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Bird flu (H5N1) has killed 11,172 poultry in central China

On May 19m, 2007, Xinhua News Agency, citing the Ministry of Agriculture, reported that 11,172 poultry in central China have died as a result of bird flu (H5N1). The report said that another 52,874 were slaughtered. Chinese Agriculture officials say that the outbreak has been brought under control. The Propaganda Department of the local Chinese Communist Party must approve all media requests for interviews.

‘Boycott Beijing Olympics’ Campaign

While China just published regulations on media reporting of the 2008 Olympic Games, a coalition of Falun Gong supporters is calling for a boycott of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing unless the Chinese government meets an August 2007 deatdline to allow an independent investigation of organ harvesting allegations.

The Olympics: China’s Ministry of Public Security Issued Directive on Barring Groups

China’s Ministry of Public Security issued an internal secret directive that lists 43 categories of people who will be investigated and barred from the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Some examples of included groups are overseas hostile forces, counter-revolutionary figures, the Dalai Lama and affiliates, Falun Gong, religious groups and individuals who instigate disapproval of the Chinese Communist Party through the Internet.

Loving Communism to Be Taught to China’s Youth

Xinhua reported on January 15 that, starting in March 2008, the concept of “giving thanks” will be added to the curriculum for all elementary and middle schools in ShenYang City. The municipal Department of Education spokesperson emphasized respect for parents and teachers as part of the new effort to teach values in schools. He also mentioned that loving the [communist] Party, loving the motherland, loving society and loving people will be part of the new curriculum.

Source: Xinhua, Shenyang, January 15, 2008

There’s a Workers Strike Every Day in Guangdong Province

Han Dongfang, a China workers activist told Radio Free Asia that in the Pearl River Delta region of Guangdong Province there is at least one workers’ strike a day that consists of a minimum of one thousand workers. That is in addition to the number of smaller scale strikes that take place. These workers are mainly from inland provinces such as Sichuan, Guizhou, Hubei and Hunan. He said currently the government only intervenes when the situation is out of control. As a result, workers are inadvertently encouraged to resort to strong measures such as strikes. Han said that the international community holds a fantasy that economic development will help China. However, the reason it is a fantasy is that people don’t know what lies behind the economic development: the sacrifice of many people’s health and rights.

Source: BBC, January 16, 2008

Beijing Builds Detention Centers to Protect the Olympic Games

In order to express their grievances, mainland petitioners usually show up at major state activities where they can attract media attention to their plight. For example, on the second day of Indian Prime Minister Singh’s visit, the overseas Chinese affairs website Canyu reported that more than 100 petitioners attempted to enter Tiananmen Square. The police stopped them and escorted them back. It has been reported that the square is now being heavily guarded. One petitioner from Heilongjiang revealed that Beijing has set up a transit point in the suburbs to detain petitioners and prevent foreign media from accessing them during the Olympics. Similar detention centers for petitioners have also been built in all provinces and cities.

Source: Radio Free Asia, January 15, 2008