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China’s Largest Law Firm Comes to Wall Street

On October 5, China’s Dacheng Law Office opened a branch in New York, becoming the first Chinese law firm to set foot on Wall Street. According to Chinese News Service, Dacheng is China’s, as well as Asia’s, largest law firm. It employs 1,600 attorneys in China and has offices in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and France.

Dacheng’s New York office will conduct business related to the U.S. in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, raising private equity, IPOs, stocks and bonds, and performing asset management. It will also be involved in lawsuits concerning intellectual property rights and international trade.

Source: China News Service, October 6, 2010

Chinese Official: It Is Unreasonable for Developing Countries to Limit Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Xie Zhenhua, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), argued that it is unreasonable to expect developing countries, such as China, which has only a few thousand dollars per capita in GDP, to set a limit on greenhouse gas emissions. Xie admitted that, in China, the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions is still increasing. 

Xie contended that “the reasonable growth of greenhouse gas emissions is inevitable” for a developing country. Xie criticized developed countries for not being more responsible. “The more and the earlier (the developed countries) provide capital and technology (to the developing countries), the sooner (the developing countries) will be able to comply with the greenhouse gas emissions cap.”

Source: Xinhua, October 6, 2010

PLA Daily: The Need for Innovation in Doing Political Work for the PLA

PLA Daily published an article on the need to continue to innovate when involved in political work for the PLA. It asserted that the newly revised “Regulation on Political Work for the PLA” requires innovation when it comes to the subject matter at hand, and to the methods, and mechanisms of political work. A major part of learning is how to use the Internet and apply new technology to political work. The public media should also be used to extend the reach and influence of political work. The article also discussed traditional methods.

Source: PLA Daily, September 27, 2010

The CHINA MODEL, China’s Development and Global Expansion Strategy: A Review from Chinese Sources

The China Model has been a hot topic in China recently. Over the last few years, numerous articles have been published in the Chinese Communist Party’s official publications and state media discussing the “China Model.” From those articles, the meaning of the China Model has been interpreted differently from what is generally perceived in the West. The government highly supports the study of the China Model,  and has designated it as a national project. On May 12, 2010, the team researching the “China Model” gathered at the Shanghai Social Sciences Institute to sign up and discuss the sub-projects of the China Model. Shijun Tong, deputy Party secretary of the Shanghai Social Sciences Institute and the leading scholar for the project, emphasized to the researchers that while conducting research and publishing papers, they must follow the theoretical system of Chinese style socialism as the guide, must have a vision of the big picture and a political sense, and must be conscious of the difference between open publication and an internal report. [1]
The current report reviews the publications in China’s state media about the China Model, in an attempt to put together a whole picture of the China Model as defined by Chinese Communist leaders and official scholars. In the ensuing reports, we will look into the CCP’s development of the China Model at the operational level.

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Wen Jiabao: China-Europe Relationship Has Reached Unprecedented Breadth and Depth

October 3, 2010, Wen Jiabao spoke to the Greek Parliament during his visit to Greece. Wen stated that the China-Europe relationship has reached unprecedented breadth and depth. “China and Europe are in different stages of development and strongly complement each other economically. There is no fundamental conflict of interest. Both are pursuing multilateralism, and both stand for maintaining the diversity of world civilization. …”

Source: Xinhua, October 3, 2010

China to Launch Satellite Shi Jian-6

An official from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center stated on October 5 that the center will launch two satellites to explore the environment in outer space as part of the Shi Jian-6 Group 4 mission. “Currently, rockets and satellites are in good condition, and all the preparatory work is progressing smoothly.”

Source: Xinhua, October 5, 2010

Xinhua: PLA Regulations for the Discipline Inspection Commission Published

With the approval of Hu Jintao, the Chairman of the Central Military Commission, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) recently published Regulations for the Discipline Inspection Commission. The new Regulations were established in the latest attempt by the Chinese Army to battle internal corruption. The Regulations outline a detailed reporting structure, basic principles, organizational settings, duties and responsibilities, processes, and working rules and requirements. This new document is considered the latest fruit of years of the army’s anti-corruption experiences. It also provides clearer working rules for the Discipline Inspection Commission. The Regulations even include details on how to handle the situation when Commission members themselves are in violation of the rules.

Source: Xinhua, September 25, 2010

Chinese Minister of Commerce: Pushing for a Strong Trade Power Status

The Chinese Minister of Commerce, Chen Deming, recently published an article suggesting China should push forward to become a “strong trade power,” as well as a large investor. Chen believes the financial crisis significantly changed the world order. Opportunities and risks coexist.

He suggested that China should focus on five areas: (1) emphasizing improvement in comprehensive economic efficiency; (2) balancing the “go out” and the “bring in” strategies to realize the conversion from “product export” to “capital export”; (3) optimizing regional economic development; (4) enhancing global strategic planning; (5) improving policies, rules and protection in international trade.

Source: China News Net, September 29, 2010