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China to Build a Atlantic-Pacific Railway in Columbia

Colombia’s president Juan Manuel Santos recently told Financial Times that China has proposed building a railway to connect Colombia’s Atlantic and Pacific coasts as an alternative to the Panama Canal. The US$7.6 billion project, to be funded by the Chinese Development Bank, will be operated by the China Railway Group.

China’s ambassador to Colombia, Gao Zhengyue, told president Santos, “Colombia has a very important strategic position. We view the country as a port to the rest of Latin America.” According to Financial Times, “The 220km ‘dry canal’ would run from the Pacific to a new city near Cartagena where imported Chinese goods would be assembled for re-export throughout the Americas. Colombia-sourced raw materials would make the return journey to China.” 

Source: Financial Times, February 13, 2011

Private Chinese Company to Build Helicopters Jointly with European Partner

Sino-European International Group, a privately owned Chinese company based in Wenzhou, China, recently signed a contract to build luxury helicopters in China jointly with Eurocopter. All parts will be imported from Europe, while assembly will be done inside China. The plan for the future is that all parts will be produced in China. An initial investment of half a billion RMB was spent to establish a factory in Changshu. Official release of helicopters for sale is scheduled for next June. The price for each helicopter is planned be in the range of RMB 30 million to 60 million. Eurocopter is the largest helicopter vendor in the world. It belongs to EADS (European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company N.V.)

Source: Xinhua, February 11, 2011

Beijing to Train over 10,000 Hong Kong and Macau Public Officials

Phoenix Weekly, a magazine owned by Phoenix TV, a Hong Kong based pro-Beijing satellite TV network, recently reported that the Chinese central government is planning to enlarge the training program designed for Hong Kong and Macau public officials. The officials included in the program will be drawn from most of the branches of the Hong Kong government, from transportation to the police. Traditionally, when Hong Kong was under British rule, Hong Kong government officials received their training in Britain. After the 1997 handover, the Chinese government realized that the mindset of the Hong Kong government officials did not favor the Chinese government. Due to the fact that Hong Kong passed the political reform bill and the general election countdown has started, the central government decided to adjust the training strategy and speed up the “Return of the Mindset” project.

Source: Phoenix Weekly, February 11, 2011

Expert Claims Fake Fossils in Most Chinese Museums

A researcher at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Science, called for “deep consideration” of the fact that over 95% of China’s museums have fake fossils. He suggested that over 80% of the fossils of marine reptiles have been artificially altered to some degree. Even worse, the counterfeiters do not think there is anything wrong with what they are doing. One situation often seen is that different types of fossils are cobbled together to create one “fossil.” The end product represents something that never existed, but all parts are “fossils.” The China Geological Museum refused to comment on this matter.

Source: Xinhua, February 10, 2011

Party Development in Rural Areas

China continues its campaign to develop the Chinese Communist Party organizations down to the grassroots level of society. According to Xinhua on February 11, 2011, each and every village in Guizhou Province has built a venue of at least 90 square meters for holding village-level Chinese Communist Party activities.

People’s Daily Online reported on February 10, 2011, that Guangxi Province has conducted more than 441,000 training classes for rural Party members in the past 5 years. On average, each Party member has attended 13 training sessions on political theory plus one or two sessions on practical techniques. The on-going Party member trainings further strengthen the majority of rural Party members’ belief in the CCP and “constantly enhance the creativity, cohesion, and combat effectiveness of the Party organizations in rural areas.”

Sources: Xinhua, February 11, 2011 and People’s Daily Online, February 10, 2011

Xinhua Blames U.S. and the West for Sudan Separation

Xinhua published an article on February 12, 2011, stating that southern Sudan’s independence is a tragedy. The article blamed the United States for being hostile to Sudan for a long time, making a big fuss over the genocide in Darfur, and issuing an arrest warrant for Sudan’s President al-Bashir. The article suggested that it was suspicious that the leader of South Sudan, John Garang, who was a firm supporter of Sudan’s unification, was killed in a plane crash. “Looking back, the West determined the road of separation that Sudan took. South Sudan, after its independence, will probably embrace the West like Kosovo has done. The northern government of Sudan will have more difficulties in contending with the United States.”

Source: Xinhua, February 12, 2011

China’s Foreign Ministry and Official Media on Events in Egypt

On February 10, 2011, China expressed its support for the Mubarak government’s efforts to “maintain social stability and restore order” through a statement by its Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu, “China understands and supports Egypt’s efforts to maintain social stability and restore normal order, and holds that Egypt should decide its own affairs independently, without intervention from the outside.” On February 12, 2011, after President Hosni Mubarak stepped down, Ma commented, “I hope the latest developments will help Egypt restore national stability and the normal order.” Official media in China only briefly reported the events in Egypt.

Source: China News, February 10, 2011 & Xinhua, February 12, 2011

The CCP’s Management of Religions during the 11th Five-Year Plan

[Editor’s Note: People’s Daily published an article by the State Administration for Religious Affairs that reviews the CCP’s policies and decisions in the area of managing religion during the period of the 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010). It stated that the “The Central Committee (of the Chinese Communist Party [CCP]) pointed out … having the right understanding and handling of affairs relating to religion … is critical to the development and long-term stability of the Party and the nation. The CCP’s achievements during the period included starting to use the “Regulations on Religious Affairs” as the main vehicle to regulate and manage religious groups, directing religious practitioners to adjust their religious beliefs to conform to socialist theory, developing new religious leaders, using religious groups around the world to promote the CCP’s religious ideology, and taking control of issues regarding international religious affairs. The following are highlights of the report.] [1]

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