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China Implementing Party Committee Spokesperson System

Advancing the party committee spokesperson system will be a major task for the development of a systematic press release system in 2010, said Wang Chen, director of the State Council Information Office.

“To establish the party committee spokesperson system” was mentioned for the first time in the “Decision” of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Party committees, from the local level to the central committees, should increase the release of information, using press releases, media interviews, and other approaches to publish information about party activities.

As of now, several local party committees including Changsha City, Hunan Province, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, and central committees including the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, the Department of Organization, and the Department of United Front Work have already established a spokesperson system.

Source: Xinhua, December 29, 2009

General Staff Department (GSD) on Military Training for 2010

The GSD of the Central Military Commission issued a military training order for the PLA in 2010. The order focused on informational issues, including research for an up to date military training, including training for combat skills, training in complicated electromagnetic environments, joint exercises, and so on.

The GSD official said that the entire PLA and armed policed are to place military training as a top priority and place emphasis on military training in 2010.

Source: Xinhua, December 29, 2009

Renewed China-France Relationship for Fundamental Interests

Major Chinese news portal Sohu recently republished an article by Outlook Weekly, a magazine by Xinhua, about French Premier Francois Fillon’s visit to China. The article reported that Mr. Fillon was happy when he returned to Paris before Christmas with several “major deals.” It also declared the downturen of the relationship between the two countries started in 2008, when France “interfered” with Chinese internal affairs. During Fillon’s visit, he met with Hu Jingtao and Wen Jiabao, who agreed to the continuation of the China-France “strategic partnership.” The Chinese government however dismissed the French position which was that, “China should understand that France has a long standing tradition of freedom of speech.”

Source: Sohu, December 29, 2009

Xinhua Signed Agreement with China Petrochemical

Xinhua News Agency signed a Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement with China Petrochemical Corporation (aka. Sinopec Group) on December 29. In the agreement China Petrochemical signed up for the “Xinhua 08” service platform, which is a financial information and trade services system that Xinhua developed. The system integrates real time news, market quotes, historic data, research tools, analytical models and financial trade into one platform. Xinhua News Agency defines its mission as “guiding” domestic public opinion and “positively influencing” international public opinion. This new agreement is the first step in an expansion of the agency’s traditional business scope to include the information services area.

Source: Xinhua, December 29, 2009

CNNIC: 13,175 “Bad” Domain Names Blocked

China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) announced on December 28 that a total of 13,175 domain names have been banned since the government-run Internet rectification movement started on December 9. CNNIC is currently checking nearly 14 million registered .cn domain names manually. So far, the work on 2 million names has been completed. This latest round of the Internet rectification movement is mainly sponsored by the Ministry of Public Safety, in the name of fighting against pornography and illegal publications.

Source: Xinhua, December 29, 2009

Li Changchun at the CNTV Opening Ceremony: Expand Mainstream Media Coverage and Influence

According to Xinhua, China Network Television (CNTV), the national network television broadcasting organization of China, with ties to CCTV, held an opening ceremony on December 28, 2009. Li Changchun, member of the CCP Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee, attended the ceremony.

Focusing on audio-visual interaction, CNTV is a global-focused, multi-language, and multi-terminal public service platform that combines the features of an old-school television network. By deployment of mirror sites across the world, this platform covers Europe, North America, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Russia and more.

Li hopes that CNTV will provide the correct guidance for public opinion and become an influential network television broadcasting organization in the world.

Source: Xinhua, December 28, 2009 

Nanjing Municipal Government Initiates Over 100 News Spokesperson Positions

China News Net reported that the Nanjing Municipal Government held a press conference for the first time on December 29, 2009, at which over one hundred newly assigned news spokespersons for the variety of the CCP committees in Nanjing presented themselves. It is rare that a municipal government in China opens more than one hundred news spokesperson positions at one time.

The news spokespersons are the major leaders of each ministry, of the CCP committees, and departments. Representing all levels of Party committees, they will strengthen the connections with domestic and foreign news media. For urgent incidents, news spokespersons must be able to respond to reporters’ phone calls 24 hours a day.

Source: China News Net, December 29, 2009

Xinhua: Ensure at Least One Urban Official Resides in Each Rural Village in Guangdong Province

Xinhua reported on December 28, 2009, that 170,000 urban government officials in Guangdong Province have been sent down to the countryside to ensure that at least one urban official resides in each rural village. In order to guarantee every rural Party branch is helped by an urban Party branch, 19,513 rural Party branches have been teamed up with urban Party branches. The process has a positive effect in building low-level Party organizations in the countryside.

Source: Xinhua, December 28, 2009