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Science & Technology Daily: One Third of China Desertified

Science and Technology Daily recently reported on severe desertification of land in China. With 2,636,200 square kilometers of desertified land, China is now one of the largest countries of desertification. Nearly 0.4 billion people are living in those areas. Human factors have been identified as the primary cause of the problem. Under the burden of high-speed economic development, the demand for water is above the bearing capacity. Stockbreeding [overgrazing] has overloaded the land as well. The article recommended four strategies to remedy the problem.

Source: Science and Technology Daily, June 18, 2009.

Large Export Revenue Loss in 2008 Due to Failure to Comply with International Product Standards

The biggest challenge that Chinese export businesses face next to currency is compliance with the “technical barriers to trade,” the international product standards issued by the WTO. According to the National Bureau of Quality Inspection, 36.1 percent of export businesses failed to comply with the WTO’s “Technical Barriers to Trade.” In 2008, they suffered financial losses of US$50.5 billion.

Research data suggests that the top five countries or regions that affect China’s export businesses are the EU, U.S., Japan, Russia and Latin American countries. The top five businesses that suffered the most are electric parameters, agricultural production, textiles/garments/shoes/hats, and wood/paper/non-metasl and chemicals/minerals/metals. 

Source: Xinhua, June 25, 2009

400 Secretaries of the Discipline Inspection Commission are Called to Attend Centralized Training

According to Public Security Bureau, for the first time in history, 400 Secretaries of the Discipline Inspection Commission from the district Public Security Bureaus will take the centralized training class at the People’s Public Security University in Beijing.

Source: China Huanqui June 28, 2009

40 percent of Small to Mid Size Businesses Are Struggling for Survival

Reports yet to be released by the Academy of Social Sciences suggest that 40 percent of small to mid size businesses were hit by the financial crisis and went bankrupt, while 40 percent of the remainins businesses are struggling for survival. Most of them lack the assets to secure business loans.

 Small to Mid size businesses account for 99 percent of the total businesses in China, contributing 60 percent of the GDP and 50 percent of the national tax income. They provide over 75 percent of the job opportunities for local regions.

Source: Huan Qiu, June 28, 2009

Beijing Denies Bloggers Aliases

Beijing News reported on June 17 that Beijing is taking several Internet control measures. All Web site owners, editors, and bloggers need to provide their real names when registering. By the end of this year, Beijing will establish a ten-thousand volunteer Internet patrol team to monitor websites. All websites with permits for publication of audio-visual programs through the Internet or other information networks will go through information review, publication management, recording, and retaining processes. The Beijing Public Security Department will develop Internet filtering software for computers at Internet Cafes, schools, and in the home.

Source: Beijing News, June 17, 2009

Beijing Lawyers Association Denies License Renewal to Rights Lawyers

A number of rights lawyers in Beijing have been denied renewed law licenses during the annual license review conducted by the Beijing Lawyers Association. The rights lawyers stated that the charter of the Beijing Lawyers Association only provides for regular reviews, not annual reviews, and that if the Beijing Lawyers Association continues acting outside its charter, the rights lawyers will move for removal of its leadership. Staff from the Beijing Lawyers Association stated that the Beijing Bureau of Justice had authorized them to conduct annual reviews.

Source: Voice of America, June 17, 2009

Nanfang Weekends: Revamp China Nuclear War Strategy, Because U.S. and Russia Are “Attack First”

Nanfang Weekends published several articles arguing that China should change its strategy of using nuclear weapons. It reported that China is surrounded by “Nuclear Superpowers” and “Nuclear Small Powers.” These countries have encircled China with a total of 22,500 nuclear war heads. China’s military strategic experts have a consensus on war tactics once a nuclear war starts, but there have been many debates over China’s overall nuclear weapons strategy. China’s current position, as stated in the 2008 China Defense White Book, is “limited retaliation.” But as other nuclear superpowers keep adjusting their nuclear war strategy, for example, both the U.S. and Russia’s strategies are “attack first” now, China should reassess its strategy.

Source: Nanfang Weekends, June 17, 2009

International Herald: U.S. Didn’t Expect a Color Change in Iran

The International Herald, a newspaper under the Xinhua News Agency, published an article on June 22 stating that U.S. didn’t have much hope for a “Green Revolution” in Iran in the first place. “Was the U.S. tired of the games of changing ‘colors’ for other countries? Of course not. The U.S. has other reasons for not starting a ‘Green Revolution’ in Iran.”

First, “Washington has been fully retreating from the Middle East.” “Under the strategy of avoiding conflict and seeking peace, the U.S. would not rashly test the waters in Iran.” “Second, even if Obama wanted to change the color in Iran, he couldn’t make it happen” because “U.S. has no agents in Iran” and “of course, the empty wallet is another reason.” “Third, there is no reason for the U.S. to have confidence in Mousavi and his ‘reformists.’” “The last reason is a conspiracy theory. Actually the U.S. needs Ahmadinejad more than Mousavi … because the U.S. needs an enemy in the Middle East. Where can it find a ‘better’ enemy than Ahmadinejad?”

Source: International Herald, June 22, 2009