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People’s Daily: Russia sold 15 sets of the new S-300 missile systems to China

According to People’s Daily on April 3, 2010, “Russian Al Yilmaz Aetna’s president said that its factory has delivered 15 sets of the new S-300 missile systems to China with a contract valued at more than 2.25 billion U.S. dollars.”

The People’s Daily article reported that “The S-300 missile (NATO code-named Sam -20) covers a range of more than 150 km with a maximum flying speed at over 2 kilometers per second. … Based on information from the West, it can shoot down cruise missiles and aircraft.” The article pointed out that “the West is worried that the latest export-oriented S-300 missiles may also have “anti-stealth” capability.”

Source: People’s Daily, April 3, 2010

NDDaily: Historic Photos Modified for Political and Artistic Reasons

On April 5, 2010, China Gate ( reprinted a news article from NDDaily (, a Chinese newspaper in China, on Zhang Dali’s historic photo exhibit called “Zhang Dali: A Second History,” which is in the Guangdong Museum of Art from March 27 to April 18, 2010:

According to the article, Zhang’s photo exhibit presents over 130 sets of historic photos with multiple photos of the same scene. They are modified with erased figures and replaced backgrounds for political and artistic reasons. Zhang Dali said: “What we see or know is actually ‘the second history.’ The ‘first history’ was intentionally or unintentionally covered.”

Source: China Gate, April 5, 2010

Li Changchun on Culture Industries

At a national conference of chiefs of propaganda authorities on April 9 in Beijing, Li Changchun, a member of the Politburo standing committee and the party’s head of propaganda stressed “vigorously developing cultural causes.” 

Li “explained ten important relationships on developing culture causes and culture industries.” In particular, he said, "(We should) adhere to opening up and trying to form a structure of a culture market place dominated by the national culture and supplemented by foreign cultures. (We should) promote our culture overseas and constantly expand the international influence and competitiveness of Chinese culture.” 
Li asked party committees and governments at all levels to “take culture development to a strategic height, and fully understand the role of culture in socioeconomic development.” 
Source: People’s Daily, April 10, 2010-4-10

China Has Launched 36 Satellites for 14 Countries

On April 7, China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC), China’s flagship organization authorized by the government to provide satellite in-orbit delivery (IOD) services, commercial launch services and aerospace technology applications invited customers from countries including the United States, France, Germany,  the Philippines, and Hong Kong to the city of Xichang (which has a spaceport located about 64 km to the northwest) to commemorate the 20 year anniversary of China’s international space launch services. 

According to China News Service, to date, China has used 7 models of “Long March” rockets to launch 36 commercial satellites for 14 countries. 
Source: China News Service, April 8, 2010

Wang Cheng Asks for Stronger Asia Voice

“Asia media should strengthen communications and cooperation,” said Wang Cheng, Director of the State Council Information Office at the Asia News Network’s (ANN) 2010 annual meeting on April 9 in Beijing. ANN is a “network of national daily newspapers published in Asian cities. It was organized to provide avenues for cooperation and to optimize coverage of major news events in the region.” The Editor-in-Chief of China’s official English newspaper China Daily is on its Executive Board. 

Wang emphasized the fast growth of information technology and Internet based new media, suggesting Asia’s traditional media should catch up. In particular, Wang called for a greater voice from all Asia’s media combined. “National media should grasp the direction of regional cooperation, strengthen reporting on other Asian countries, enhance coverage of international affairs, and gain a greater voice for Asia, which should send more and have a stronger voice of its own.” 
Source: China News Service, April 9, 2010

State Council: Government as the Source of Information for Media

At a provincial government press working conference, Wang Guoqing, Deputy director of the State Council Information Office said, “Governments at all levels should fully understand the importance of the press release system, strengthen planning, improve the quality and level of the press, and make government press releases the most timely and most authoritative source of information for media reports.” Establishing a mechanism for government press releases is a priority in 2010.

Source: Xinhua, April 4, 2010

Xinhua on US Nuclear Posture Review Report

Xinhua commented on the US Nuclear Posture Review Report released April 6, that it is a positive factor for the promotion of international nuclear security. “But the US has not changed its thinking as a global hegemony; non-nuclear countries do not reduce their own nuclear power; nuclear terrorism is increasingly serious; Obama’s nuclear policy is under the constraint of its domestic politics – all these are obstacles to overcome for the world’s nuclear security.”

Source: Xinhua, April 8, 2010

Party Leadership under Training on Crisis Management

2010 is the fifth anniversary of three new Party Schools. As social unrest increases, the Party urgently needs large-scale training of its leaders and significant improvement in the quality of cadres.  Pudong Cadres School in Shanghai has 5 labs. One is to teach Party leaders how to lead the media. Another one is to simulate social unrest and teach crisis management. The other two schools are in Jingangshan and Yanan.

Prior to 2005, Party leadership training primarily was conducted at the Party School of the Chinese Communist Party and National School of Administration under the State Council, both in Beijing.

Source: China Review News, April 4, 2010