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PLA Admiral: The U.S. Wants to Dominate the Asia Pacific Region by Intruding in the Yellow Sea

On November 29, 2010, China’s distinguished military expert Admiral Yin Zhuo was a guest on the Power Nation Forum of the People’s Daily website. In answering the question, “What message does the U.S. want to convey thorough the military exercises with South Korea,” Yin explained that there are both strategic and tactical implications to the U.S. choosing the Yellow Sea for the exercises. Strategically, it is to send a very important signal: “The U.S. is the leader in the Asian Pacific region.” Now, Obama wants to be the “Pacific President.” Secretary of State Clinton proposed “returning to Asia.” Currently, the U.S. is unable to return to Asia economically. Its returning to Asia is mainly through its military. This action is to strengthen the allied relationship with Japan and South Korea. Furthermore, the U.S. is also sending a message to North Korea: (The U.S.) is a determined supporter and ally of South Korea, and will fulfill its promise as an ally. North Korea should not take any further risks; otherwise it will face a U.S. military strike.

Source: People’s Daily, November 30, 2010

Senior Military Officer Discusses Joint Military Exercises with Foreign Military Forces

Major General Qian Lihua, Director of the Foreign Liaison Office of the Chinese military, commented on China’s joint exercises with foreign military forces. Of the 44 joint exercises the Chinese military has conducted with foreign military forces, 32 of them took place within the past five years. According to Qian, over 20 Chinese military institutions of higher learning have established sister relationships with foreign military institutions. Over several hundred Chinese military experts and professors have visited foreign military institutions. 1,200 young Chinese officers have received training in close to 100 foreign military academies in over 30 countries.

Source: Xinhua, November 30, 2010

Training Division Chiefs to Be the Future Backbones of the Party

By mid 2012, over 40,000 division chiefs will have been through the Party’s training to become the future backbones of the Party. From July to October 2010, middle-aged and young Party cadres completed four sessions. Most of the trainees were born in the 1960s and 70s. The training campaign started in March 2009, and over 12,000 have been trained by the Party so far. The courses place a priority on glorifying the Party’s traditions and history. For example, on September 11, 2010, 112 division chiefs wore uniforms and hats of the old Red Army and walked part of the path that the Red Army once traveled.

Source: Xinhua, November 29, 2010

Li Liguo: Community Committees to Play a Bigger Role in Social Stability

As of the end of 2009, 46.6% of China’s population 620 million people now live in urban areas. If the country’s 211 million migrants are factored in, each urban community committee is now responsible for over 10,000 people. “As reform deepens and the economy continues to grow at a rapid pace, urban community committees now have a fundamentally different and significantly important responsibility: to maintain stability.” More incidents of social unrest are occurring due to heightened disputes pertaining to land use, eminent domain, pollution, income disparity, public security, and so on. “This requires that community committees establish a mechanism to resolve conflicts, … and resolve them at the grassroots level while they are minor.”

Source; People’s Daily, November 30, 2010

Global Times’ Survey: The U.S. Is the Cause of the Korean Peninsula Crisis

In a public survey conducted by the Global Times in China from November 26 to 28, 2010, almost 60% of survey respondents saw the U.S. as the main cause of the crises in the Korean Peninsula and 60% believed that China should maintain its special relationship with North Korea.

The survey was conducted in seven large cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. When asked, “What does North Korea represent to China,” 44.7% chose “a strategic defense line for China” and another 43.2% checked “China’s ally." Regarding North Korea’s bombing of South Korea, 56.7% chose “(the issue is) too complex to comment on," while 22.4% checked “North Korea was forced to do so." When asked, “Which country is the cause of the continued crises in the Korean Peninsula," 55.6% said the U.S. and 10% chose South Korea, while only 9% checked North Korea.

Source: Global Times, November 29, 2010

The People’s Daily Publishes Five Commentaries on Stabilizing Prices in China

From November 22 to 26, 2010, the People’s Daily published five commentaries, one per day, on stabilizing prices in China. These commentaries echoed the State Council’s “Notice on the Protection of the General Price Level and the Stability of the Basic Livelihood of the Masses” that was issued on November 20. These articles stressed that China is able to control prices and that “the reason for rising farm product prices is that some bad people stockpiled farm products to increase prices."

Source: People’s Daily Online, November 28, 2010

Xinhua: China Publishes Rules on Registering Foreign Firm’s Representative Office

According to Xinhua, on November 25, 2010, China published "Regulations on the Registration of Foreign Companies’ Representative Offices (as opposed to subsidiaries) in China." The regulations, which go into effect March 1, 2011, include rules on registration, establishment, cancellation of registration, and legal responsibilities of the representative offices of foreign companies. According to the regulations, such representative offices may only conduct non-business activities, including market surveys, product display and promotion, and liaising on behalf of their parent companies on product sales, customer service, and procurement and investment in China. The regulations also apply to the representative offices that companies from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan set up in Mainland China.
The representative offices must not conduct activities that endanger China’s state security or social benefits. Offices violating the rules face up to a 500,000 yuan fine.

Source: Xinhua, November 26, 2010

Xinhua: Hong Kong Plays an Important Role in Internationalizing the RMB

Tsang Chun-wah, Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong S.A.R. government, recently commented that 75% of the cross-border RMB settlements are made through Hong Kong. In the first half of this year, cross-border RMB settlements reached a total of RMB 67 billion. Tsang believes that Hong Kong will play a more and more important role in the process of internationalizing the RMB. He suggested that the Chinese economy is bringing Hong Kong new potential as a global growth leader. Hong Kong is becoming a very good place to raise capital. In the future, Tsang believes, one of the areas Hong Kong plans to focus on is RMB offshore transactions.

Source: Xinhua, November 16, 2010