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Huanqiu: China Won’t Be Trapped in an Arms Race with the U.S.

According to an article published on August 20, 2010, on Huanqiu, the Chinese edition of Global Times, the purpose of the U.S. decision to send an aircraft carrier to the Yellow Sea for military drills was to lure China into an arms race with the United States so as to weaken China’s economic strength and induce China’s neighboring countries to contain China together with the U.S. 

“With rich experience in the international struggle, especially with a deep understanding of the former Soviet Union’s lessons, China will never be lured into an arms race with the United States.”

Source: Huanqiu, August 20, 2010

Tactics to Negate Western Media’s Negative Coverage of China’s Military

[Editor’s Note: Professor Chen Anran of the People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) Nanjing Politics College analyzed the Western media’s negative coverage of the PLA. He believes that the Western media and their governments have rallied behind the U.S. to demonize China, “The U.S. dreamed of unifying the world with capitalism so it could dominate the world. The U.S. will never allow a strong, unified ‘Red’ China to appear in the East.”

The author offered counter measures to refute criticism of the Chinese military, including greater effort, increased spending, clever strategy and broader military exchanges.

The following is a translation of excerpts from the original article] [1]

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Scholar Calculates ‘Hidden Income,’ Challenged by Statistics Bureau

Wang Xiaolu, a scholar at the National Economic Research Institute under the China Reform Foundation, recently published an article that calculates the 2008 urban residents’ “hidden income” to be as high as 9.26 trillion yuan, about 30% of the year’s gross domestic product (GDP). Wang believes that the existence of gigantic amount of “hidden income” or “grey income” shows the severe distortion of the distribution of national income. The sources of the “hidden income” include corruption, and other means of misappropriation of public funds and private wealth.

On August 24 and 25, the National Bureau of Statistics published two articles on its website, confronting Wang’s study by questioning its methodology.

Source: Jinghua Daily, August 26.
[Editor’s Note: Jinghua Daily is a Beijing local newspaper]

Ministry of Culture and Agriculture Bank’s Strategic Cooperation

A strategic cooperation between the Chinese Ministry of Culture and the state Agriculture Bank was launched on August 26, at a ceremony where the latter joins the “Culture Industries Investment and Finance Public Service Platform,” a government initiative to help fund culture enterprises. According to Gao Shuxun, the Assistant to the Culture Minister, the central government supports the Bank-Ministry alliance and has become a new model for the financial institutes to support the development of culture industries.

On August 18, the Ministry and Agriculture Bank jointly issued a Notice of Comprehensively Strengthening Strategic Cooperation, which made clear the Ministry of Culture’s policy support of the Agriculture Bank to provide financial services to culture enterprises.

Source: Ministry of Culture website, August 26, 2010

SARFT and China Eximbank Struck Deal on Financing Culture Exports

On August 26, China’s State Administration for Radio, Film, and Television (SARFT) and China Eximbank signed a Cooperation Agreement on Supporting and Fostering Key Export Oriented Radio, Film, and Television Enterprises and Projects. Under the agreement, over 5 years, China Eximbank is to provide 20 billion yuan or the equivalent in foreign currency financing support for radio, film, and television enterprises, in addition to multiple financial products and services.

Signers of the deal believe that the agreement, as part of fulfillment of the state’s strategy of Chinese culture “going global,” will help enlarge China’s share of film and TV products in the world market, boosting the nation’s cultural soft power.

In 2009, China sold more than 10,000 hours of TV programming to more than 100 countries, with a total export of US$80 million in film and other broadcasting products and services.

Source: Xinhua, August 26, 2010

Ministry of Justice Completes First Round of Training of 2,799 Directors from the Judicial Bureau

The Party Organization Department within the Ministry of Justice organized a 10-day training session, which was attended by 2,799 Directors of the Judicial Bureaus at the city and county levofel. The training encompassed eight sessions and lasted one year.

The main areas of the discussions were carrying out the “three-key-works,” covering the reduction social conflicts, renovating social management, practicing clean government and enforcing social justice. It also included topics on maintaining social harmony, stability, and promoting economic development. Over a dozen experts and professors from the Central Party School conducted forums on strengthening party development at the grass roots level, various measures in handling sudden incidents, and guiding public opinion.

Source: Legal Daily, August 23, 2010

Party Political Bureau Passed ‘Opinions to Exercise Open Management of Party Affairs’

On August 20, the Party Political Bureau passed the “Opinions to exercise open management of party affairs at the party’s grass roots level," thus giving more flexibility and less restrictions.

The meeting emphasized inter-party democracy and called for exercising open management of party affairs, separation of party affairs from management administration and increasing party members’ rights to participate in party affairs.

Source: China Review News, August 20, 2010

China Review: Key Focus of the US-China Relationship is Shifting

“The U.S. is shifting the focus of the U.S.-China relationship from the economy to politics, the military and security,” according to a commentary by the China Review, citing the recent U.S.-Korea military exercises, Hilary’s statement and the appearance of the U.S. fleet in the Yellow Sea.

The commentary suggested that the shift was caused by the U.S. inability to have China change its currency exchange rate while China remains as the largest debt holder of the U.S. The recent actions taken by the U.S. in Asia were to take over its lost influence from China, increase its strategic pressure on China and limit China’s overseas expansion.

Source: China Review, August 25,2010