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Geo-Strategic Trend - 251. page

“Taiwan Communist Party” Officially Formed

Taiwan Communist Party announced its establishment in Town of Xinghua in Tainan County on July 20. Taiwan Ministry of Interior issued its final approval last month. Huang Laoyang was elected as the Chairman by 70 party members. He has been seeking approvals of the Taiwan administration since 1984.

Source: Taiwan United Daily News, July 21, 2008

Hu Says China Prioritizes Sino-Russian Strategic Partnership Development in Foreign Relations

Hu met the visiting Russian Foreign Minister S. V. Lavrov on July 21, 2008, in the People’s Hall in Beijing. During the meeting, Hu expressed appreciation for Russia’s supports to China in the issues related to Taiwan, Tibet, and Beijing Olympics. Hu said that China always puts developing Sino-Russian strategic partnership in priority in China’s foreign relations work and hopes to further implement the various achieved agreements and consensuses between the two countries, deepen the strategic cooperation.

Source: People’s Daily, July 22, 2008

Beijing Olympics: China Asked Japan for Falun Gong Names, Japan Refused

Japan rejected China’s request for names of Falun Gong practitioners currently living in Japan, reported Kyodo News Service July 16. The request was made in connection with the security of the upcoming Olympics. Since it has a visa waiver program with Japan, China is concerned that Falun Gong adherents might enter China from Japan as tourists without applying for visas and peacefully protest during the games. Japan rejected the request citing protection of privacy.

Source: Epoch Times, July 18, 2008

Sanhedrin in Isr’l Confirms Killing of Falun Gong Adherents in China

Eleven judges of the re-established Sanhedrin, a body that aims to emulate the ancient Jewish Supreme Court reached a conclusion that according to available evidence Falun Gong members in China are indeed being persecuted and sent to detention camps, where they are killed and likely having their organs harvested and sold. Judge and Rabbi Meir Jaacov Halevy announced the conclusion on behalf of the Sanhedrin last week. The court also urged the Communist Party to respect ancient principles of respecting life and not killing.

The court accepted to hear the complaint in January 2007 which was brought forth by Falun Gong practitioners in Israel against the Chinese Communist regime. The Chinese embassy in Israel was invited but did not appear in court. Earlier its representatives attempted to pressure the court not to hear the case, saying that it might harm the relations between Israel and China. In 2004 the Sanhedrin appointed itself as an international Torah court.

Source: New Tang Dynasty TV, July 19, 2008
Falun Info Center, July  29, 2008  

Chinese Diplomat Pressured Eutelsat to Drop Independent TV programs

A telephone recording shows that the Chinese Ambassador in Italy, Sun Yuxi, directly pressured Eutelsat, an European Satellite carrier, to cut off the signal of New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV). NTDTV is an independent TV media company based in NY. With its uncensored broadcasts, NTDTV is the only Chinese TV station broadcasting to people inside China. On June 16, Eutelsat turned off NTDTV’s signal on the grounds of lacking electric power.

The recording has confirmed that the Chinese Communist Party played a major role in this incident. Ambassador Sun personally negotiated the turning off of the NTDTV signal. Eutelsat reported immediately to Sun Yuxi after shutting down NTDTV’s broadcasting into China. Ambassador Sun supported Eutelsat on this move. Eutelsat expects to develop some relationships with the Chinese Central Television (CCTV) and Chinese Aerospace and Aeronautics Industry Group.

Source: World Orgnization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong, July 16, 2008

Independent TV Station Loses Signal Over China

On Monday, June 16, weeks before the opening of the Beijing Olympics, New Tang Dynasty Television’s (NTDTV) broadcast into Asia was stopped. Millions of households in China are no longer able to receive the broadcast of the largest independent Chinese-language TV network. The cause of the downed signal, according to Eutelsat Communications, the satellite operator, was due to "an anomaly to the satellite power supply system". The broadcasting of VOA programming using the same satellite, however, has not been affected. Eutelsat has declined NTDTV’s request to provide an estimate on when the signal may be restored. Kerry Hong, spokesperson for NTDTV, suspected that the “termination” was made under pressure from the Chinese government in exchange for lucrative contracts. NTDTV, widely known for being the only uncensored Chinese-language TV program broadcast over China, has been using the Eutelsat satellite service since 2002.

Source: NTDTV, July 1, 2008

Beijing Approves SCO’s Long Term Friendly Cooperation Treaty

On June 26, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s top legislature, Thursday approved the Treaty of the Long-term Good Neighborly and Friendly Cooperation between Member Countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). The 26-clause treaty is aimed to develop the region into a peaceful, cooperative, prosperous and harmonious one. It asks all signing countries to support each others on major issues regarding sovereignty, territorial integrity, security and development. A signing country should not join in any other alliances or groups or activities that are hostile to other signees, according to the multinational pact.SCO members include the Republic of Kazakhstan, the People’s Republic of China, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Source: Xinhua, June 26, 2008

Mainland Official Media Expected to Re-enter Taiwan

Taiwan Mainland Affairs Council is expected to pass a proposal to allow Xinhua and People’s Daily, two official news agencies from mainland China, to re-enter Taiwan and setup their correspondence stations before the end of June. The permit is for three months plus one extension. The Council is also expected to loosen up the requirements for mainland movie stars to perform in Taiwan.

Both agencies were asked to leave Taiwan in 2005 after Beijing passed the “Anti-Separation Law”. The agencies were said to have reported “biased and untruthful” news during that time.

Source: BBC, June 24, 2008