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Geo-Strategic Trend - 197. page

Huanqiu: The Possibility that Sino-Vietnamese Relations Will “Derail” Has Increased

Huanqiu (Global Times), which is under People’s Daily, published a commentary that discussed recent developments in Sino-Vietnamese relations. The following is a summary of the commentary.    

Starting on January 18, Vietnam organized a series of activities to commemorate "the 40th anniversary of the Paracel Islands maritime war" including photo exhibits of how the "Paracel Islands belong to Vietnam," "naval martyrs of the Paracel Islands maritime war," a candlelight vigil," and an international forum on the subject of how the "Paracel Islands belong to Vietnam." In addition to a handful of media directly under the central government, most domestic media reported on related activities. It is said that the Vietnamese side will host activities to commemorate "the 35th anniversary of the northern border Battle [against China]." The above facts show that the possibility that Sino-Vietnamese relations will "derail" has increased. 
It is worth noting that nationalist sentiment in Vietnam is increasing. Sino-Vietnam relations are facing more and more severe challenges. In recent years, the differences between China and Vietnam have been increasingly focused on the South China Sea issue. On the South China Sea, Vietnam’s officials and the public’s views have been consistent: that it is "a matter of national survival." According to its maritime strategy planning, Vietnam expects to raise its maritime economic output to 53 to 55 percent of GDP by 2020. Therefore, advancing into the South China Sea is its inevitable choice. On the other hand, many Vietnamese worry that China will become an obstacle for Vietnam to achieve its goal. They believe a more powerful China will eventually endanger "the survival of the Vietnamese nation." 
As long as China continues to defend its rights in the South China Sea and as long as the Vietnamese need to maintain their "national unity," it will be difficult for its [hostile] domestic sentiments towards China to subside. 

Source: Huanqiu, January 21, 2014

Japan and India Agree to Cooperate in Forming an Anti-China Great Wall

The following is an excerpt from an article in Xinhua, China’s State-run media, entitled, "Eye on China: Japan and India Expand Their Cooperation on Defense." The article reported on Japan and India’s military cooperation:

Recently in New Delhi, Japan’s defense minister Itsunori Onodera reached an agreement with India to cooperate on defense. On the 7th, media from both countries invariably made this same interpretation. Both sides confirmed that they will hold regular joint exercises and strengthen anti-terrorism, humanitarian assistance, and other aspects of cooperation. As an "epic signal" of strengthening the relations between Japan and India, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will be present on the 26th of this month as the main guest at the India National Day military parade. Media from the two countries stressed that the common "China threat" is the "catalyst" for both sides to come together. 
The website of the Indian Digest magazine summarized the defense cooperation agreement that the two countries reached on the 6th. The title of the article was, "India and Japan Use Military Relations to Build an Anti-China Great Wall." 
Japan’s Daily News commented on the 7th that cooperation with India is a measure taken against the military rise of China. 

Source: Xinhua, January 8, 2014

People’s Daily Opens Special Column to Expose Japan’s Militarism, Invasiveness, and Destruction

In its January 5 edition, People’s Daily initiated a special column on its third page to “expose Japan’s militarism, its invasiveness, and its destructive nature.” The column consists of articles on the history of Japan’s war of aggression and expansion during the Second World War. In the opening remarks, the column stated that Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s recent visit to the shrine that honors soldiers including war criminals during the Second World War is a clear signal that he intends to revoke the historic facts. It identifies that action as a part of the Abe administration’s political moves and observes that Japan has no intention of improving its relationship with its neighboring countries.

Source: People’s Daily, January 5, 2014

Global Times: Japan Insisted on Adding Content to ASEAN Summit Announcement

Global Times recently reported that Japan insisted on adding language regarding the newly established Chinese Air Defense Identification Zone to the joint announcement of the Special Summit between Japan and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). Japan wanted to mention the importance of “safety and the freedom of flight over the high seas.” Japan firmly insisted on the addition despite the unwillingness of some ASEAN countries. The final draft also included the agreement that the nations involved would coordinate on the Chinese Identification Zone issue under ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization). The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that China “noticed the related reports” and would like to suggest that countries should not go against a third party when developing relationships.
Source: Global Times, December 13, 2013

People’s Daily BBS Article: Get Ready to Bomb Japan with Missiles

On December 8, 2013, People’s Daily published an article on what China should do immediately now that it has established the East Sea Air Defense Identification Zone.

  1. The Chinese navy and air force should sink any ships, shoot down any aircraft, and arrest any people from other countries who enter the Diaoyu Islands’ waters and airspace without having received permission from the Chinese government.
  2. Encourage the Chinese people from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to go to Diaoyu Islands, the waters and the land, under the protection of China or Taiwan’s Navies and Air Force. 
  3. Have a missile drill in the Diaoyu Islands waters soon.
  4. Stop any negotiations with Japan over the Diaoyu Islands.
  5. Submit a proposal on how the "Ryukyu Islands’ international status is undetermined" to the UN General Assembly for discussion and deliberation. Meanwhile, get ready to bomb Japan’s mainland with missiles.

Source: People’s Daily, December 8, 2013

BBC Chinese: China Investing Heavily in Ukraine Port

BBC Chinese reported that Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich visited China on December 4. At the same time in Beijing, well-known Chinese investor Wang Jing announced a planned joint-venture to build a deep water port in Ukraine. Wang’s planned investment totals US$3 billion. Ukrainian domestic media have reported that the President conducted the planned visit to China in order to seek a Chinese loan of US$10 billion for the country’s immediate debt crisis. The first phase of the planned deep water port project costs US$3 billion. The second phase, which has an estimated cost of US$7 billion, will be funded by building an oil refinery, a liquid natural gas plant, an airport and a shipyard. Ukraine currently has a “strategic partnership” relationship with China. President Yanukovich is currently facing heavy political challenges in Ukraine. A senior U.S. official has reported that the United States supports Yanukovich’s opposition.
Source: BBC Chinese, December 5, 2013

IMG Artists & China Arts and Entertainment Group Announce Sino-U.S. Joint Venture

On November 22, The China Arts and Entertainment Group (CAEG) and IMG Artists announced a new joint venture Sino America Global Entertainment (SAGE) effectively the largest private, performing arts partnership between the United States and China. Liu Yandong, Vice Premier of the State Council, and Ding Wei, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Culture oversaw the official signing during a Symposium held at Carnegie Hall in New York. Dignitaries and executives from the leading arts, education, and culture institutions in New York were in attendance.

IMG Artists LLC is a leading universal performing arts management corporation with diverse lines of business. IMG Artists’ capabilities include the management and touring of world renowned musicians, dance companies, orchestras, and attractions, as well as consulting and advisory work for independent clients, arts institutions, concert halls, and culturally engaged corporations.

According to CAEG’s website, "China Arts & Entertainment Group (CAEG) is a large State-owned cultural company, and one of the four national model bases for cultural exports affirmed by the Ministry of Culture. CAEG so far has organized 290 programs and 21,000 performances in some 60 countries and regions, attracting more than 28 million audience members. The group has 19 wholly-owned companies at home and abroad."

According to Zhang Yu, president and general manager of CAEG, the mission of CAEG is to have Chinese culture "go global." With SAGE, Chinese cultural programs can reach mainstream audience in North America via operations such as North American business tour, "Chinese Culture Week," and "Chinese Cultural Festival." But there is a greater significance. "For a long time, the landing of our cultural and arts products overseas has depended almost entirely on foreign performing companies. Although this avoided risk, we lost the autonomy of our cultural products. As we could not reach the end consumers, we were not able, on a fundamental level, to enter the market and effectively compete. The launch of the joint venture allows us to be effective in localizing the operations in New York, the center of world’s performing arts, and other parts of the North America market, so as to transition from the model of relying on local performing companies to directly facing the end consumers."

SAGE will build new platforms for global entertainment and performing arts initiatives including international arts festivals, talent exchange, sharing of local market expertise and more.

Source: Xinhua, December 3, 2013

BBC Chinese: Japan Turned to ICAO to Discuss China’s Air Defense ID Zone

BBC Chinese recently reported that Japan took the issues arising out of China’s creation of the Chinese Air Defense Identification Zone to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The Japanese representative asked the ICAO Council to have a discussion on how to deal with the newly established Chinese Air Defense Identification Zone. Japan called the Zone a potential threat to international civil aviation order and safety. The United States, Great Britain, and Australia all agreed with the Japanese on their call for a discussion. However China disagreed. The United States government stated that the U.S. government expects civil airlines to follow the ICAO regulations on issuing NOTAM (Notice to Airmen). However that does not mean that the U.S. government accepts Beijing’s terms for its Zone. Since rounds of foreign military aircraft have ignored the Chinese Identification Zone rules, the Chinese Air Force has started sending fighter jets to identify the aircraft entering the Zone.

Source: BBC Chinese, November 30, 2013