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Military Professor: Corruption is the #1 Enemy of the People’s Liberation Army

On October 2, 2012, BBC Chinese published an article titled “Military Professor: Corruption is the #1 Enemy of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).” Professor Liu Mingfu of China’s National Defense University of the PLA, recently published his new book called “Why the PLA Will Win.”  In the book, Liu pointed out, “The most dangerous and the #1 enemy of the PLA is corruption.” He said, “The anti-corruption forces are not as powerful as the forces of corruption. Those who are engaged in corruption have more energy than those who are against corruption. The corrupt officials have a greater chance of getting promoted.”

Source: BBC Chinese, October 2, 2012

China Says the United States Is not Qualified to Act as a “Mediator” on the Diaoyu Islands Issue

Xinhua used the column called “Chen Fu Discusses the Military” to published a statement about the possible role of the U.S. in the Diaoyu Islands dispute. The statement said, “U.S. Defense Secretary Panetta’s visit to China happens to be at a time when the East China Sea dispute over the Diaoyu Islands is growing more intense. Many people believe that it is inevitable for Panetta to discuss the Diaoyu Islands issue during his visit to Japan and China. Some people even expect the U.S. to act as a ‘mediator’ during the dispute.” 

The Xinhua statement dismissed such reports, saying that “Panetta’s China visit was scheduled previously. It’s just a response to Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie’s U.S. visit.” 
The statement explained further that “the United States is part of the cause of the dispute over the Diaoyu Islands. On the one hand, the U.S. states that it does not maintain any position on the Diaoyu Islands dispute. On the other hand, the U.S. has repeatedly stressed that the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty applies to the Diaoyu Islands, which is an ambiguous but tendentious attitude. Therefore, the United States does not have the qualifications to act as a ‘mediator.’ It is also not possible for U.S. to act as a truly neutral ‘mediator.’ At the same time, China and Japan can resolve the issue by themselves. There is no need for a third party to act as a ‘mediator.’” 
Source: Xinhua, September 20, 2012

Xu Caihou: Strengthen the PLA’s Ideology Education and Always Maintain Military Readiness

On September 13, 2012, Xu Caihou, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission, spoke to the PLA stationed in Shan Xi Province. Xu reiterated the importance of strengthening the PLA’s political ideology education and asked the PLA to further study the key messages from Hu Jintao’s speech delivered on July 23, 2012, and to carry through on a number of on-going educational campaigns in order to maintain the army’s firm political stance and unity as well as the ability to complete its assigned missions.

Xu also emphasized that the PLA should firmly follow the Party’s direction, maintain absolute loyalty to the Party, and closely monitor the current political environment. He advised that the PLA should constantly improve its combat ability with the assistance of modern technology and information while always maintaining military readiness.

Source: Xinhua, September 13, 2012

Military Professor Discusses Chinese Army’s Stance on Japan’s “Purchase of Diaoyu Islands

Through Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng, the Chinese army expressed its opposition to and protest against Japan’s "purchase" of the Diaoyu (Senkaku) islands. Geng stated, “The Chinese military is watching the developments closely and reserves the right to take corresponding measures.”

How to interpret the stance of the Chinese military? Where are Sino-Japanese relations headed? Rear Admiral Zhang Zhaozhong, a Professor from National Defense University, answered these questions in an interview with a Xinhua reporter.

Zhang said that the spokesman’s statement made two points: “One is that the Chinese PLA has the ability to defend China’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity. The second is that China reserves the right to use this ability.” As for the military drills, Zhang explained, “They are routine drills planned from the previous year, but because they are conducted at this special time, they can have the effect of causing fear.”

Source: Xinhua, September 12, 2012

Chinese Scholar: Navy Needs 3-5 Carrier Battle Groups

In an article published on Globe Magazine, a publication under the official Xinhua News Agency, Wang Haiyun, a major-general, former diplomat, and scholar at a government think tank on China-Russian relations, proposed to equip the Chinese navy with three to five carrier battle groups.

“Considering its degree of modernization and oceanic combat capability, the Chinese navy can only be called a ‘near-shore navy’ and ‘offshore navy,’ which can only meet the needs of the coastline and offshore defense. In order to maintain the security of three million square kilometers of sea territory effectively, we must build a more powerful navy.”

“Over the years, the United States, Japan, and other countries have subjected our country to strategic containment. In the past two years, the U.S. has announced a high-profile ‘return to the Asia-Pacific’ by building an alliance system of our neighboring countries with a focus on the oceans. Japan was also eager to organize a ‘value based alliance’ as the vanguard of the U.S. Facing this relatively serious maritime security threat, to deal with the challenges, stabilize the peripheral security environment, and break the US-Japan containment, we must concentrate on the ocean.”

“Another related problem is: with economic development and the rising scale of imports of resources and energy and exports of all kinds of goods, we must place an ever growing reliance on our maritime transport and our ability to secure our maritime transport. With the instability of a few countries at the global choke-points of maritime transport, if China does not have the military capability of sea deterrence and handling emergent events, it will be difficult to avoid being subject to the blackmail of certain countries.”

“As a world power with a growing global interest and responsibility, we need to push for an early start to the construction of the ‘deep blue navy.’ It is essential to build, as quickly as possible, several modern aircraft carrier battle groups with comprehensive combat capability. Neither oceanic territory defense nor military power delivery can be achieved without these aircraft carrier battle groups. As for the number, with our vast ocean territory and difficulties in carrying out our responsibilities as a global power, we cannot do without three to five aircraft carrier battle groups.”

Source: Globe Magazine, July 31, 2012

China Establishes its First Armed Urban Management Department

On August 1, 2012, Wuhan City in Hubei Province announced that, for the first time in China, it had established an Armed City Urban Management Department. The department had an initial staffing of 40 militia personnel. Most of the personnel were ex-servicemen. The militia will receive readiness training and national defense education. During times of peace, the Armed Urban Management Department will be responsible for combat readiness, maintaining social stability, and flood rescue. In times of war, it will be responsible for organizing and leading the militia reservists to join the armed forces. According to People’s Daily, the announcement invoked heated discussions online. Chinese netizens have expressed concerns and questioned the move.

Source: People’s Daily, August 2, 2012

Major General Zhu Chenghu: China May Need to Modernize Its Nuclear Arsenal

On July 18, 2012, Major General Zhu Chenghu spoke at a seminar where he announced that China may need to modernize its nuclear arsenal in response to a planned U.S.-backed missile defense system that may have a destabilizing effect on strategic stability. China "must modernize its nuclear arsenal" because the deployment of a U.S. missile defense system "may reduce the credibility of China’s nuclear deterrence. … Therefore Beijing needs to improve its capability to survive and infiltrate. … Otherwise, we will have a tough time maintaining that we have a credible system of nuclear deterrence.”

Source: Radio Free Asia, July 19, 2012

China’s High-Speed Rail Transportation Army’s First Exercise in Providing Food Rapidly

On July 15, 2012, China’s high-speed rail transportation army held its first exercise in rapidly providing food to the troops. In recent years, more and more military troops have been taking the high-speed railway to carry out their tasks. Quickly providing military provisions to PLA troops inside a train at a station will help the whole PLA establish a more perfect system for providing military provisions support.

Source: China Review News, July 15, 2012