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Government/Politics - 352. page

Former Secretary of The Deceased Vice Premier May Face Death Sentence

Wang Weigong, former secretary of the deceased Huang Ju, Executive Vice Premier of China was arrested for corruption involving Shanghai’s social security funds and may face a death sentence. The scale of corruption was reported to be as high as 45 million yuan (US$6.1 million), which is the largest known amount of corruption. It was reported that Wang has refused to disclose any other names involved in this case including Jiang Mianheng, the son of Jiang Zemin, former President of China.

Source: Powerapple, December 29, 2007

Chinese Companies Face Three Obstacles in Their Development

Recently at a seminar at the Peking University Law School, a well-known law professor, Jiang Ping, said that Chinese companies face many obstacles.  The reason is that these businesses came out of an old system, and the standardized legislation that applies to them has only been in existence for about 20 years. He listed 3 major issues.

The Chinese Government’s Liaison Office in Hong Kong Concerned about Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Grandnephew

Axiang (an alias), a Hong Kong Democracy activist revealed to the Epoch Times that he has often been contacted by the Liaison Office of the Chinese Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R. [1] (LOCPG) over the past several years. Recently, the LOCPG contacted him to get information about Hong Kong people participating in the Quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Movement. Axiang told the reporter that three thugs attacked Albert Ho Chun-yan (何俊仁), the chair of the Democratic Party (Hong Kong) and a member of the Legislative Council, because he protested the CCP’s harvesting organs from live Falun Gong practitioners and supported the civil rights movement in Mainland China. The LOCPG told Axiang that it will treat Mr. Sun Bin, the grandnephew of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen , [2] the same way it treated Mr. Ho. [3]

High Ranking Officials’ Poor Health Raises Alarm

From April to June, China’s high-ranking officials at the provincial and certain district levels were given complete physical exams. Over 90 percent of the officials were found to have "modern diseases" such as hepatic steatosis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Over 95 percent were overweight. An undisclosed number of officials had sexually transmitted diseases. The Chinese public often relates these modern diseases to government officials and even calls them "Luxury Diseases," "Bureaucratic Weight Gain," or "Symptoms of Corruption." [1]

Chinese Christians Adopt Harmony as Core Value

According to the President of the Chinese Christianity Association, Cao Shengjie, Chinese religious groups will maintain independence in their development. China’s Christianity should insist on autonomy. China has a unique circumstance, so religious development in China should not be controlled by Christian groups outside of China.