals: completion of 22 million dwt, industrial output exceeding 300 billion yuan, industrial value added exceeding 80 billion yuan, exports of 16 billion US dollars, profit growth of 20% and 15 point increase in the aggregated economic efficiency index.

Source: China’s Commission of Science Technology and Industry for National Defense, February 18, 2008

Grain Prices to Remain Stable

According to Outlook Weekly under Xinhua, China’s grain prices will not be affected by the recent fluctuations in the international grain market. From 2004 to 2007, China’s total grain output was 469.5 million tons, 484 million tons, 497.5 million tons and 501.5 million tons, respectively. Currently, China’s grain reserves have reached 35 percent of annual national grain consumption.

Source: Xinhua, February 28, 2008

“Self-Discipline Pact” Signed to Serve the 210 Million Internet Users

On February 22, 2008, China’s eight leading State run online media signed the "Chinese Pact on the Self-discipline on Visual-Audio Programs and Services of the Internet," urging all Chinese domestic websites to “spread positive, healthy programs and boycott corrupt, outdated ones.” The eight State media are the official websites of Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily, the State Council Press Office, China Radio International, China Central Television, China Youth Daily, China Economic Daily, and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

There are 210 million Chinese Internet users, according to the 21st Statistical Survey Report on the Internet Development in China published in December 2007. 69 percent are under 30 years old. The largest age group is between 18 and 24, accounting for 32% of the total Internet users.

Source: Xinhua, February 22, 2008
China Internet Network Information Center, December 2007