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Geo-Strategic Trend - 260. page

China-Russia Military Hotline Formally Opened for Conversation

International Herald Leader, a newspaper owned by Xinhua News Agency,reported that on March 14, 2008, a China-Russia military hotline formally opened for communication between the two countries. In the first telephone conversation over the line, Chinese Defense Minister Cao Gangchuan talked to his Russian counterpart Anatoly Serdyukov. The report says that China-Russia military hotline beat out the China-U.S. hotline as China’s first such telephone line linked to a foreign country, which reflected a higher level of political trust and strategic coordination between China and Russia.

Source: Xinhua, March 18, 2008

Hong Kong on U.S. Human Rights Report

A Hong Kong Special Administrative Region representative commented on the U.S. report stating that although universal suffrage will not occur in 2008, gradual changes may be made for the elections of the Chief Executive and the 60-member Legislative Council.  

Universal suffrage would allow
Hong Kong residents to choose their representatives independent of Beijing’s appointment. Hong Kong has been a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China since July 1, 1997.  On December 29, 2007, Beijing made it clear that it would not allow universal suffrage for Hong Kong’s Chief Executive until 2017. Similarly, it will not be until 2020 that Hong Kong’s residents may have the right to directly elect all the members of Hong Kong’s legislature. 

Source: Ming Pao, March 12, 2008

India and China Decide to Hold Joint Military Drill in India

VOA reports on February 25 that India authorities have announced that India and China will hold a joint military drill this year in India. Details of the drill are yet to be determined. Both countries had a joint military drill in China earlier.

Source: VOA, February 25, 2008

Xinhua: Sudan Newspaper Hails China’s Darfur Stance

On February 24, 2008, China’s envoy for Darfur, Liu Guijin, arrived in Sudan for a four-day visit. Xinhua reported that Sudan Vision, a Sudanese English-language newspaper ran an editorial in both English and Chinese, hailing China’s position on Darfur. Xinhua quoted from the editorial, “China develops cooperation partnership with Sudan based on China’s long term consistent support of African development. The support is not political.”

Source: Xinhua, Febraury 24, 2008.

Mongolia’s Arkhangai Expects Chinese Language Courses

J. Khurelsukh, governor of Mongolia’s Arkhangai Province, told Chinese Ambassador Yu Hongyao on February 19 that there is a need for Chinese language courses in middle and elementary schools in the province. Khurelsukh regarded it necessary for Mongolians to study Chinese language to facilitate the exchanges and cooperation with China. Recently Chinese language has gained popularity in Mongolia with courses launched in more than 40 schools.

Source: Xinhua, February 19, 2008

China Central TV Station Lands in Cuba

A celebrating ceremony was held on February 18, 2008, in Cuba’s capital Havana for the landing of China Central TV (CCTV)’s three international channels in Cuba. Up to 2007, CCTV’s Chinese international channel CCTV-4 had landed 66 programs covering 68 countries and regions; English international channel CCTV-9 landed 98 programs covering 90 countries and regions; French international channel CCTV-F landed 9 programs covering 30 and Spanish international channel CCTV-E landed 7 programs covering 7 countries and regions, respectively.

Source: VOA, February 18, 2008

China Kicks-Off China Year in Australia

On February 10, 2008, “China Year” (2008-2009) in Australia kicks-off in Victoria Art Center in Melbourne. China sent an artist group to celebrate the ceremony. The event was organized by Australian “China Year” Organizing Committee and Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and was sponsored by government.

Source:China News Agency, Feb. 12, 2008

China and Australia’s First Strategic Dialog

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and his Australian counterpart Stephen Smith started their first round of bilateral strategic dialogue in Canberra on Tuesday. Yang expressed satisfaction toward Australia government’s one-china policy and opposition to Taiwan’s referendum on UN membership. Both Ministers agreed to strengthen high level communications, enhance mutual political trust, explore common interests, continue exchanges in culture and education, and deepen bilateral cooperation. Yang also met with Australia’s Prime Minster Kevin Rudd. The strategic dialogue mechanism between the two countries was set up when Chinese President Hu Jintao visited Australia in September 2007.

Source: Xinhua, February 5, 2008