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Party Official’s Remarks On Freedom of Press and Publication in China

On July 3, during a chat discussion in the Qiangguo forum of the People’s Daily, Liu Binjie, director of General Administration of Press and Publication said: “There are misunderstandings around China’s freedom of press and publication… Some people think that China imposes strict control over the press and publication. It is absolutely impossible. Some research studies have suggested that there are over 60 million Chinese people who express their views through newspaper, magazine, radio, television, and internet everyday. This number has exceeded those countries such as United Kingdom, Germany, and France. How can people still claim that there is no press freedom in China?”

Source: People Daily, July 9, 2008

Beijing Places its Main Focus of Olympic Security on Domestic Enemies

In an exclusive interview with Xinhua magazine Outlook Weekly, Tian Yixiang, chief of the Army Department of the Beijing Olympic Security Coordination Group, says that preventing terrorist attacks is the primary focus (of the security work). Tian says terrorist attacks are the main threat (to the Olympics) and names “East Turkestan,” “Tibetan Independence,” and Falun Gong groups as the sources of the threat.

Source: Outlook Weekly, Issue 27, 2008

Beijing Hails Bush’s Decision to Attend the Opening Ceremony of Olympic Games

During G-8 summit meeting Bush restated that he will not miss the Beijing Olympic opening ceremony. Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fokuda also expressed his intention to attend the ceremony. After French President Sarcozy finally gives out words that he is going to Beijing for the event, Xinhua publishes an article claiming that “Anti-China Force Sighs Sadly the Total Failure of Boycotting Beijing Olympics. Bush’s picture in a posture with a thumb up was posted under the title of the article.

Source: Xinhua, July 7, 2008

Qinghua University Establishes Marxism Institute

Qinghua University, one of China’s most prestigious universities, held a ceremony on July 6 to celebrate the establishment of a Marxism Institute. The aim of setting up the institute is to enhance the construction of Marxist theory and the training of Marxists. Xing Fensi was appointed as the director of the institute. Xing had been the director of the Institute of Philosophy in the Chinese Academy of Social Science, chief editor of Qiushi magazine (under Xinhua News Agency), and vice principle of the Central Communist Party School.

Source: China News, July 6, 2008

Hu Instructs the Party Journal to Stick to the Party Line

On its 50th anniversary, Qiushi, an official publication of the Chinese Communist Party, received a greeting letter from Hu Jintao. Hu’s letter acknowledged the accomplishments that the journal has made on behalf of the Party since its inception. The letter asked the journal to “diligently implement the messages from the 17th National Congress of the Party and work closely on the strategic mission of arming the Party with socialist theory with Chinese characteristics”. Hu wished that the Journal “thoroughly fulfill the important role as the Party journal and contribute further to the realization of a well-off society and of building socialism with Chinese characteristics”.

Source: Xinhua, July 4, 2008

Outlook Weekly: Changes in U.S.-Sino Strategic Relationship

“In this new era, the U.S.-Sino relationship will be filled with conflicts, fights, and cooperation with no major ups and downs”, claimed by Niu Xingchun, a researcher from the Chinese Academy for Contemporary International Relations. The article was published in Xinhua’s Outlook during the visit to China of U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Niu summarized the following four changes in the Sino-U.S. relationship:

1. The U.S. has realized that China will grow to be a super power. It is a trend that no external forces can stop. The theory of China’s upcoming collapse has no market in the U.S. anymore.
2. What the U.S. cares about most is whether China will contribute to the current international order.
3. Even though there exist various types of conflicts between the U.S. and China, “peaceful competition and cooperation” has become the mainstream consensus in the U.S.; and
4. The U.S. has come to agree that China’s foreign strategic goal is not to challenge the U.S. in its hegemonic status in the world.

Source: Outlook Weekly, July 2, 2008

Retired Senior Leader Proposed Name Change for CCP

Hong Kong based magazine Cheng Ming Monthly published an article “Chinese Communist Party to Launch Big Party Rectification in the Fall” in the July 2008 Issue. According to the article, former member of the standing committee of the CCP’s polibureau, and former chairman of the National Political Consultative Conference Li Ruihua proposed to stop using the name of Chinese Communist Party.

In an internal party conference, Li said that the CCP’s development and theory are evolving constantly to adapt to the fast changing society. From a long term perspective, he suggested to change the party’s name to People’s Party or Socialist Party.

Source: Epoch Times, July 5, 2008

Flushing NY Residents Call for Expulsion of Pro-Communist City Council Member

On July 3, NY City Council Member John Liu had his first meeting with Falun Gong practitioners who have been targeted in the recent violence on Flushing streets by pro-Communist thugs. Previously, Liu held private meetings with the pro-Communist suspects and rejected requests from his constituents who practice Falun Gong. During the July 3, 2008 meeting, Liu’s constituents called for Liu’s expulsion from City Council for his pro-Communist conduct unbecoming of an elected official. Calls were also made for FBI’s investigation of Liu’s ties with Chinese Communist regime.

Source: Epoch Times, July 3, 2008