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China’s New Media Blue Book Bashes Twitter and Facebook

China’s New Media Development Report (2010), a.k.a. China’s New Media Blue Book, published by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, criticizes the political function of Twitter and Facebook. The report states that social networking tools such as Facebook and Twitter are used by western intelligence agencies to overthrow other governments. In particular, it accuses Facebook of being the “cluster point” for Uyghur separatists, who colluded with overseas organizations in the 7.5 Urumchi riot last year. The report asks for immediate regulation, as Facebook plans to enter the China market this year.

Source: Radio Free Asia, July 7, 2010

850 More Grass Root Party Cadres Training in Beijing

On July 8, He Guoqiang, one of the nine-member Standing Committee of the Politburo and head of Central Commission For Discipline Inspection gave a talk to 850 plus cadres who are in charge of disciplining the Chinese Communist Party members in the district, a sub-city administrative level. The talk was about anti-corruption. This is the third time that the CCP has conducted trainings to secretaries of the Commission For Discipline Inspection, following the first time to 2,000 at the county level last year, and 400 at the city level June this year.

Source: Xinhua, July 8, 2010

Zhou Yongkang on Social Stability

Zhou Yongkang, Standing Member of the Politburo of the Communist Party, stated on July 2, “Factors that influence social harmony and stability are still present in large quantities.” The remark was made at the 14th conference of the Committee of Political And Legislative Affairs of the Chinese Communist Party. Representatives from the Ministry of Public Security gave a briefing on the current status of social stability. Zhou is the public security chief of the Party.

Source: Nanfang Daily, July 3, 2010

Can China Afford 5% to 6% Inflation?

The Outlook Weekly of Xinhua published an article from an official, associated with the State Development Planning Commission who asked a question. Earlier some Chinese economists remarked that China might benefit from a moderate 5 to 6% inflation rate. The article disagrees. “Currently the Consumer Price Index is rising slowly, but the prices for consumer goods and monopolistic items are increasing at a rapid rate. If the target for an overall price increase is set at 5% to 6%, the so-called moderate increase, economic development and social stability would suffer  damaging consequences.

Source: Xinhua, July 5, 2010

PLA Major General on U.S. Aircraft Carrier Visiting Korea

During an interview with Phoenix TV, Luo Yuan, a PLA Major General, suggested that China should take a tough stance against the US aircraft carrier Washington visiting Korea for a military drill. The interview script was posted on the Phoenix Website. “PLA Major General: If it Comes to the Yellow Sea, the U.S. Aircraft Carrier Will be Our Live Target.”

Luo Yuan: “… but China is not a fish. History shows that China is not a fish moving at the will of others. It is a tiger.”

TV Hostess: “It is a dragon.”

Luo Yuang.: “It is a lion. I am saying this from the perspective of safeguarding the situation in the Korean peninsula. We will launch a tough response.”

Source: Phoenix TV, July 5, 2010

Why China Needs North Korea

[Editor’s note: Yang Hengjun is a Western educated prominent blogger in China. His recent article on the China-North Korea relationship was widely circulated in China. Within the first week after it appeared on the blog on June 10, the article generated nearly 500,000 hits and more than 500 comments.

His provocative view on China’s need for North Korea’s mischief generated numerous polarizing comments from readers. Many were surprised by his analysis. Most readers seemed to have misread his points. He appears to have camouflaged his subtle message to evade censorship, but a small number of sophisticated readers – both hard line communists and pro-democracy netizens – got it, and they expressed their opinions in a heated cyber debate.

Regardless of his real intention, Yang’s analysis offered a unique interpretation of Beijing’s motivation for sustaining its rogue neighbor. The following is the translation of an abridged version of Yang’s essay.] [1]

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Xinhua: Screening of Internet Trade Entities to Start

Starting on July 1, the Interim Administrative Regulations of Internet Trade and Related Services will be enforced. The State Administration of Industry and Commerce is planning a full screening of all online trade entities to establish an “Internet economy registry.” The State Administration is asking all local branches to implement the screening and build a database of the number, scale, distribution and categories of all trade platforms in corresponding local regions. This is becoming the focal point of work in local administrations. The Interim Administrative Regulations were announced and went into effect on June 1, 2010.

Source: Xinhua, June 29, 2010

Xinhua: Province Level Spokesman System Established

Xinhua recently reported that the Organization Department of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee announced that 31 provincial level Party Committees, as well as half of the city level Committees, established spokesman systems. The primary functions of these system are: (1) increase the transparency of the activity of government personnel; (2) respond to people’s increased demand for knowledge of public issues; (3) actively respond to media inquiries about news events; (4) actively respond to various public opinion channels, especially on corruption issues in personnel related areas of government work.

Source: Xinhua, June 30, 2010