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China’s Supreme Court on Political Interest over Rule of Law

Judges must develop political wisdom as well as legal thinking to serve justice and political interests, said Zhang Jun, Deputy Party Secretary of the Supreme People’s Court of China at a national conference for judges.“ Zhang emphasized that judges must identify themselves with Chinese style socialism politically, ideologically and emotionally.  “Interpretation and application of the law by itself will not resolve legal issues presented in cases.”

At the conference, President of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region High Court made a presentation entitled “Safeguarding National Security and Social Stability Is the Primary Political Task of the Xinjiang People’s Court.”

Source: Xinhua, August 28, 2008

China to Import Russian Tornado Rocket Technology

Russian Defense companies are ready to transfer to China the "Tornado" multi-rocket technology, reported People’s Daily citing Kommersant. China hopes with Russian technology, it will complete the research and development of A-100 long-range rockets. Although A-100 is meant to mimic the "Tornado" system, its technical performance lags behind the latter. In particular, the Chinese experts could not develop comparable fire control system to match the flexibility of a rocket.

Source: People’s Daily, August 26, 2008

Decline in Economic Growth Seen as Main Foe

Government think tanks are gathering in Beidaihe seeking solutions to contain inflation and curb the decline of economic growth, said Nanfang Daily August 22, 2008. Sources reveal that the think tanks have unanimously agreed, “Decline in the economic growth is worse than inflation.” “The government will be able to stand a 6% annual inflation rate, but if the growth reaches below 10%, bad debts of financial institutions would be appalling.”

Source: People’s Daily, August 22, 2008

Problems in Central Government Budget Implementation Reaching 29 bn Yuan

2007 Annual audit of the central government budget implementation shows problems in the amount of 29.379 billion yuan, said Auditor-General Liu Yi of China National Audit Office on August 27, 2008. The audit covered 368 work units under 53 central government departments. Of the 29.379-bn yuan problem funds, 98% resulted from mismanagement, while violations of law and regulations account for 2%.

Source: China National Audit Office, August 27, 2008

Mayor of London Criticized for Lack of Manners in Olympic Closing Ceremony

An internet posting on “sports 366”, a popular sports forum site, criticized Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, for his rude behavior and lack of manners during the Olympic closing ceremony. The posting accused him of wearing an unbuttoned jacket, showing sloppy body language with his right hand in his pocket when coming to the podium, handing over the Olympic flag with one hand, and having an arrogant attitude in terms of not shaking hands leaders from Beijing on the stage and shaking hands late with Beijing’s mayor.

Source: Sports366, August 25, 2008

Rizhao Harbor to Invest Ten Billion Yuan in Expansion

Rizhao Harbor located in Shandong Province will invest 10.2 billion yuan to expand into an advanced large scale deep-water harbor with 200 million tons in traffic and handling capacity by 2010. Rizhao had reached a 100 million ton handling capacity as of August 24, a 16.8 percent growth from the previous year.

Rizhao holds a strategic geographic position in the nation’s economy and transportation network. It is the largest ore importing harbor, 4th largest coal exporting harbor, and the largest in-transit harbor for concrete, grain, wood, and nickel ore.

Source: Xinhua, August 26

Hu-Wen Authorities are Planning a Large-Scale Suppression Movement

The overseas Chinese news website Boxun quotes information from China-Aid Association that the Committee of Central Political and Legislative Affairs of the Chinese Communist Party is issuing a secret directive to the subordinate department and organizations. The directive is about plans of a nation-wide movement to crack down on the “four groups of unstable elements in the society.” The four groups are leaders of family churches of Christianity, petitioners, human rights activists, and dissidents. It is said that the information comes from senior level officials of China’s security department.

Source: Boxun, August 21, 2008

Military Hotline Attracts Attention in Meeting between China and South Korea’s Top Leaders

China’s head Hu Jintao and South Korean President Lee Myung-bak are meeting in Seoull on August 25. This is the third meeting in three months between the two countries’ heads. One particular topic that has attracted attention is whether the China-South Korea military hotline will make progress in the meeting so that the hotline will be opened before year’s end. It is anticipated that the implementation of the concept that China and South Korea be strategic partners will be discussed. Therefore the expectation that the military hotline [will open] also runs high.

Source:, August 25, 2008