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Xinhua Says “Evil Slandering Rebutted, U.S. Vice President Cheney Admits Smearing China”

On June 16, 2008, Xinhua posted a new article on its website quoting AP’s report “Cheney Mistaken on China Drilling Oil in USA’s Backyard.” The article used AP’s original report in the text that U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney’s office acknowledged he was mistakenly asserted that China, at Cuba’s behest, is drilling for oil in waters 60 miles from the Florida coast. But the article added a new title of “Evil Slandering Rebutted, U.S. Vice President Cheney Admits Smearing China.”

Source: Xinhua, June 16, 2008

Chinese Hacker Website: Not true that China Hacked U.S. Congressional Computers

On June 13, 2008 the largest Chinese hacker website,, commented on U.S. lawmakers’ announcement that according to FBI, their Congressional computers were hacked by source inside China. Titled “U.S. Congressmen Slanders Chinese Hackers for Hacking Congressional Computers for Two Years,” the Hackbase article states that it is normal that U.S. official websites are hacked, quoting U.S. Pentagon testimony at a Congressional hearing last month.  The article further states that the true purpose of the lawmakers’ announcement is anti-China.

Earlier on June 12 spokesman of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs denied statement by the two U.S. lawmakers that it hacked into congressional computers, saying that as a developing country it is not capable of sophisticated cyber-crime.

Source:, June 13, 2008
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, June 12, 2008

Xinhua Warns Aganst Economic Slowing Down

Chinese economy may have peaked. Outlook quoted China’s National Bureau of Statistics: “2007 may have seen the peak of economic development for this round. From this year, economy will gradually slow down.” Another government thinktank warns, “Prevention of economic downturn is the problem we should watch out for, now and in the near future.”

According to National Bureau of Statitics on June 12, the CPI for May was down to 7.7% while the PPI for May was up to 8.2% for the fifth consecutive months. It was the first time since February 2007 that PPI was increasing higher than CPI.  Unsettling factors include the U.S. policies to provent recession, particularly the lowering of interest rates, states Outlook News Weekly, a Xinhua journal, on June 14.

Source: Outlook News Weekly, June 14, 2008

Beijing Finding Balances Between Earthquake Relief and the Olympics

People’s Daily issued an editorial after the Central Committee of the Chinese Communsit Party held an "extremely important" meeting on June 13 to discuss emerging chanlleges in light of the Sichuan earthquake, economic statbility and the upcoming Olympics. The editorial calls for maintaining adquate balance between earthquake relief work and preparation for the Olympics. The editorial furthers states that the key to success lies in strengthening the Party’s leadership and resolute implementation of the Party’s decisions.

Source: Xinhua, June 14, 2008

The Chinese Government Instigates Violence in New York — New Evidence of Communist Infiltration

Those who practice Falun Gong, a cultivation practice based on Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance, have encountered what they never thought would happen in the United States. Since mid May 2008, on a daily basis, mobs in the hundreds have physically and verbally assaulted Falun Gong practitioners on the streets of Flushing, New York. Six thugs have been arrested. In a recorded telephone conversation, Peng Keyu, the Chinese Consul General in NY, admitted his role in instigating the violence.

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Chinese Hack Computers in U.S. Capitol, Korea and India

On Wednesday June 11, U.S. Congressman Wolf said the FBI had found that four of the computers in his office had been hacked by people working from inside China, beginning in 2006. Congressman Chris Smith said two of his computers had been attacked, in December 2006 and March 2007. Both Congressmen said the compromised computers contained information about political dissidents from around the world.

China accounted for 54 percent of the cyberattacks in Korea, according to the Korea Institute of Information Society & Cryptology in late May.  In early May, Indian officials stated that over the past one and a half years, China had mounted almost daily attacks on Indian official computer networks, including an attack on the NIC (National Infomatics Centre), which was aimed at the National Security Council. 

Washington Times, June 11, 2008 
Yonhap News, May 20, 2008 
The Times of India, May 5, 2008,prtpage-1.cms 
Chinesescope, The Red Hackers, May 16, 2005

Earthquake Stricken Military R&D Base Resumes Operations

A military research and development base in Sichuan under the General Armament Department (GAD) of the People’s Liberation Army has resumed normal operations for all of its major R&D programs, Xinhua reported on June 10. The base is responsible for several major national R&D programs. At the time of the May 12 earthquake, some equipment was going through testing and part of a power building on the base collapsed causing a power shortage.

Source: Xinhua, June 10, 2008

Communist Youth League Seeks New Image

The Communist Youth League of China (CYLC) opened its 16th National Congress in Beijing on Tuesday June 10. Hong Kong Takungpao published a commentary article titled: “Inciting Preaches Only Yields the Opposite Effect; Youth League Seeks to Change its Image”. The article said that as the major source for future Party leaders, the youth league members have been portrayed as purely political figures, while lacking abilities in economic and public affairs management. The recent appointment of Lu Hao as the new head of the Communist Youth League is an indication of change and an effort towards diversification. Moreover, the youth league is trying to focus more on humanitarian support and provide consultation to the younger generation realizing that preaching ideology no longer serves its purposes.

Source: Takingpao, Hongkong, June 10, 2008