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The American Way Represents U.S. Interests

The Global Times published an article by Chen Yugang, an Assistant Professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs at Fudan University, titled: “The American Way Is Driven by the U.S.’ Own Interests.” The article criticizes the U.S. for using the “American Way” to protect its own interests and to establish policies for other countries to follow. It lists examples, including the following: Americans live in big houses and drive big size vehicles despite the global warming crisis. The U.S. condemns the human rights record of other countries but it refuses to be part of the International Criminal Court and tortures its detainees. The U.S. pulled out of the anti-ballistic missile treaty. The U.S. failed to keep its promise not to let the NATO expand its ranks into Eastern Europe. Finally, after the U.S. relocated its energy intensive industries elsewhere, it blamed another country for being number one in carbon emissions. The article said that the confidence that the American people have in themselves as being the “representatives of God to save the world” or “the U.S. is the best” is an attitude of rudeness that can’t be trusted. It concluded that the “American Way” is a way that fits best with the U.S.’ own interests and is not the only established standard that works.

Source: Xinhua, January 17, 2008

Mainland Scholars Call for Action to Oppose the CCTV Spring Festival Gala

On January 15, 2008, five Mainland scholars issued a joint statement titled, “Declaration of the New Spring Festival Culture.” The scholars expressed in the Declaration that the Chinese Spring Festival in itself symbolizes civilization and freedom and should not be subject to any political, economic or cultural restrictions. The scholars oppose the annual Spring Festival Gala held by the State television network, China Central Televison (CCTV), since that enables the Gala to be used as a propaganda tool to glorify the Communist Party.

The Communist regime re-named the Chinese New Year as the Chinese Spring Festival after its takeover of the Mainland in 1949. Every year, CCTV has a gala as the official State celebration. The Chinese New Year begins on February 7, 2008.

Source: Xinhua, January 17, 2008
Zhong Ren Net, January 15, 2008

There’s a Workers Strike Every Day in Guangdong Province

Han Dongfang, a China workers activist told Radio Free Asia that in the Pearl River Delta region of Guangdong Province there is at least one workers’ strike a day that consists of a minimum of one thousand workers. That is in addition to the number of smaller scale strikes that take place. These workers are mainly from inland provinces such as Sichuan, Guizhou, Hubei and Hunan. He said currently the government only intervenes when the situation is out of control. As a result, workers are inadvertently encouraged to resort to strong measures such as strikes. Han said that the international community holds a fantasy that economic development will help China. However, the reason it is a fantasy is that people don’t know what lies behind the economic development: the sacrifice of many people’s health and rights.

Source: BBC, January 16, 2008

Beijing Builds Detention Centers to Protect the Olympic Games

In order to express their grievances, mainland petitioners usually show up at major state activities where they can attract media attention to their plight. For example, on the second day of Indian Prime Minister Singh’s visit, the overseas Chinese affairs website Canyu reported that more than 100 petitioners attempted to enter Tiananmen Square. The police stopped them and escorted them back. It has been reported that the square is now being heavily guarded. One petitioner from Heilongjiang revealed that Beijing has set up a transit point in the suburbs to detain petitioners and prevent foreign media from accessing them during the Olympics. Similar detention centers for petitioners have also been built in all provinces and cities.

Source: Radio Free Asia, January 15, 2008

Leading Scholar Reported for Plagiarism

Xie Hua’an, an ex-fellow of the Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (FAAS) and a leading scholar known for growing a popular hybrid rice was elected into the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in December 2007. At the time of his election, two retired FAAS researchers reported that Xie plagiarized one of his research papers. Xie’s paper “Shanyou 63 Ⅲ – China’s rice variety with the largest acreage – Photosynthetic characteristics and the utilization of solar energy” was reported to have no citations and no footnotes, except for a list of 16 references to articles that others had previously published. Data used in the paper were surprisingly identical to the data in three papers that the Jiangsu Agricultural Science team had published in 1989. CAS denied the charge.

Source: The Beijing News, January 14, 2008

Xinhua Publishes Article Vilifying the Chief Editor of Kanwa Defense Review

An article published on xinhuanet attacks the editor-in-chief of Kanwa Defense Review (a monthly magazine published in Canada, about China’s military news). It uses very malicious terms. The article, titled “Andrei Chang’s True Identity Comes to Light, a ‘Traitor,汉奸’ Utilized by Western Media,” states, “Andrei Chang is not a serious military scholar and Kanwa Defense Review is not a professional military magazine. Articles published in the magazine are only to please the anti-China forces in international society.”

Source: Xinhuanet , January 14, 2008

Xunlei (Thunder) Has Become the Biggest Source of (Internet) Piracy in China

On January 13, 2008, Deutsche Welle reported that Xunlei (Thunder, 深圳市迅雷网络技术有限公司), an Internet company based in Shenzhen, has rapidly become the biggest company providing Internet search and download services in China. The company was established in 2002. It initially offered only software downloads. The number of users kept increasing, to the point where it now claims to control 80 percent of China’s Internet download business. The company has quickly expanded its business into other areas. All the new hot products, such as music, movies, and software can be downloaded through its website.

Source: Deutsche Welle, January 13, 2008,2144,3055799,00.html

A Law Professor’s Last Class – The 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre

On January 3, 2008, at the China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing, Professor Xiao Han held his last class for the winter semester. In defiance of the Communist Party, the topic was the Tiananmen Square Massacre on June 4, 1989.

The Professor told everyone, “Many of them [the college students] left their blood behind on the square, the square on which only one dead body [Mao Zedong] now lies. The blood shed back then cannot possibly be washed away and will outlast any tangible tombstone.”

To future judges and attornyes, Prof. Xiao lectured on, “I hope you keep a lively, independent and free soul. Particularly I would like to wish everyone of you, despite the filthy and degenerated environment, please hold up your unblemished integrity.”

His lecture transcript entitled, “The Last Class: How Should We Live Our Lives?” was posted online and spread instantly among Chinese Internet users.

Source: The Epoch Times, Janaury 12, 2007