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Ministry of Commerce Criticizes U.S. Trade Barrier on High Tech Products

At a monthly news conference, Yao Jian, spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, complained about U.S. trade barriers regarding Chinese products. “This is totally without reason and restricts the balance of bilateral trade.” A Xinhua report said that U.S. export controls limit the export of high technology products to China, which are already far less than what is exported to India. 

Yao indicated that U.S. trade subsidy measures and trade investigations all aim at preventing Chinese products from entering the U.S. market, under the pretext of the balance of trade. According to a report issued by the Ministry of Commerce on April 19, 2011, in 2010 there were 66 trade investigations filed against Chinese exports, including anti-dumping, anti-subsidy, and special protection measures, involving a total amount of US$7.14 billion. In 2010, the U.S. alone launched 19 cases of Section 337 investigations into Chinese imports.

Source: Xinhua, April 19, 2011

Widespread Corruption in China’s State-Owned Enterprises

Oriental Outlook, a weekly magazine under Xinhua News Agency, just published an article about widespread corruption in state-owned enterprises. According to Professor Lin, “an anti-corruption scholar” from the Department of Politics and Law at the Party School of the Central Committee of the C.P.C. (Communist Party of China), “An important reason behind the corruption in state-owned enterprises is the excessive power that top leaders hold. Without any effective system to monitor them, they can make major decisions arbitrarily.”  

Source: Oriental Outlook, April 18, 2011

China News: Obama Administration Accused of Taking Advantage of Japan’s Nuclear Disaster

On April 8, 2011, China News re-published an article from Wen Wei Po a Hong Kong newspaper whose purpose is to support the People’s Republic of China. The article said that “the true purpose” behind the U.S. aircraft carrier’s “disaster relief” trip to Japan was to ask the Tokyo government for 200 million U.S. dollars worth of supplies for 20,000 officers and soldiers. 

Source: China News, April 08, 2011

China Review News: The U.S. “Currency War” Is an Economic Encroachment Strategy to Suppress China

On April 19, 2011, China Review News published an article accusing the United States of launching a “currency war” against China by arranging the substantial depreciation of the U.S. dollar. According to the article, the U.S. "currency war" is an economic encroachment strategy to suppress China, replacing its former political and military strategy. “Its goal is to crush China’s newly emerging economic development system, restrict China’s development, and suppress the Chinese people.” The author suggests that the Chinese government respond accordingly and even fight back.

Source: China Review News, April 19, 2011

Xinhua: Several Countries Criticize the U.S. for Issuing Human Rights Report

Xinhua recently reported that the Brazilian, Cambodian, Algerian, Sudanese, and Vietnamese governments, as well as human rights activists, criticized the United State for issuing its Human Rights Report. They suggested that the U.S. is interfering with other countries’ internal affairs to achieve its political goals – under the rosy human rights name. These countries also accused the U.S. of having its own poor human rights record and blamed the U.S. for the exaggerations in the report.

Source: Xinhua, April 10, 2011

Xinhua: Xichang Satellite Launch Center Now Capable of High Intensity Tasks

On April 10, 2011, Xinhua reported  that the Xichang Satellite Launch Center located in Sichuan Province sent its eighth navigation satellite into outer space for the Chinese global positioning system. The Launch Center has conducted 10 launch missions so far this year, and demonstrated the capability of accomplishing “high intensity tasks.” The Center recently finished the reconstruction of an infrastructure completely centered on IP-based technologies (IP: Internet Protocol). The Center’s local network now supports a 100 mbps data transfer rate, and it has established a central-command-focused integrated information platform.

Source: Xinhua, April 10, 2011

Study Times: Strategic Thinking on RMB Internationalization

Study Times, a newspaper of the CCP Central Party School, recently published an article on the importance of the internationalization of Chinese currency (the RMB). The article indicated that China is the only one of the world’s large economies that exclusively uses foreign currencies for international trade settlements. it is mainly China’s surrounding countries that use the RMB. The author expressed the belief that RMB internationalization has a certain level of urgency and that the ultimate goal is to make the RMB a reserve currency. Five action items were suggested: (1) Speed up the “Go Out” strategy and enlarge the scale of China’s investments in foreign countries; (2) Sign more currency exchange agreements; (3) Encourage more international trade settlements in RMB; (4) Issue RMB based bonds; (5) Improve the use of international finance centers such as Hong Kong.

Source: Study Times, April 11, 2011

First Military Biochip Research Center Established

On April 13, 2011, the very first military biochip research center was established at the No. 211 PLA Military Hospital. Accordingly to Jia Danbin, director of the hospital, the National Development and Reform Commission through the National Engineering Research Center for Beijing Biochip Technology (NERCBBT) approved the center. It will provide patients with tests on hereditary hearing loss, anti-depressants, glyco-chains of immunoglobulin and autoimmunity, and the hepatitis B virus. It will also provide individualized molecular targeted cancer therapy plans and other research functions.

Source: Xinhua, April 13, 2011