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Geo-Strategic Trend - 158. page

Chinese Helicopter Crossed Sino-Indian Border before Xi’s Meeting with Modi

On June 4, a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) helicopter flew inside India’s Arunachal Pradesh and made a landing. It then returned five minutes later. Both China and India claim this region, but it is currently under India’s control.

The Indian government strongly protested the border crossing and stated that, in the upcoming meeting with Xi Jinping, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi would demand an explanation from China’s President Xi.

Xi and Modi then met at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on June 9. It is not clear whether Modi requested an explanation.

An earlier incident occurred in 2014. While Xi was visiting India and was about to meet Modi to negotiate an investment of $20 billion, the PLA army crossed the China-Indian border and camped on the Indian side. Many people think that Xi’s political opponents in China set up the incident.

Source: DW News, June 5, 2017

India’s GDP Growth Rate Surpassed China for Three Years in a Row

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that, according to the official numbers that the Indian government just released, India’s 2016 fiscal year GDP growth rate was 7.1 percent. This has been the third year in a row for India to have a higher growth rate than China. The Indian government and the private sector investments suffered a very slow growth rate, at two percent. However personal spending grew very strongly, at nine percent. In the meantime, based on the newly released numbers, India’s disruptive abolition of large bills near the end of 2016 did cause some negative impact on consumer spending. The World Bank estimated that India will enjoy a 7.2 percent growth in 2017 and 7.5 percent in 2018. The International Monetary Fund expects India’s 2018 growth will even reach 7.7 percent. Experts expressed the belief that India’s tax reform will bring growth in the future. China’s official 2016 GDP growth rate was reported to be 6.7 percent.

Source: Sina, May 31, 2017

China’s Foreign Ministry on Chinese and Russian Opposition to US Deployment of “THAAD” in South Korea

On June 8, 2017, at a regular press conference, a spokesperson for China’s Foreign Ministry asserted China’s firm stand opposing the U.S. deployment of “THAAD” in South Korea. The spokesperson, Hua Chunying, told reporters that China and Russia “share a high degree of consensus and common interests” in their opposition to the U.S. deployment of  “THAAD” in South Korea and “will continue to have close communication and coordination” on the matter.

When answering a question on North Korea’s recent firing of surface-to-ship missiles off its east coast, Hua Chunying said, “Under the current circumstances, the relevant parties should exercise restraint, refrain from provocative actions that may escalate regional tensions, and play a positive role in de-escalating and stabilizing the situation.”

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Website

RFA: Russia Fears China May Demand Its Territory

According to Radio Free Asia (RFA), Moscow based EurAsia Daily (EA Daily) reported that people in Russia and Tajikistan are worried that China may demand that the two countries return to China those territories it believes belong to China.

China raised the territory issue with Tajikistan in 2013 and then raised the issue again in 2016. Tajikistan’s archaeologists, historians, and scholars are afraid that China may someday take its land back.

The “China Threat” theory has been spread in Russia. One of the points is that “China will, sooner or later, request that Russia return its territory that Russia took by force.”

At the same time, some Chinese media exposed the fact that Jiang Zemin, the former Chinese Communist Party leader, voluntarily signed treaties to give up China’s territory to other countries, when there was no external pressure to do so.

{Editor’s note: There have been reports that Jiang Zemin gave up over 1 million square km (247 million acres) of China’s land to Russia, but he has silenced any reporting on this in China.}

Source: RFA, May 22, 2017

Radio Free Asia: North Korea Increases Taxes and Fees for Merchants from Mainland China

According to an article that Radio Free Asia published, since May, North Korea has been imposing different types of tax and fees on merchants who come from China to enter the Rason Special Economic Zone. The total could add up to as much as 1,000 yuan (US$147) for each such entrance. The move is considered to be related to friction in the foreign relations between China and North Korea. The article quoted comments from South Koreans that, since North Korea is facing sanctions from the international community, it is possible that it is using the imposed taxes to offset the shortage in foreign currency. However since the fee is not a small amount for small businesses owners, it might also result in a reduced traffic flow and trade activities.

Source: Radio Free Asia, June 1, 2017

China Responded to the Notion of China Shouldering More Responsibility on the North Korea Issue

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that Hua Chunying, the spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, commented on the North Korea issue in response to a question indicating that most Western leaders believe that China bears special responsibilities on the matter. Hua acknowledged the existence of such a belief among Western leaders. However, she asked people to study more of the history behind the North Korea issue. She stated that it would be really easy to discover that, at the core of this issue, lies a significant lack of mutual trust between the North Korean side and the U.S. – South Korea side. Hua repeated the Chinese position (that the two sides should) find a balance via peaceful talks. She also called again for a stop on both sides of further stimulating a dangerous situation. Hua concluded that China has done all it could have done and now it’s up to “other related parties” to deliver on their responsibilities.

Source: Sina, June 2, 2017

North Korean Officials: China Is within the Range of North Korea’s Nuclear Attack  (a major news media in South Korea), reported that an official from the Propaganda Incitement Department of North Korea’s Labor Party Central Committee claimed, “The recent successfully developed new rocket Hwasong-12 (Mars-12) is a nuclear transportation vehicle that can conduct attacks on the entire China.” He made the statements during a speech to the Ryanggang Provincial Party Committee members on May 20.

The speaker stated, “Mars-12 has successfully put China within our missile network,” and “(We) don’t have to fear China’s sanctions against North Korea.”

A source familiar with the situation said, “(Our media) disseminated threatening statements to China such as ‘There is no restriction to our attacks and nobody in the world can survive our attacks.” “China must have known very clearly that these rude remarks targeted itself.”


China Confirmed the Arrest of Lee Ming-cheh, a Taiwan Citizen

On May 26, An Fengshan, a spokesperson for the State Taiwan Affairs Office in mainland China confirmed that China has arrested Lee Ming-cheh, a Taiwan citizen. Lee is an employee of a Non-Government Organization and a former volunteer for the Democratic Progressive Party in Taiwan.

An Fengshan stated that Lee was involved in the crime of “subversion of state power” and thus the police from Hunan Province arrested him. “State Security took forcible measures against Lee Ming-cheh accordingly to the law. After interrogation, Lee and others admitted that they had conducted activities to subvert our state security.”

The Mainland Affairs Council in Taiwan responded that the mainland’s statement was obscure and thus did not seem convincing to the Taiwan people or to the international community.

Source: China Times, May 27, 2017