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Xinhua: Expert’s Opinions on the Direction of China’s Economy in 2011

Government specialists and economists were interviewed for an article in Xinhua analyzing the direction of China’s economy in 2011. The following are highlights of the major points:

– China will face inflation next year, mainly caused by international inflation.
– China’s monetary policy will change from “loosened” to “neutral,” but not “tightened.”
– Once the government’s stimulus package has run its course, China will have to work through the private sector to drive its economic growth.
– The real estate market will drop slightly, but not significantly.
– The income disparity between China’s rich and poor will widen even further.
– China’s export business will continue to grow.
– The yuan will rise slightly.

Source: Xinhua, December 17, 2010

China to Buy Brazilian Power Distributors

Xinhua reported that the State Grid Corp. of China will spend $989 million to buy seven Brazilian power distributors. State Grid owns a 30-year concession, with another 20-year renewal, to distribute power to Brazil’s southeastern region, the most economically advanced area, which includes major cities such as Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, and Brasilia.

“The deal for the seven Brazilian power distributors is expected to generate more than $110 million in annual earnings for State Grid Corp. It will also open markets for China to sell machinery to South America and to construct electricity projects there.”

Source: Xinhua, December 21, 2010

Xinhua Launched a Financial Information Exchange

On December 18, 2010, Xinhua News Agency held an opening ceremony to launch its financial information exchange. It is the first exchange that offers financial information worldwide. It plans to work with other global institutes to provide services on the trading of financial information, cultural innovation products, media news information, advertising, patent transfers, and business information.

Li Congjun, President of Xinhua, said, “Xinhua Financial Information Exchange … eventually will be the most influential financial information and cultural industry service center in the world.” Xu Feng, General Manager of the exchange, said its position is one of “exchanges of exchanges (including stock, commodities, and more).” “When the time is right, Xinhua will call for a World Exchange Conference.”

Sources: Xinhua, December 18, 2010

CRN: US Interference in the Korean Peninsula

China Review News (CRN) recently republished an article on the situation in the Korean Peninsula. The article complained that the U.S. and its allies ignored China’s call for resuming the Six Party Talks. At the same time, the U.S. is ramping up its military exercises. In the author’s opinion, the U.S. ultimately does not want to see a chaotic situation in the region. However, complete stability is not the U.S. goal. The author suggests that the U.S. wants to create and maintain a “less than stable situation,” so the U.S. can play the role of an “offshore balancer.” Thus, the U.S. can justify keeping a presence in the region. The article also referred to the situation in the South China Sea as part of the same strategy.

Source:China Review News, December 7, 2010

Xinhua: Government to Vigorously Support Domestic Documentary Movies

Xinhua recently reported that the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) decided to vigorously support, promote, and protect China-made documentary movies. Jin Delong, Deputy Chief Editor of SARFT, observed on December 7, 2010, that imported documentaries significantly stifle domestic products. Jin suggested that this area is considered an important element in the national soft-power development strategy. The government should set a better “market stage” for domestic products. Jin announced that SARFT is releasing regulations to “improve the government administration of this marketplace” and to set a cap for the number of imported documentary movies. Meanwhile, the ratio of “domestic vs. imported” programs for television broadcasting is now set to be no lower than 7:3.

Source: Xinhua, December 8, 2010

Xinhua: Over One Million Took the Civil Service Exam

Xinhua reported that, on December 5, more than one million people in 46 cities all over China took the Civil Service Exam to compete for 16 thousand government jobs. This is the largest exam ever organized for government jobs. The number of people taking the exam grew from 120 thousand in 2004 to 1.41 million this month.

In the eyes of many Chinese, a government position means a relatively stable and easy work environment. However, the competition is intense; for some popular positions there are 900 applicants for each position. Although the State Bureau of Civil Service announced several times that no remedial classes would be offered, remedial courses have nevertheless become a RMB 4.2 billion business. Cheating is a big problem. 409 people were caught last year. Radio monitoring devices were used this year in Beijing to battle cheating technologies.

Source: Xinhua, December 5, 2010

Huanqiu Editorial: Today’s Oslo Seems Like the Headquarters for an Evil Cult

[Editor’s Note: In an angry editorial, Huanqiu, an official publication of the Communist Party Central Committee, attacked the Nobel Committee and Western media for awarding Liu Xiaobo the Nobel Peace Prize.

The article likens the ceremony in Oslo to an evil cult ritual and accuses the Committee of “altering the spirit of peace” and “replacing it with Western Fundamentalist ideas.” It claims that “1.3 billion Chinese people resent the Peace Prize nomination.”

The editorial drew many emotional comments that echoed its rhetoric. One reader wrote: “The ‘Nobel Peace Prize’ is a joke to fool people. A guy who invented dynamite to kill fellow human beings, and who made a fortune, created it. He (Nobel) just wanted to gain fame before his death. … The best way to handle this is to end all relations with Norway and a few other buffoon countries, except for official diplomacy, especially trade. (We should) stop importing their goods, refuse to sell them anything, and call for Chinese not to visit their countries for sightseeing and shopping.” [1]

The following is a translation of excerpts from the editorial.] [2]

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Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: Overall Life Satisfaction Declined in 2010

According to China Review News on December 17, 2010, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) "Social Blue Book" reported that both urban and rural populations in China, especially in small towns, feel their overall satisfaction with life has declined. On the same day, the People’s Bank of China announced that, in the fourth quarter, nearly 74% of residents thought prices were too high. Over 70% of residents thought that apartment prices were too high. Measurable satisfaction is at its lowest point in 11 years.

“In the first three quarters of 2010, urban residents had per capita disposable incomes of 14,334 yuan, an increase of 7.5% (over the previous year). Rural residents had per capita incomes of 4,869 yuan, an increase of 9.7%." However, "not only are the growth rates of urban and rural residents’ income much lower than the growth of revenue; they are also lower than the GDP growth rate.”

Source: China Review News, December 17, 2010