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State Media Report on Overseas Chinese Reaction to Obama-Dalai Lama Meeting

State media have extensively reported overseas Chinese opposition to Obama’s February 18 meeting with the Dalai Lama. Xinhua, People’s Daily and China News Service reported that leaders in the overseas Chinese communities protested, via media interviews, forums, rallies and letters, against Obama, in unison with the China’s official stance on the Dalai Lama meeting. Such actions as reported (in answering the call of the Communist Party to stay with the Party line) have raised concerns that they may further widen the gap between Chinese communities and the mainstream in their respective countries, aggravating an image crisis.

Source: Boxun, February 20, 2010

China News Service, February 19, 2010

CCP Implementing Quality Assurance Certification in Grass-Roots Party Branches

Ninyang County in Shandong Province has in place a quality assurance certification process for its party branches. As of end of 2009, 983 of the 1,486 party branches in the county received AAA certifications. Certification covers five areas: organizational structure, institutionalization of implementing party directives and duties, membership build-up and records keeping. The process includes self-inspection, application for certification, review by higher party organizations and final scoring. The total score is 1,000. 800 or above is certified AAA, 750 to 800 AA, and 700 to 750 A. No certification is given for any below 700.

Source: Xinhua, February 19, 2010

MII Publishing Website Registration Information Validation Work Plan

The Ministry of Industry and Information (MII) has issued a directive to all local communications administration offices in China to accelerate efforts to fortify website registration information. The plan claims that companies and individuals may register websites. 

Any individual, who is a future website owner, has to provide an original copy of his identification card, or his household register, military officer card, Taiwan compatriot travel certificate, or foreign passport as an alternative. The individual owner will also be photographed and his photo kept on record.

MII claimed the goal is to control the online pornography industry. VOA reported that human rights activists see it as political tightening to restrict website owners from criticizing the government.


1. China News Service, February 23, 2010
2. Voice of America, February 24, 2010

China Denies the Hacker Attack on Google Originated from China

After the New York Times reported that the hacker attack on Google could be traced back to the IP addresses of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Lanxiang Vocational School, China denied such accusations.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, a top engineering university in China whose computer students recently won the International Collegiate Programming Contest, responded that the university would not now support and has not in the past supported hacker activities. It suggested that some international hackers might have stolen their IPs to use in the attack.

Officials from the Lanxiang Vocational School, with ties to the Chinese military, said “(The report was) too imaginative.”

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Qin Gang, strongly denied the accusation and said it was irresponsible and must have resulted from some hidden agenda.

Source: Hong Kong Wenweipo, February 23, 2010

China Will Continue Its Loose Monetary Policy

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting to review the State Council’s “Report On the Work of the Government.” 

The report outlined the economic direction for 2010, which calls for continuing to implement the proactive fiscal policy and moderate, loose monetary policy in an effort to maintain the continuity and stability of the government policies. 

On one hand, the government should keep up enough policy efforts to consolidate the good momentum of economic recovery, but on the other hand, it should also speed up the adjustment of the economic structure and promote the transition mode of economic development.

Source: Xinhua, February 22, 2010

Guangming: 1.3 Billion Chinese Despise Obama

Recently, many major Chinese websites widely republished an article against Obama. The article was originally published on the official site of Guangming Daily, a Beijing City based national newspaper. The author, Fu Yi, claimed “Nobel Prize winner Obama” finally revealed his “scary pseudo-peace” face. The article mentioned the arms sale to Taiwan, which is “opposed by both sides of the Strait” as well as the “splitter and terrorist” Dalai Lama’s visit to the White House. As the people of a rising world power, the author believes, 1.3 billion Chinese are not “easily threatened” – they all “despise” Obama.

Source: Guangming Daily, February 5, 2010

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Commented on the Dalai Lama’s Visit

The Speaker of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ma Zhaoxu, commented on the Dalai Lama’s visit to US: The United States disregarded China’s repeated solemn representations on Dalai’s visit to the White House. President Obama met him in the Map Room on February 18. The move of the US government was severely contrary to the basic norms governing international relations, violated the three Sino-US joint communiqués as well as the principles set in the Sino-US Joint Statement, broke the repeated US promise of recognition of Tibet being part of China and the promise of not supporting Tibetan independence. China is hereby expressing strong dissatisfaction and opposition. China demands the United States take the Chinese position seriously and take immediate action to eliminate the pernicious impact. The United States should stop conniving with the Tibetan anti-China splitters, stop interfering in China’s internal affairs and take concrete steps to maintain the healthy development of the Sino-US relationship.

Source: Xinhua, February 19, 2010

Washington and Wall Street: Tom and Jerry in Reality

Xinhua recently published an article by its Washington DC reporter on the relationship between Wall Street and Washington. Wall Street made a fortune in 2009 and the average income increased by 18%. The Obama administration is feeling really uneasy about this and his approval rate is sliding. Although the Wall Street “fat cats” are responding with lowered cash payments to their employees, the Whitehouse is actually the “Tom” in the cat-mouse game. The article pointed out that there is no fundamental conflict of interest between the two. “Jerry” is largely working with “Tom” for a PR show.

Source: Xinhua, January 24, 2010