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Wang Yusheng: U.S. Tries to Damage China’s Relations with North and South Korea

On July 19, 2010, Xinhua published an article by Wang Yusheng, Executive Director of the Strategic Research Center at the Chinese Foundation for International Studies (CFIS), in which Wang blamed the U.S., saying that it is trying to take advantage of the “Cheonan” Corvette incident (the sinking of a South Korean naval ship) to damage China-DPRK (North Korea) relations and China-ROK (South Korea) relations. 

Source: Xinhua, July 19, 2010

Taiwan’s Wu Supports Blacklisting Rebiya Kadeer

Wu Den-yih, President of the Executive Yuan — or, as he is more commonly known, the Premier of Taiwan — said that he supported a decision by the Ministry of the Interior (MOI) to deny Rebiya Kadeer’s September 2009 request for entry into Taiwan.
Wu said that the MOI’s decision was out of consideration for national security.
Source: Central News Agency, July 18, 2010

Chinese Communist Party, Leader of Asia’s Poverty Alleviation

On July 17, the International Liaison Department of the Chinese Communist Party hosted a Poverty Alleviation Conference at the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) in Kunming, the capital city of southwest China’s Yunnan Province. In a message to the meeting, Chinese president Hu Jintao said that he “hopes to work with all Asian political parties to promote poverty alleviation.”
In his speech, Hui Liangyu, a Politburo member and Vice Premier, said the “guidance of the Party and the government” is one of the keys to the China experience.
Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon sent a video message to the meeting. 
More than 120 people representing 57 political parties in 30 countries attended the conference. 
Source: website of International Liaison Department of Chinese Communist Party, July 17, 2010

Jia Qinglin Asks Overseas Young Chinese to Oppose Taiwan Independence

On July 19, Jia Qinglin, a member of the Politburo standing committee met with the 10th Delegation of Outstanding Overseas Young Chinese, an annual program of Beijing, to engage with talented Chinese emigrants.
In his speech, Jia told the delegation to “actively contribute wisdom and strength for the renaissance of the nation of China wherever you may live.” Jia also said that “(You should) strengthen the close connection with local people, especially the young population, actively carry out various forms of anti-Taiwan independence activities to promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, and promote the peaceful reunification of China.”
Source: website of United Front Work Department of Chinese Communist Party

Party Dominance in the Financial Business

At the first Party building forum for financial businesses in Beijng on July 7, Party officials made statements to urge promotion of Party building. “Strengthening Party building and Party organizations that play a political core role in the financial business is an important manifestation of the financial business with Chinese characteristics.” Financial businesses are called to “actively explore how to integrate the Party’s leadership with corporate governance and to adhere to the principle that the Party controls the cadres. …” The China Marxism Research Foundation and Financial Daily sponsored the forum at the Party School in Beijing.

Source: Study Times, July 12, 2010

State to Restructure Publishing Houses for Overseas Expansion

The General Administration of Press and Publication will consolidate and re-structure publishing houses to establish brand name flagships for overseas expansion. The government will provide preferential treatment to the selected publishing houses with important projects, resources and initial public offering preferences. The restructuring will  start first in publishing houses in the areas of social sciences, education and technology. Cross-industry mergers and acquisitions are also encouraged. Through mid to long-term plans, the government will build export oriented priority publishing houses and promote “going out” via mergers and acquisitions and joint ventures with foreign entities.

Source: Xinhua, July 19, 2010

PLA General: US Navy Ships Have Surrounded China

PLA Major General Luo Yuan states that three U.S. ships have formed a full moon blockade against China, the USS Michigan in South Korea, the USS Ohio in India and the USS Florida in the Philippines. He further stated that the US-Korean military exercises have created a new crisis and obstacles and China should counter tit-for-tat for the hostility against China. “The assertion of sovereignty over the South China Seas must be supported by a military presence. Some countries have repeatedly violated the South China Sea code of conduct. They have a one-sided understanding of our proposal to ‘table the dispute and jointly develop the area.’ They thought we had tabled sovereignty, rather than the dispute. Joint development has now become an anti-China one way development.”

Source: People’s Daily, July 19, 2010.

Cuba’s Ambassador to China: Socialism Marches On and is Unstoppable

[Editor’s note: China Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) Paper published an interview of the Cuba’s Ambassador to China, Carlos Miguel Pereira. He Qin from the CASS Marxism Research Institute conducted the interview on April 6, 2010. In it, the ambassador elaborated on his country’s “irreversible” socialist development, and the tiny communist nation’s economic reform, noting that despite a "flawless" military, "economic problems are fundamental problems for the survival of Cuban socialism. According to Ambassador Pereira, Fidel Castro praised the “China Model” as the real hope for developing countries. He also believes that “Cuba and China are fellow soldiers in the same trench.” The following is a translation of excerpts from the interview.] [1]

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