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BBC Chinese: Philippines Opens Four Additional Bases for the U.S. Military

BBC Chinese recently reported that the U.S. has, through an agreement, gained access to four new military bases in the Philippines. These important sites will provide the U.S. military with a forward position to monitor Chinese activities in the South China Sea and around Taiwan. With the agreement, Washington has filled a gap in the U.S. chain of Pacific islands from South Korea and Japan to Australia in the south. That gap in the island chain used to be none other than the Philippines, which borders two of the biggest potential flashpoints, Taiwan and the South China Sea. According to the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) signed by the United States and the Philippines in 2014, the United States previously had limited access to five bases located in the Philippines. The new locations and expanded access will allow for more rapid support for humanitarian and climate-related disasters in the Philippines and to address other shared challenges. The White House did not disclose the locations of the new military bases, but three of them may be located on the island of Luzon on the northern edge of the Philippines. If China is not considered, this is the only large landmass close to Taiwan. This agreement to some extent reverses the situation in which the United States left its former colony more than 30 years ago, and the impact cannot be underestimated. However, the White House is seeking access to “light and flexible operations” sites that can resupply and monitor “as needed,” rather than military bases housing large numbers of troops.

Source: BBC Chinese, February 2, 2023

F-35 First Deployed at U.S. Arctic Base

Well-known Chinese news site Sina (NASDQ: SINA) recently reported that the U.S. Air Force’s F-35A stealth fighter jets have been deployed for the first time at Thule Air Force Base, the northernmost U.S. military base in Greenland. In the region, the warplanes took part in a joint military exercise run by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) from January 15 to 31. Thule Air Force Base, 750 miles north of the Arctic Circle, was home to four F-35A stealth fighter jets. According to markings on one of the jets it showed that the planes were deployed at the  Alaska Eielson Air Force Base, which is another very important military base related to the Arctic. As Russia seeks to expand its influence in the Arctic region, Thule Air Base is playing an increasingly important strategic role. As for China, U.S. officials have been sounding the alarm about China’s “interest in the Arctic.” The U.S. media claimed that the deployment of the F-35 fighter jets and its ever-expanding concept of operations is largely to ensure “the dominance of the United States in the light of the potential Chinese threat and the Russian threat.” Given that competition for Arctic resources has increasingly become an important part of U.S. geopolitical interests, the U.S. will continue to strengthen its military presence in the Arctic region. Not long ago, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg claimed, during his visit to Canada, that Russia’s and China’s cooperation in the Arctic is not in the interests of NATO countries. The spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that NATO falsely claimed that the China-Russia cooperation poses a challenge to NATO’s values and interests, which once again exposed NATO’s attempt to export the Cold War mentality and to replicate confrontation between camps.

Source: Sina, February 1, 2023

Saudi Arabia Used China’s Laser Weapon to Shoot Down Drones

In March 2022, Saudi Arabia shot down 13 drones using the China-made “Silent Hunter” (寂静狩猎者) laser weapon system. This might be the laser weapon’s first showing in real war.

Currently many countries lack effective ways to deal with invasive drones. The traditional ariel defense weapon (e.g. an air-defense missile) is too expensive to use to shoot at a drone and also a drone might be too small for a large-sized air-defense radar system to find.

The advantages of China’s Silent Hunter system are:

  1. It has a low cost. The cost of one shot is less than $1.
  2. It is powerful. Its standard output is 30K watts and its maximum distance is 4,000 meters. It can penetrate 5 layers of a 2 millimeter thick steel plate at a distance of 800 meters and a 5 millimeter steel tank at a distance of 1,000 meters.
  3. It has a high mobility.
  4. It has a high degree of automation.  It automatically captures and locks on the target, it can strike multiple targets at the same time, can switch to a new target and complete aiming in six seconds, and it can hit its targets at an extremely high hit rate.

Source: Phoenix, February 4, 2023

Chinese Sovereign Wealth Fund Owns More than 250 U.K. Properties

The Guardian reported that the China Investment Corporation (CIC), Sovereign Wealth Fund that manages China’s foreign exchange reserves, owns more than 250 properties across the United Kingdom.

CIC has more than 970 billion pounds (US $1.2 trillion) of assets. Via its offshore entities, it bought those properties in Britain, including distribution centers that are key to the flow of food and goods in multiple regions including the south-west and south-east of England and the Midlands.

Land Registry records suggest that CIC has spent at least 580 million pounds on UK properties, although the true figure is likely to be significantly higher because some records are incomplete.

Source: The Guardian, January 27, 2023

UDN: Pyongyang Locked Down for Five Days after Surge of Unidentified Respiratory Cases

United Daily News (UDN), one of the primary Taiwanese news groups, recently reported that NK News quoted a government notice that had been published on January 25th. The notice stated that North Korea’s Pyongyang authorities had ordered a five-day blockade due to “increased cases of unknown respiratory diseases.” The notice from the North Korean authorities did not mention COVID-19, but residents must still stay at home until the end of January 29th, and have to undergo multiple temperature checks every day. Also, Pyongyang residents seem to be hoarding daily necessities. It’s not clear if the rest of North Korea has also imposed a blockade. The North Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said that it has stepped up publicity campaigns in Kaesong, which is close to the South Korean border, so that all workers can abide by the epidemic prevention regulations in their work and life. North Korea claimed to have defeated the COVID-19 virus in August last year, but it has never confirmed how many people had been infected. It is speculated that this may be due to the fact that North Korea lacked the resources to carry out mass screening. On the contrary, the North Korean authorities chose to publish a “daily number of patients with fever,” but no such cases have been reported since July 29 of last year.

Source: UDN, January 26, 2023

The Australian: Fiji’s New Prime Minister Refuses to Allow China to Train Police Force

A Major Australian newspaper The Australian recently reported in its Chinese Edition that the newly elected Fijian prime minister Sitiveni Rabuka has decided to strengthen military and diplomatic ties with Australia and has ruled out having the Chinese military train Fiji’s military or police force. China’s dominance in the South Pacific has met a major stumbling block. As an important departure from the pro-Beijing foreign policy of his predecessor, Mr. Rabuka acknowledged in his first major diplomatic interview since his victory about a month ago that China’s push into the region posed ongoing dangers. He said that, as far as he was concerned, he knew more about Australians, Americans and New Zealanders than he did about the Chinese. However, the former military commander and leader of two coups warned that Australia can no longer take its relationship with Fiji for granted. Mr. Rabuka acknowledged that he was appalled by the development of China’s influence in Fiji during his predecessor’s 16 years in power. He pledged that his government would not accept a Solomon Islands-style agreement to allow China to train Fiji’s police or army. He explained that Fiji has two very friendly agreements: a defense cooperation program with Australia and a military assistance program with New Zealand. He added that, “The interoperability of our forces is also very important.” Mr. Rabuka added that he would reverse the deal with Beijing, and that he would also exclude the sale of key areas of Fiji’s infrastructure, such as airports and seaports, to China or to any other foreign interests. Hi did acknowledge, however, that the new government will continue to receive “technical assistance” from Taiwan.

Source: The Australian (Chinese Edition), January 25, 2023

China Researcher: How Did China Beat the Western Countries in African Investment?

Guancha (The Observer) website is a media in China with a focus on international affairs. It published an interview with Ms. He Wenping, a researcher at the Institute of West Asia and Africa, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), on the differences between China and the Western countries in their investments in Africa.

Ms. He said Africa has three shortcomings: poor infrastructure, lack of skilled people, and lack of money. China’s investments are focusing on these things, such as infrastructure projects and training local people. This includes the Luban Workshop – a number of vocational education classes – and industrial parks at local sites.

Regarding the Western countries’ saying that China is creating a “debt trap” in Africa, Ms. He said it was because they control the discourse power. China is making improvements with CGTN (a state-run English-language news channel based in Beijing) to have its own voice heard. CGTN’s programs are on YouTube and Tweeter and follow the international reporting standard. CGTN’s London station, U.S. station, and Africa station have local people as hosts and reporters. For example, the Africa station at Nairobi, Kenya’s capital city, has an “Africa Live” program with an African anchor and African reporters who go to hot spots to interview people every day. Thus some African scholars are following it every day.

Regarding differences between the West’s and China’s investment in Africa , Ms. He said that the West is telling the African countries what to do while China just treats them as partners. The West’s investments have strings attached but China’s do not. Biden held his U.S.-Africa summit in Washington, DC, while China always has its summit in Africa.

Source: Guancha, January 16, 2023

Following the U.S., the Netherlands and Japan to Take Action on Chinese Chip Industry

Popular Chinese online news site Redian recently republished a Bloomberg report indicating that the Netherlands and Japan, home to major suppliers of semiconductor manufacturing equipment, are about to join a Biden administration-led effort to limit exports of the technology to China. Export controls in the Netherlands and Japan could be finalized as soon as late January, according to people familiar with the matter. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte discussed their plans with U.S. President Joe Biden at the White House earlier this month. “I am very confident that we will get there,” Rutte told Bloomberg in an interview on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. However, the Netherlands and Japan’s restrictions may not go as far as the U.S. restrictions do, which not only limit the export of U.S.-made machines but also prevent U.S. citizens from working with Chinese chipmakers. Even so, once all three countries take action, China may find itself even less able to acquire the technology or expertise needed to manufacture the most advanced semiconductors. A spokesperson for the White House National Security Council declined to comment. The U.S. Commerce Department rules are opposed by some U.S. semiconductor companies but supported by bipartisan lawmakers. China said Biden’s new chip tech curbs will hurt its economic recovery.

Source: Redian, January 19, 2023