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Net Profits for Central Government Enterprises Continue to Decline

According to the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC), the net profits for central government enterprises amounted to 253 billion yuan (US$40 billion) for the period from January to April 2012, down 13.2 percent from the same period last year. The previous report, which was for the first quarter of 2012, suggested that the central enterprises showed an end to the growth that had occurred over the last two years and showed a decline for the first time since November of 2009.

The decline was due to a number of external factors such as an increase in the prices of energy, raw materials, and agricultural products. Other external contributors included an excess of administrative layers, poor management skills, and harsh internal competition. Some experts also indicated that the “good old days” of central enterprises were due to the 4 trillion yuan (US$633 billion) from the economic stimulus plan that followed the 2008 economic crisis. It is expected that the net profits will continue to decline in the near future.

Source: China Economy, May 19, 2012

Central Government Owned Enterprises Only Submit a Tiny Portion of Their Profits to the Government

On May 14, 2012, Study Times, the publication of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, reprinted an article originally published on March 25, 2012, in Southern Metropolis Daily. The article questioned the whereabouts of the huge profits that the enterprises that China’s central government owns have earned.

According to the article, at the start of 2012, the central government owned 963 enterprises, a few more than last year. In 2011, the net profit from these enterprises was 852.27 billion yuan (US$134.9 billion). However, they only submitted 75.736 billion yuan of their profits to the government and project they will only submit 82.3 billion yuan in 2012. That means that each central government owned enterprise submits less than 100 million yuan per year to the government. Yet even the Agricultural Bank, one of the least profitable central government owned enterprises in China, made 300 million yuan per day. The article concluded with a question: “We would like to ask these central government owned enterprises: ‘Where do your profits go?’”

Source: Study Times, May 14, 2012

Qiu Shi: The West Discredits Chinese State-Owned Enterprises

Qiu Shi, a magazine of the CCP Central Committee, published an article that accused the West of giving Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOE’s) a bad name. The article claimed that there has been a recent wave of propaganda in the West suggesting that the Chinese government subsidizes SOE’s. This practice introduces unfair competition into international trade and hurts China’s trading partners. However, the author attempted to justify the dominance of SOE’s in the key industries by referring to existence of SOE’s in the history of Western capitalism. The author expressed that the West just does not feel happy about the fact that some Chinese state-owned companies are too large and too successful for them to be able to compete. The article concluded that China should keep backing these companies.

Source: Qiu Shi, May 10, 2012

China’s Relies on Imports for over 56 Percent of Its Oil and Iron Ore

On May 10, 2011, China’s Ministry of Land and Resources issued the “2011 China’s Land and Resources Report.” The report revealed that China relies on imports for over 56 percent of all of the oil and iron ore it uses. The report stated, “In 2011, the total foreign trade in mineral products amounted to US$957.1 billion, which was a 34.3 percent increase over the previous year; imports increased 34.5, while exports increased 33.9 percent.”

Source: People’s Daily, May 10, 2012

Local Governments Face High Pressure as Debts Mature

SecuTimes recently reported on the issue of local governments facing pressure due to debts that will mature at a peak time in 2012. According to the National Audit Office, it is estimated that local government debts amounting to RMB 3 trillion (US$477 billion) are expected to mature this year. With the adjusted interest rate, 2012 is the year in which local governments face the highest risk of defaulting on their debts. By the end of 2010, total local debts reached RMB 9.67 trillion (US$1.54 trillion). In fact, local governments never planned to pay off their debts with budgeted fiscal funds. Instead, nearly all expected payments were based on anticipated land sale income that was not included in the official budget. However, the cooling housing market has caused a significant decline in land sales. It is estimated that the funding gap for these debts is about RMB 500 to 1000 billion. In the meantime, local governments are required to fund housing construction plans for low income families. This will further increase the likelihood of a debt crisis.

Source: SecuTimes, April 28, 2012

Ministry of Commerce: First Quarter Foreign Trade Slowed Down

China Economy recently reported that the Ministry of Commerce released a first quarter foreign trade review showing the market’s movement in six key areas: (1) The import and export growth rates significantly slowed down, which was a continuation of the direction established in the last quarter of 2011. (2) Chinese exports to Europe suffered a decline, while trade with emerging markets showed rapid growth. (3) Labor-intensive products (such as shoes) recorded very slow growth, while mechanical and electrical products exhibited healthy growth. (4) Coastal provinces reported much slower growth than the Middle West provinces. (5) Private companies were responsible for more than half of the growth in foreign trade. (6) Import growth significantly slowed. Some commodities were produced in much larger quantities, with lower prices.

Source: China Economy, April 27, 2012

National Bureau of Statistics: Chinese Farm Workers Exceeded 250 Million

A recent National Bureau of Statistics report show that, in 2011, the population of Chinese farm workers, farmers who left their land and chose to work in cities, reached 252 million, up by 4.4 percent from 2010. Of these workers, there were 158 million migrant workers who travel outside their local region to find jobs, 3.4 percent more than 2010. The report showed that 65.4 percent of farm workers were concentrated in the eastern region, down 1.5 percent from 2010; 17.6 percent were in the central region, up by 0.7 percent; 16.7 percent were in the western region, up by 0.8 percent; and the balance of 0.3 percent worked in Hong Kong, Macau, or outside of China.

The survey also reported that there were fewer farm workers who worked outside of their residential province. The jobs that the farm workers held remained in the manufacturing, construction, and service industries. The average monthly income for the migrant workers in 2011 was 2,049 yuan (US$350), up by 21.2 percent from 2010. The middle and central regions had a greater increase than the Eastern region. There has been improvement in delayed wages and extended working hours. The level of participation in social insurance has improved but still remains low.

The term "migrant worker" refers to the farm workers who work outside of their residential village or town for more than 6 months. The sample survey was conducted among 200,000 farm workers from 7,500 villages and 899 counties in 31 provinces.

Source: Xinhua, April 28, 2012

Wen Jiabao: What Will We Leave to Future Generations?

In Stockholm recently, Wen Jiabao met with local Chinese companies, overseas Chinese and representatives of Chinese students. In his discussion he raised the question of China’s future. He also pointed out a number of issues related to China’s economic development. He stated, “In a nutshell, our economic development is neither balanced nor coordinated; nor is it sustainable. (The problems) relate mainly to the widening income gaps between rural and urban areas and between different regions, to expanding inequality in income distribution, to over-consumption of resources, to  energy, and to severe environmental pollution. These problems lead us to think about what we will leave to future generations.” Wen stated that sustained growth “relies not only on economic development, but also on progress in society, on the quality of our people, and on the power of morality. No one would be able to beat such a country (that had those qualities).

Source: China News Service, April 25, 2012