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Water Safety Problems Afflict 300 Million People, the Chinese NPC Standing Committee Regards It an I

Half of the cities in China have severely polluted groundwater; 300 million people in the rural areas are drinking water with safety problems. In some areas, "all the rivers have dried and all the water has been polluted." A member of the Chinese NPC Standing Committee stated that "The pollution is a result of profit pursuing. However, the cost to treat the water pollution will be more than a dozen times the profit we have gained."

China Officials: the Pope Wants to Appoint Anti-Communist Bishops

Since 1958 when China and the Vatican stopped having diplomatic relations, the CCPA (Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association) has appointed all bishops in China. The current Pope, Benedict XVI, has been trying hard to bring Catholics in China back to the Roman Catholic Church. However recently, according to a high official in the CCPA, the Vatican has been attempting to appoint anti-communist bishops in China. [1]

Child’s Eye View of Iraq War

People’s Education Press has posted a sixth grade e-textbook article entitled, "Woeful Plight in the Shadow of War." Intended for its course on Morality and Society, the text shows how Iraqi families have been affected by the war.

Police Continue to Crackdown on Petitioners

Hong Kong Ming Pao reports that, in anticipation of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Beijing has been strengthening control in order to prevent any unexpected incidents. The police are monitoring public transportation and detaining human rights activists.