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Shandong’s Key CCP Official Sentenced to Life Imprisonment

On February 5, 2008, the Intermediate People’s Court of Xiamen City, Fujian Province sentenced Du Shecheng, former Deputy Secretary of Shandong Province’s CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Committee and Secretary of Qingdao City’s CCP Committee, was sentenced to life sentence with the charge of bribery, deprived of lifetime political rights, and confiscated personal assets. The courts found that while in the office of Vice Governor of Shandong Province, Mayor and CCP Secretary of Qingdao City, Du accepted briberies as high as 6.26 million RMB (0.88 million USD) from individuals and organizations.

Source: Procuratorial Daily, February 5, 2008

Xinhua Headline: WillAmerican Democracy Be Able to Spread to the Whole World?

In today’s world news section, Xinhua runs a headline of "Will ‘American Democracy’ Be Able to Spread to the Whole World?" followed by a group of articles. The articles emphasize that the world is against hegemony, China has its own version of democracy, and that developing countries cannot simply import democracy.

Source: Xinhua, February 5, 2008

Which Comes First: Fiscal Income or Personal Income?

Fiscal revenue of the government and per capita net income of farmers are part of criteria in the performance appraisal of officials, according to Xinhua’s publication, Banyuetan.

The publication continues that some local officials are eager to launch projects that tend to generate high fiscal income at the cost of high pollution, low employment rate and low-income growth of local residents.

Banyuetan (Bi-Weekly Discussion) is a magazine published by Xinhua on behalf of the Publicity Department, Central Committee of The Communist Party of China.

Source: Xinhua, February 3, 2008.

Member of Anhui Politic-Consultative Committee Wang Zhaojun Publishes Second Open Letter

On October 22, 2007, Wang Zhaojun, a delegate member of the Political-Consultative Committee of Anhui Province wrote an open letter and published it on overseas Chinese websites. In it he asked China’s top leaders, Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao, to stop the political persecution of the Chinese people and start political reform. Today, he wrote a second open letter to Hu-Wen calling again for political reform after his press conference about opening an environment protection website was blocked.

Source: Boxun, January 31, 2008

Communist Youth League Enters Hong Kong College Student Association

For the first time, a communist party youth league member from mainland China will run for office in an election for board members for the Hong Kong University students association. It was reported that this student candidate refused to disclose his position about June 4, 1989, Tiananmen student movement even though the campaign policy of the association specifically calls for correcting the mistakes made during June 4th . Some student members are concerned that the political position of the Hong Kong University student association might be affected because of it.

Source: The Apple Daily, January 26, 2008, reprinted by Boxun

Dealing with Widespread Illegal Land-Use

The Minister of Land and Resources, Xu Shaoshi, reported that more than 2,700 government officials face prosecution in 31,000 land-use violation cases.

Xu reported that 1.3 million hectares were used without authorization, about 20,000 hectares of land were taken over in the name of leases and 66,666 hectares were involved in the expansion of development zones. The courts have convicted more than 300 officials with fines and confiscating property worth 2 billion yuan ($276 million).

Land remains a steady source of fiscal revenue for local governments. To attract foreign investment, they offering investors cheap land. This practice has triggered outrage from the farmers, who are not properly compensated for the appropriated land.

Source: Website of The Ministry of Land and Resources, January 22, 2008

Chinese Communist Party Concerned About Declining Loyalty Among Members

In its publication on May 1, Qiushi Journal, the official publication of the Chinese Communist Party, carried an article written by Chen Yuanzhang, a Lieutenant General and Deputy Political Commissar of the Jinan Military District in Shandong Province. The title of the article is: "Strengthening the Loyalty of Chinese Communist Party Members." [1] The article called for an alert to the declining loyalty among party officials. Other news sources, including Xinhua, widely quoted the article [2].

Reports about Vice-Premier Huang Ju’s Death

On May 9, 2007, The Times (London) reported, "Huang Ju, China’s vice premier in charge of economic reform, the sixth most powerful official on China’s ruling Politburo Standing Committee, died this morning at the age of 69 after a prolonged battle with pancreatic cancer." [1] Around 7 pm, Hong Kong based Phoenix TV, a TV station close to Beijing issued the same report of Huang’s death. That day, other Hong Kong media and international news agencies such as Reuters also carried the news.

Later that night, when Reuters called the State Council Information Office for confirmation, the State Council dismissed the news: "It is our understanding that news regarding comrade Huang Ju’s death is totally unfounded." [2]