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Beijing Railway Security Level Upgraded; Special Police Armed to Patrol

Beijing Railway Police declared security level upgrade on July 21, 2008 for the safety of Olympics. Anything entering the railway stations will subject to various security checks. Liquid will have to go through the “machine” from the date announced. Special police equipped with rifles are patrolling in all the four railway stations in Beijing. Detecting dogs are randomly checking goods round the clock.

Source: Xinhua, July 21, 2008

Beijing Olympics: China Asked Japan for Falun Gong Names, Japan Refused

Japan rejected China’s request for names of Falun Gong practitioners currently living in Japan, reported Kyodo News Service July 16. The request was made in connection with the security of the upcoming Olympics. Since it has a visa waiver program with Japan, China is concerned that Falun Gong adherents might enter China from Japan as tourists without applying for visas and peacefully protest during the games. Japan rejected the request citing protection of privacy.

Source: Epoch Times, July 18, 2008

Sanhedrin in Isr’l Confirms Killing of Falun Gong Adherents in China

Eleven judges of the re-established Sanhedrin, a body that aims to emulate the ancient Jewish Supreme Court reached a conclusion that according to available evidence Falun Gong members in China are indeed being persecuted and sent to detention camps, where they are killed and likely having their organs harvested and sold. Judge and Rabbi Meir Jaacov Halevy announced the conclusion on behalf of the Sanhedrin last week. The court also urged the Communist Party to respect ancient principles of respecting life and not killing.

The court accepted to hear the complaint in January 2007 which was brought forth by Falun Gong practitioners in Israel against the Chinese Communist regime. The Chinese embassy in Israel was invited but did not appear in court. Earlier its representatives attempted to pressure the court not to hear the case, saying that it might harm the relations between Israel and China. In 2004 the Sanhedrin appointed itself as an international Torah court.

Source: New Tang Dynasty TV, July 19, 2008
Falun Info Center, July  29, 2008  

Chinese Diplomat Pressured Eutelsat to Drop Independent TV programs

A telephone recording shows that the Chinese Ambassador in Italy, Sun Yuxi, directly pressured Eutelsat, an European Satellite carrier, to cut off the signal of New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV). NTDTV is an independent TV media company based in NY. With its uncensored broadcasts, NTDTV is the only Chinese TV station broadcasting to people inside China. On June 16, Eutelsat turned off NTDTV’s signal on the grounds of lacking electric power.

The recording has confirmed that the Chinese Communist Party played a major role in this incident. Ambassador Sun personally negotiated the turning off of the NTDTV signal. Eutelsat reported immediately to Sun Yuxi after shutting down NTDTV’s broadcasting into China. Ambassador Sun supported Eutelsat on this move. Eutelsat expects to develop some relationships with the Chinese Central Television (CCTV) and Chinese Aerospace and Aeronautics Industry Group.

Source: World Orgnization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong, July 16, 2008

PLA General Resolutely Resists: the Nationalization of the Armed Forces, the Wrong Political View

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has always been in absolute control of its Army. In recent years in Mainland China, even inside of the Army, there has already presented the viewpoint of “The Nationalization of the Army.”  In 2007, General Zhao Keming, of the PLA, in the following article reflected the concerns of the high-level officials whether the Army is loyal to the Party …” [1]
Beijing  (Zhongxin Net)—On April 17, 2008, General Zhao Keming, the Political Commissar, the National Defense University, published an article in Qiu Shi, analyzing the issues on how the PLA provides a strong safety control for building up a harmonious Socialist Society. In the Article, General Zhao emphasized the awareness of the army spirit be reinforce constantly; support a series of the basic essential systems that the Party absolutely is in command of the Army; make unremitting preparations for the military battles; do well in each preparation task; and prepare to complete the sacred missions given by the Party and the people to safeguard the unity of the homeland at all times.

The General pointed out in the Article that the high stability and the centralized unity of the Army are important cornerstones for structuring a harmonious Socialist Society; uphold the Party is totally in command of the Army; is the fundamental premise for the PLA to keep the nature and objectives of the people’s army; maintaining the quality and objectives of the PLA is the primary guarantee to achieve the goal of the magnificent modernization of the Army; also is a basic requirement for winning the regional wars under the future Internet Era; continuously reinforcing the awareness of the military spirit of the officers and solders of the entire army; support a series of fundamental systems the Party is in total control of the Army, and firmly resist the influence of the wrong-political viewpoints, “The Non-Party, the Non-Politicized and the Nationalized Army,” are the most important issues of the framework of the PLA; the long-term stability of the country and the fate of the socialism of China cannot be changed at any time.

In the article, the General emphasized:  Further making sure the principle of the Party is absolutely in control of the Army; to support a series of essential systems that the Party is unconditionally in controls of the Army; to intensify the making of the Party in the Army vigorously; constantly improving the overall quality, ability and level of the organization in every level of the Party; rally around the flag, support the central government; intensify the nurturing and selections of the young cadres, pay special attention to the administration of education for the high- and medium-levels of cadres, pay special attention to the team developments in each level of the leaders; guarantee the firearms are always in the hands of those who are loyal to the Party, guarantee the paths, strategies, and the implemented policies in the Army of the Party and guarantee the actions of all officers and soldiers of the entire Armed Forces must be answerable to the Central Party Committee and the Control Military Committee.

General Zhao emphasized in the Article that the reinforcement of the consciousness of the mission and the apprehension of dangers; pay close attention to the environment of the national securities and the changing situations of Taiwan and the Overseas; to be highly on the alert for the infiltration, destruction and subversive activities of the domestic and foreign hostile forces; insist on the preparations for the military battles with sustained efforts; do well in all the preparation jobs; and prepare to fulfill the sacred-missions given by the Party and the people to safeguard the reunification of the homeland at all times. Enhance the research on the important reality issues:  pay special attention to the issues of restricting the buildups and developments of our Army from the system mechanisms and policy systems. Truly enhance the combat effectiveness as the developing tasks and make use of the focal point of the resources; let all jobs and the resources of the Army have true effect on promoting the battle capability, and construct future military battles’ commanding point with the overall increase of the battle capability.

The General pointed out in the Article: to strengthen the regular combat readiness, adjust and perfect the system mechanisms of the national defense mobilization, expand the foreign military communications, actively participate in the international cooperation of peace-keeping, anti-terrorism, anti-nuclear proliferation. Launch joint maneuvers as to bring about an active role in promoting a peaceful-, harmonious-world development of China. Actively cooperate with the related national departments to strictly guard and firmly attack the racial segregation forces, the violent terrorist groups and the infiltration sabotage activities of the religious extremist groups. Actively cooperate with local governments to strengthen the community safety control tasks, deal with the urgent crises, strengthen the emergency system development, reinforce the capability of maintaining the social stability, the frontier security and stability, and the handling of the urgent crises.

In the Article the General pointed out: the innovative theory of the Party should be constantly used to unite the hearts and minds of the soldiers; molding firmly the minds of the soldiers to cultivate their fighting spirit; do well in all kinds of the preparations for military battles; guide the Army officers and soldiers to have a positive understandings of the developmental changes of today’s world; with a positive understanding of the socialisms with Chinese characteristics made the enormous achievement and the development directions; with a positive understanding and the view of the interest relation adjustment in the deepened reform; constantly reinforce the faith and confidence in the Party’s leaderships, the socialist system, the reform and the open policy movements and the comprehensively building up the goal of an affluent society; the officers and soldiers must be guided to fully understand the great missions that they shoulder; inspiring them fear not the sacrifice and nor the indomitable heroic spirit; firm their will to fight for the unification of their homeland; fighting to safeguard the sovereignty and the territorial integrity; fighting for the nation’s dignity, the will to take up arms is for the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation; strengthen their thoughts for the readiness to go to a war; strengthen their confidence in winning the war; develop the officers and solders firm fighting will, the tenacious fighting attitude, the perfect psychological quality at an approximately actual combat’s environment and in the difficult and strict training.

The General also emphasized in the Article:  insisted on abiding by the military law and order in administering the Army; training the troops strictly; realistically raise up the Army’s combat capabilities;
the improvement of the quality and ability to command the Armed Forces of the leading cadres and leading authorities in accordance with the military law and order must be focused; establishing and perfecting the surveillance and restraint mechanisms for monitoring the actions of the leading cadres and leading authorities of the law enforcement; the leading cadres and leading establishments must set an examples of taking the initiatives in strengthening, developing the unity, friendship, harmony, and purity of the internal relationships in the Army; form a fine internal environment beneficial for the overall development for officers and soldier in the Army; constantly enhance the internal attraction and cohesion of the Army; unceasingly reinforce the ability of the PLA in coping with crises.

[1], April 18, 2007

Beijing Olympics: The Olympics Logo Now on the Cover of the Bible

50,000 copies of a special Olympics edition of the Bible have been printed and shipped to the six Olympics cities, according to two state-run Christian organizations. The cover of the Bible that bears the Olympic Logo has been on the front page of major state-run newspapers. The two state-run Christian organizations are  the National Committee of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement of the Protestant Church in China and the China Christian Council. According to the two state organizations, the copies are being offered free as one of the major religious services that they are providing to the Olympics. The use of the Olympic logo on the Bible was licensed by the State Beijing Olympics Committee.

Chinese Protestant Church, July 14, 2008
Chinese Protestant Church, June 23, 2008

Man Arrested for Libel Against the State For Online Posting

On July 14, 2008 Jia, aged 31, was arrested in Shanghai on charges of criminal defamation. He was accused of fabricating and distributing a defamatory article on the Internet saying that the killer in a July 1st crime had been tortured by police and therefore lost his reproductive capacity. On July 1, Yang, age 28, killed six policemen in Shanghai. A large volume of postings on the Chinese Internet showed support and sympathy for his actions viewing him as a hero challenging State authorities.

The prosecution charged that Jia’s conduct had “seriously damaged the reputation and public image of the police, law enforcement and public security organs,” thus violating the Criminal Law, Article 246.

According to the police, Jia has admitted to having committed defamation. One commentator on a State TV program suggested that a forensic test be conducted to determine wheter Yang’s reproductive capability had indeed not been damaged. “It would speak louder than an admission [by Jia].”

The Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China, Article 246 states: “Whoever, by violence or other methods, publicly humiliates another person or invents stories to defame him, if the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, public surveillance or deprivation of political rights. The crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be handled only upon complaint, except where serious harm is done to public order or to the interests of the State. “

Xinhua, July 14, 2008
China News, July 17, 2008

Beijing Olympics: Government ID Required to Use Postal Service

Customers of government postal services must produce a valid government identification card during the Olympics, says China’s State Post Bureau. The special notice from the government agency states that post offices will not provide postal service if a sender of particles either to or from 6 cities between July 20 and September 20 does not produce a valid government I.D. The 6 cities are Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Qingdao, Shenyang and Qinhuangdao.

Source: Xinhua, July 16, 2008