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F-14 Fighter Made Its Maiden Flight in July 2008

China started to build a J-14 in 2006 and its maiden flight in July 2008 was a success, according to an Internet posting on a popular Chinese military web site. The posting comments on the features of the fourth-generation fighter: First, it maximizes flight time of combat aircraft during supersonic flights. Second, it uses a large number of stealth materials and technology. Thirdly, its taking off and landing performance is greatly improved.

The posting contains a photo of a J-14 under construction.


Xinhua: U.S. Requiring China’s Military Air Route for Civil Use Is to Slow Our Military Advance

Pertaining to a report that one U.S. senior airline official said on August 4 that China should let more military air routes give way to civil use in order to comply with the explosive increase of civil demand, Xinhua’s Global Times published an article that says, “Like other countries, China’s government has set a limit for domestic and international air routes for the sake of State security.” The article quotes the opinion of a China expert on the issue saying, “ The purpose of tje U.S. requiring China to loosen up the control of the military area in the air is consistent with its overall strategy. On the surface, it is for the benefit of ordinary Chinese people. In essence, it has the intention of restricting and slowing China’s military modernization, and occupying China’s air market at the same time.”

Source: Xinhua, August 5, 2008

Media in China Serving as Source of Military Intelligence

“China Threat” theory mostly originates from media inside China, says a Xinhua article on July 21, 2008. “Those in the West who advocate China Threat Theory quote largely the evidence from Chinese domestic media.” “To great extent, our own media has become the transmitter of foreign media disseminating others’ information.” The article warns that information posted at Chinese websites, once put together, can be very alarming intelligence on Chinese military, which include pictures of un-released munitions in transit and chattering by Internet users about military movement around their neighborhoods. The article posts online the cover of 2008 U.S. Annual Report to Congress on Chinese military power.

Source: Xinhua, July 21, 2008


Hu Promoted Three New Army Generals

Hu Jintao, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, promoted three PLA Army Generals on July 15. The ceremony was held in the August 1st Building in Beijing. The names of the three generals are: Liu Zhenqi, Vice Director of the PLA General Political Department; Huang Xianzhong, Political Commissar of the Shenyang Military Area Command; Fan Changlong, Commander of the Jinan Military Area Command.

Source: China News, July 15, 2008

Earthquake Stricken Military R&D Base Resumes Operations

A military research and development base in Sichuan under the General Armament Department (GAD) of the People’s Liberation Army has resumed normal operations for all of its major R&D programs, Xinhua reported on June 10. The base is responsible for several major national R&D programs. At the time of the May 12 earthquake, some equipment was going through testing and part of a power building on the base collapsed causing a power shortage.

Source: Xinhua, June 10, 2008

Korea Military States It’s Impossible to Give Up Nuclear Deterrence Strategy

Xinhua reports: A spokesperson of the Korea People’s Army at Panmunjomong said on June 9 that it’s impossible for the Korean military to give up nuclear deterrence under the current situation when the U.S. and South Korea are actively preparing for war against (North) Korea. The statement is responding to the recent talk between the defense secretaries of the United States and South Korea.

Source: Xinhua, June 8, 2008

China Assures Nuclear Base in Sichuan Safe

In a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on May 18, Ma Jian, Major General of the Air Force assured that the nuclear bases in Sichuan province were safe. Ma added that “the military base in Sichuan only suffered minor damage. More military forces have been added to guard the region.”

Source: Xinhua, May 19, 2008

“Emergency Response” Included in PLA New Training Guideline

The People’s Libration Army has added a section on “emergency response” to its newly updated “Military Training Guidelines.” The Guidelines were modified to meet the increased demand in the informational age, said Xinhua. The handbook will be distributed to the PLA in the first part of July with intensive study sessions scheduled for the second part of July. The guidelines will become effective January 2009.

Source: Xinhua, April 16, 2008