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A Brief Summary of Jiu-Ping (Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party)

Faced with the nearly impossible task of clarifying the CCP’s nature, its history, current practice, and future in a single book, the authors of Jiu-Ping did a fine job in striking a balance between scope and depth. Historical facts, stories and anecdotes are used to support the analysis and conclusions.

The nine chapters are divided according to the Party’s different attributes, or characteristics, rather than along socio-economic lines, or policies. Each chapter reads like a complete paper, with a foreword, main contents, a conclusion and references (in the English version). Here we only touch on the contents. The synopsis that follows can in no way capture the depth and breathe of the entire book. We therefore recommend reading the Nine Commentaries in its entirety to achieve a full understanding of all that it encompasses. [1]

The Introduction

The author gives a brief overview of the CCP’s history as the darkest page in Chinese history, resulting in the “total collapse of social, moral and ecological systems, and a profound crisis for the Chinese people, and indeed for humanity.” “The demise of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is only a matter of time.”

Chapter One, “On What the Communist Party Is” discusses the CCP’s founding and exposes its nature of violence and deception.

As stated in the Communist Manifesto, the party’s principle document, the “ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.” The Communists apply the theory of social Darwinism, including the concept of inter-species competition to secure the survival of the fittest, to human relationships and to human history. Thus class struggle, along with deception and lies, is the driving force for society’s development.

The goal of maintaining power and absolute control of society has always remained clear. For example, when faced with a crisis threatening its legitimacy or survival, the CCP has simply changed its principles. Since its founding, the CCP has modified the party’s Constitution 16 times.

Prolonged indoctrination to unconditionally obey starts in preschool and kindergarten, where party sanctioned answers are rewarded. No matter what an individual thinks, he must tow the party line in public; organizations or persons deemed detrimental or potentially detrimental to the party’s power, are removed.

The “CCP’s evil possession controls society so tightly that it can hardly be compared to any other regime in the world.”

Chapter Two, “On the Beginnings of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)”

The Russians introduced the Communist movement to China as an experiment amid China’s chaotic years following the Xinhai Revolution. The CCP then used Marxism to seize private property and Leninism to eliminate its enemies. Using its atheist ideology, the CCP destroyed China’s 5000 years of traditional civilization and beliefs.

The authors listed nine inherited traits of the CCP: evil, deceit, incitement, unleashing the scum of society, espionage, robbery, fighting, elimination, and control. Using chronological order, this chapter describes how the CCP manifests each of these traits.

Chapter Three, “On the Tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party”

China’s first emperor Qing Shi Huang was commonly considered a great tyrant. However, when comparing himself to the first emperor, Mao Zedong boasted, “What can Emperor Qin Shihuang brag about? He only killed 460 Confucian scholars, but we killed 46,000 intellectuals.”

This chapter recalls the political campaigns that the CCP has repeatedly used to force all Chinese people to become obedient party servants: the elimination of landlords and capitalists; the crackdown on religions; luring Chinese intellectuals to speak up in the “Hundred Flowers Bloom” campaign and then attacking them in the Anti-Rightist Movement; the Great Leap Forward; the Cultural Revolution; and the reform and opening up. Despite the economic reform and opening up since 1978, the CCP’s violent nature has remained the same.

Chapter Four, “On How the Communist Party Is an Anti-Universe Force”

In ancient China, any behavior not conforming to the standard of morality was said “not to follow the principle of Tao.” Faith involves the experience and understanding of life, space-time, and the universe, all of which lie beyond what a political party can manage. Yet when Mao Zedong famously said, “battling with heaven is endless joy, fighting with the earth is endless joy, and struggling with humanity is endless joy,” he expressed his atheist belief that the CCP can control both Mother Nature and the future.

Based on struggling with humanity, the CCP has launched numerous campaigns that have turned family members into enemies; violating the laws of nature, it has created frequent ecological disasters, labeling religions as superstition, it has crushed people with spiritual beliefs. In their mind, the Party has absolute authority over everything, including nature. Everything outside of its own theories is considered “superstition.” If there is no God, no Buddha, no afterlife and no causal retribution, there is also no need for people to pay for what they do, no need to abide by any laws, no need to have any code of behavior, and no need to repent.

Chapter Five, “On the Collusion of Jiang Zemin with the CCP to Persecute Falun Gong”

When Falun Gong was introduced in China in 1992, people gradually realized that it taught people to become better based upon the principles of “Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance.” “Truthfulness,” includes only telling the truth and doing truthful things, whereas the CCP relies on lies to brainwash people. If everyone told the truth, the public would learn the truth about the CCP. Instead of Compassion, the CCP uses “class struggle.” If the CCP had compassion, the brutal, merciless purges would never have taken place.

In 1999, “Jiang Zemin intended to solve the issue of Falun Gong in ‘three months.’” Jiang and the CCP’s politburo decided on three policies to eliminate Falun Gong: “to ruin [their] reputations, bankrupt [them] financially, and destroy [them] physically.” The suppression campaign used every resource available, including implicating family members, massive lies in the media, brutal torture, and wanton killing, all of which are discussed in detail. The result according to this chapter: the CCP has “instead exhausted its own energy. Now the Party is too far gone to resuscitate.”

Chapter Six is “On How the Chinese Communist Party Destroyed Traditional Culture” 

The Chinese people’s 5,000 years of ancient civilization were inspired by Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. They therefore believed it to be passed down by gods. Seeing these as roadblocks to the party’s control, the CCP attacked religions,  demolished temples, burned scriptures, distorted Chinese history by emphasizing the vilest parts, and destroyed traditional culture. Instead, the CCP canonized its own leaders to promote a cult of personality.

Devoted Buddhists and Taoists were labeled counter-revolutionaries, imprisoned, forced to “reform through labor,” or even executed. Western religions, such as Christianity and Catholicism were not spared. A staggering number of clergymen were killed or sent to labor camps.

Three generations of Chinese people who grew up after 1949 are ignorant about their country’s real history and traditions.

Chapter Seven is “On the Chinese Communist Party’s History of Killing”

This chapter describes the ideology and practical requirements that lie behind the CCP’s slaughters. “Unlike all the emperors who granted amnesty to the entire country after they were crowned, the CCP started killing the minute it gained power.” Killing innocent people is the CCP’s ruling strategy.

In addition to firing squads, the CCP used political persecution, torture, psychological abuse, and even deprivation of medicine to achieve the same goal without wasting a bullet. In the Great Famine from 1959 to 1961, the CCP instituted a travel ban. Millions of starving peasants were barred from leaving their villages when they had no food left. The death of millions from starvation in the three years of “natural disaster” is a topic that remains taboo, even today.

The CCP wants people to be numb from the frequent exposure to inhumane brutality, and think, “The best you can hope for is to avoid being persecuted.” The more people killed and the crueler the killings, the greater the ability to terrify. In this way, the Communist Party maintains its absolute power.

Chapter Eight is “On How the Chinese Communist Party Is an Evil Cult”

The chapter explores the CCP’s nature, whether the CCP is truly communist, and the extent to which the CCP itself is “xie jiao,” the direct translation of which is “evil religion” (evil cult).

Thirteen religious traits characteristic of the CCP and six areas which demonstrate that the CCP is a “cult” are discussed in depth.

However, with the advance of telecommunications and the Internet, the public is beginning to wake up from their illusions about the CCP. As millions of people begin to denounce the CCP and remove its influence from their hearts, the evil cult will lose its possessive power over people and die.

Chapter Nine is “On the Unscrupulous Nature of the Chinese Communist Party”

This Commentary deals with the effect of Communism on modern China. Under a political environment conducive to corruption, party leaders have used their positions to fill their pockets. Police and outlaws have joined forces to bully people. Truth and conscience have vanished, leaving only the CCP’s logic. The party often discusses the “awful” effects of a democratic election, or of Falun Gong. Anything disliked is attributed to reactionary forces and the ulterior motives of individuals; everything good is credited to the Party leadership. The CCP uses “patriotism” and “nationalism” to mobilize people to do what it wants.

A government should always be monitored. In democratic countries, the separation of powers plus the freedoms of speech and press are good mechanisms for surveillance. Religious beliefs provide additional moral self-restraint. But according to the CCP, “The CCP monitors itself!” It praises itself with slogans such as: “There would be no new China without the CCP.” “Behave like good children of the Party.” “I consider the Party as my mother.”

Although Jiu-Ping uncovers many insidious crimes and dark secrets of the CCP and their dire consequences on Chinese society, the book nonetheless concludes on a positive note. “When people recognize the CCP’s villainous nature and resist being deceived by its false images, the end will arrive for the CCP and its unscrupulous nature.” It calls for “renewal of the nation’s morality, restoration of a harmonious relationship between humans and nature,” “a peaceful coexistence among humans,” and “a smooth transition to a society free from the Communist Party.”

To read the complete book , the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, please click here .
