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US-China Relations - 186. page

US Press Freedom High on Water Content

This front page commentary, cited in Wen Hui Bao a Hong Kong based newspaper backed by Beijing, characterized press freedom in the US as “High on Water Content” (a Chinese saying meaning having surface value but little substance). According to the article, under high pressure and an unseen hanging rope, the US media have become reluctant to either criticize the government or discuss the legitimacy of the Iraq war. The media does not have any means to force the government into releasing more information and for a long period of time it has not dared to challenge the government’s propaganda policy. The end result has been to accept and encourage the government’s news which in effect has made the US media unknowingly a propaganda tool for the US government.

Source: China News, March 19, 2008

Shanghai Jiefang Daily: U.S. Has Two Faces on Human Rights Issues

The Jiefang Daily criticized the U.S. of having a double standard when it issued its 2007 human rights report on other countries. The article said that “while the U.S. pays close attention to human rights violations by other countries, it was blind to its own deteriorating human rights record.” The article stated that there has been a 25 percent increase in cases of personal rights infringement by the executive and judicial branches from 2001 to 2007; The U.S.-lead Iraq war has caused 660,000 casualties with 90 percent of them civilians; and the [Abu-Graib] prisoner abuse scandal has become a symbol of the U. S. The article suggested that U.S. should mind its own business before pointing fingers at others.

Source: Xinhua, March 14, 2008

Xinhua: China will issue “2007 US Human Rights Report”

The Press Office of China’s State Council will issue a "2007 US Human Rights Report" on March 13, according to Xinhua News Agency. The release of this report, its 9th year in a row, is a direct rebuttal to "Country Reports on Human Rights Practices" released by the U.S. State Department on March 11 which, according to Xinhua, slanders China’s human rights record with groundless accusations.

Source: Xinhua, March 12, 2008

Xinhua: Chinese Hacker Story by CNN a “Complete Fabrication”

Global Times, a subsidiary of People’s Daily, published an interview with Xiao Chen, a young Chinese internet hacker who was featured in CNN’s March 7 exclusive "China Hacker" story. "CNN’s story is completely fabricated", said Xiao Chen who also denied that his team had successfully attacked Pentagon’s website nor  that his website have received any funding from the Chinese authorities. The article criticized the US media’s fanfare of the so-called "China’s Internet Threat". It quoted a statement from the Minister of the Foreign Affairs that neither the Chinese government nor the military would hire civilian hackers to attack the government networks of other countries.

Source: Xinhua, March 10, 2008
Related CCN article:

CNS: United States Facing an Unprecedented Credibility Crisis

Carried by China News Service (CNS), Hong Kong based Wenweipo published article on February 26, 2008, titled "United States facing an unprecedented credibility crisis". The article lists a few issues that negatively affected U.S.’s international image: war against Iraq and Afghanistan, gigantic military expense and fiscal deficit, missile defense system set up in countries outside U.S., and recent shoot-down of a spy satellite. The article stated that while U.S. often criticizes other countries for manipulating currencies, U.S. let its own currency to depreciate without control. "The conducts of U.S. makes world countries to show suspects on its credibility."

Source: China News Service, February 26, 2008

U.S. Shoot Down of Satellite Is Killing Three Birds With One Stone

U.S. use of missile to shoot down an inoperable spy satellite tantamount to using artillery to kill mosquitoes.”   What are the true purposes, questioned Xinhua.  Such U.S. move has three hidden purposes, according to Xinhua. To destroy an inoperable spy satellite with a missile can prevent leakage of sensitive equipment, can test the new anti-satellite weapons, and thirdly can also show off U.S. capabilities to control space.

Source: Xinhua, February 20, 2008

What is Behind These U.S NGOs?

On February 18, 2008 Xinhua blasts the U.S. NGOs that support Spielberg’s decision to withdraw as an artistic adviser for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.  They wave the banners of human rights only to incite celebrities and media to smear China‘s image,” says Xinhua. “The NGOs Olympic Dream for Darfur and Save Darfur are supported by anti-China forces.”  Xinhua quotes from a researcher at a state think tank, “these NGOs are deep-down disaffected about China developing relations with African countries.”Mia Farrow and Spielberg are likely victims of coercion and manipulation.”

Source: Xinhua, February 18, 2008

Xinhua on Bush’s African Trip

International Herald Leader, a newspaper under China’s official Xinhua new agency, published an article on February 19, 2008, commenting US president Bush’s recent trip to Africa. The article said that Bush’s mission “anti-terrorism and humanitarian assistance” did not resonate in Africa. Instead African media believe the deeper reason behind Bush’s trip was to strengthen US’s military presence in the continent and protect the transport of oil. The article found two features in Bush’s African itinerary: 1) Except for Rwanda, the other four countries visited by Bush are all coastal countries to Atlantic; 2) The visited countries are either of strategic importance or under frequent wars. The conclusion is Bush’s trip is to gradually pave the way for US to militarily intervene African affairs by firstly making friends with coastal countries and countries under war.

Source: International Herald Leader, February 19, 2008