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Government/Politics - 348. page

One Million Security Guards, 2,217 Representatives at the CCP’s 17th Congress

According to the Beijing Population Control Bureau, there are more than one million professional and volunteer security personell guarding the Party’s 17th Congress. The number includes 180,300 guard members, parking attendants, managers of the floating population and of house rentals, guarding cadres of various working units, and property security; 291,000 security and patrol volunteers; and 352,700 public security activists and other volunteers like Sanbao force. In addition, there are 60,000 security personnel in Dongcheng, Xicheng District and 120,000 in Haidian district. (The total number is 1.02 million.) There are also 1,200 secret police and 80 police dogs

The Role of China’s Civil Defense System

On October 16th, the Study Times, published an article titled "The Functions of the Civil Defense System and Its Role in Social Harmony" by Li Hang, Bureau Chief of the Civil Defense Bureau of Zhejiang Province. Study Times is a newspaper sponsored by the "Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China" and is distributed mainly to all levels of party leaders, as well as to intellectuals.

Hong Kong Experts: High Level Communist Party Members Feel a Strong Sense of Crisis

Cai Yongmei, executive editor of Hong Kong’s Open Magazine, and others, had some observations after the close of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 17th National Congress. Cai expressed the belief that the overwhelming lineage in the makeup of both the new Politburo and the new Central Committee of the CCP shows a strong sense of crisis in the CCP at the highest level. Open Magazine‘s editor-in-chief, Jinzhong, believes the current election policy is really the tenure system in disguise, and has analyzed the new successors as well as the internal struggles between President Hu Jingtao and former President Jiang Zemin on the issue of Zeng Qinghong’s stepping down. Liu Dawen, editor-in-chief of Hong Kong’s Frontline Magazine, criticized what has been touted as the increased democratic elements of the 17th National Congress as just empty talk. [1]