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Qiushi Journal: Capitalism Is Dying

[Editor’s Note: Recently, Chinese state media have frequently commented on the global financial crisis. An increasing number of articles are even claiming outright that the current crisis portends the end of capitalism. Their arguments range from the greediness of capitalism to how politicians sell their souls and from the loss of public trust to how U.S. hegemony has transferred the crisis to the rest of the world. The “fake democracy” in the U.S. and the “collapsing political/democratic system” in the U.S. are also hot topics. Such claims lead to an implied but unstated conclusion that China does not need to take the path of democracy that the U.S. promotes. They also support China’s new drive toward cultural system reform – increasing its “soft” power and striving to control the international discourse power. The following are excerpts from two articles that appeared in the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) prestigious theoretical publications that make such statements.]

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Globe: Hillary’s Asia-Pacific Dream

[Editor’s Note: Globe magazine, under the official Xinhua News Agency, published a response to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s article, “America’s Pacific Century,” which was published in the November issue of Foreign Policy magazine. [1] The response criticized Secretary Clinton’s article as being “far from reality,” and having “hegemonic hierarchic thinking and a Cold War mentality.” The full text of the article is translated below.] [2]

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State Media on the Importance of Culture Reform

[Editor’s Note: After the Sixth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) passed a resolution on reforming China’s culture system, China’s official media published a series of articles discussing the significance of reforming the culture system. The following are excerpts from two commentaries published in Outlook Weekly, a publication under Xinhua and People’s Daily.]

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Huanqiu: Six Countermeasures to the Challenges from the U.S.

[Editor’s Note: Huanqiu Online, the Chinese version of Global Times Online, a daily publication under People’s Daily, published an article by Zhang Weiwei, a researcher at the Chunqiu Comprehensive Research Institute, a Chinese think tank, on how China should respond to the U.S. suppression of China’s rise. The author suggested six measures that can be taken in the diplomatic, economic, regional, and ideological (soft power) areas. The author states that “China’s GDP will surpass the U.S.’s GDP in ten years” and the China Model will defeat the U.S. system. The following is a translation of the article.] [1]

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Maintaining Tight Control over Ideology

[Editor’s Note: Qiushi Journal republished an article from the Contemporary World and Socialism magazine on the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) control over ideology work, which includes establishing, deciding on, shaping, and disseminating ideology. [1] The author, Wang Yonggui, is a scholar at the School of Marxist Studies at Nanjing Normal University. In the article, Wang stressed that the Party’s control over ideology “cannot be loosened for a single moment” and that “strengthening the Party’s sole leadership over work in ideology is an important weapon for the CCP’s success.” The following are excerpts from the article.]

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International Herald Leader: To Begin Intervening in Western Interventionism

[Editor’s Note: An article published on Xinhua’s International Herald Leader explains China’s recent veto of the draft of the United Nations Security Council resolution on Syria. “The direct goals that China wanted to achieve, specifically, were to prevent the West from imposing possible military sanctions on Syria, to obstruct the legalization of the West’s deployment and implementation of military operations in the Middle East, and to contain the West’s barbaric practice of using military means to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs.” “China’s veto is a counter-attack against American unilateralism; it is a beautiful debut for China’s pursuit of a new international order.”] [1]

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Qiushi Journal on Western Freedom of the Press

[Editor’s Note: Qiushi Journal published an article that criticized the Western world’s “freedom of the press,” saying it is just a lie. The article argued that capital controls the media in Western countries, so the media only represents the opinion of a particular interest group. The government also uses many tactics to control or direct the press to serve its purpose. Furthermore, the Western countries apply a double standard on freedom of the press. While they control the media in their own countries, they use “freedom of the press” as a tool to stir up turmoil in other countries or even to subvert other governments. The following are excerpts from the article.] [1]

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Red Flag Manuscript on Controlling Public Opinion

[Editor’s Note: After an explosion of information and opinion sharing erupted on the Internet about the Wenzhou high-speed train accident, Red Flag Manuscript published a series of articles on how to control public opinion. One article stressed that “on major issues related to China’s fundamental political system and national interests, the media should resolutely align with the Party and the people’s position.” [1] It even advocated filtering and modifying the news to “integrate the truth of the news with the country’s national interest.” Another article emphasized that the “central media and main media should send out the first news” and that they should “form an emergency reporting group which would include reporters and editors loyal to the Party.” [2] A third article listed “the decreasing public trust in the government” and “Western hostile forces” as being the reasons that rumors have spread on the new media and suggested developing “opinion leaders” on microblogs who would lead public opinion. [3] The following are excerpts from these articles.]

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