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Briefings - 1258. page

China Has Highest Rate of Executions: 5000 to 8000 in 2006

According to the 2007 Annual Report on Capital Punishment released by Hands Off Cain, between 5,000 and 8,000 prisoners were executed in China in the year of 2006. Chinese official Xinhua News reports that more would have been executed in the first seven months of 2007 had mandatory case review by the Supreme People’s Court of China not passed in 2006. [1]

The Current System Fails to Preserve the Environment

In a recent article in Chinese Economic Times, economist Zhou Tianyong pointed out that China has not formulated effective and systematic policies to restrain the discharge of pollutants and that the existing system has actually aggravated environmental pollution instead of preserving the environment. [1]

Public Display of Prostitutes’ Photos Draws Criticism

On September 5, the Yinchuan (银川) Public Security Sub-bureau posted a street bulletin showing photos of 28 prostitutes. Many pedestrians saw it. [1] The photos showed both frontal and profile views of the women. Their features were clearly recognizable, except for simple blurs around the eyes. Both pedestrians and an attorney criticized the display.

Water Safety Problems Afflict 300 Million People, the Chinese NPC Standing Committee Regards It an I

Half of the cities in China have severely polluted groundwater; 300 million people in the rural areas are drinking water with safety problems. In some areas, "all the rivers have dried and all the water has been polluted." A member of the Chinese NPC Standing Committee stated that "The pollution is a result of profit pursuing. However, the cost to treat the water pollution will be more than a dozen times the profit we have gained."

High Ranking Officials’ Poor Health Raises Alarm

From April to June, China’s high-ranking officials at the provincial and certain district levels were given complete physical exams. Over 90 percent of the officials were found to have "modern diseases" such as hepatic steatosis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Over 95 percent were overweight. An undisclosed number of officials had sexually transmitted diseases. The Chinese public often relates these modern diseases to government officials and even calls them "Luxury Diseases," "Bureaucratic Weight Gain," or "Symptoms of Corruption." [1]

China Officials: the Pope Wants to Appoint Anti-Communist Bishops

Since 1958 when China and the Vatican stopped having diplomatic relations, the CCPA (Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association) has appointed all bishops in China. The current Pope, Benedict XVI, has been trying hard to bring Catholics in China back to the Roman Catholic Church. However recently, according to a high official in the CCPA, the Vatican has been attempting to appoint anti-communist bishops in China. [1]