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PLA Daily: China is the Biggest Victim of Spyware Attacks, Mostly from US

PLA Daily claimed that China is the biggest target of spyware which mostly are from US. In a recent Annual Report of China Internet Security Report, the statistics claimed that there were 64,000 computers attacked by spyware worldwide daily and 26 percent of them took place in China. According to National Computer network Emergency Response Technical Team (CNCERT/CC), there were 220,000 spyware attacks to China from overseas in 2005 where 40 percent were from US, 11 percent from Japan, 10 percent form Taiwan, and 8 percent from Karea.

Source: Xinhua, April 3, 2008

Shaolin Monks Organized to Study Key Messages from the Party Conference

On Shaolin Temple’s web page, there were two pictures posted and subtitled: “Shaolin Monks Study and Exercise the Key Messages from the Party Conference” [1]. In an interview with Xiang Li, television hostess from Hunan Television, Shi Yongxing, headmaster of Shaolin Temple told Li: “After I returned from the National People’s Congress held in Beijing, I have the responsibility to share the updates with the monks so that they are aware of the achievements made by the party in the past 5 years”. Shi denied to be called as a “Political Monk” and claimed that his action is to safeguard the rights of Buddhism and make contribution to the country. “Monks also need to pay attention to politics,” he said, “Shaolin Temple is well known around the world and the credit should go to the government’s open reform policy.

Jin Bao Net, April 4, 2008
[1] Pictures of Shaolin Monks studying key messages from the Party Conference

Stock Market: Down 50% in Six Months

On Tuesday, both Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges ran landslide slumps. SSE (Shanghai Stock Exchange) Composite dropped 143.55 to near 3300, while the SSE (Shenzhen Stock Exchange) Component Index fall 841.52. More than 600 stocks ended limit-down. According to a report issued by Guotai Junan Securities, the leading security firm in China, it only took six months for the SSE Composite to dive from the peak of 6124 last October to 3308 this week, 50% shrinkage of the market value. The drop is not only historical in China, but very rare around the world. Previously, SSE Composite had a 40% downward swing from 2245 in June 2001 to 1350 in November, another 40% plunge from 1740 to 998 in 2004.

Source: Information Times, April 2, 2008

Senior official Warns Overheating Economy and Comprehensive Inflation

In the most recent issue of Qiushi journal, the core publication of Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party, a senior official authored an article on the risk of an “overheating economy” and “comprehensive inflation.” Xie Fuzhan, the chief of State Statistics Bureau, pointed out that China need to focus on quality and curb the “impulse of expanding investment projects.” The article suggested strengthened macroeconomic control, strict housing regulation, and tight monetary policy. To ease the expectation of price rises, Xie proposed to increase the supply for basic necessities.

Source: Xinhua, April 2, 2008

Xinhua Claims Tibetans Collaborate via Internet and Voice of America

In a comprehensive report about the March Tibetan protests on April 1, Xinhua stated that Chinese police investigations discovered that the Internet has become a most important communication channel. “In addition, the Dalai Dama Clique collaborated with ‘Tibet independence’ elements inside China via a new channel: they first contact each other through communication tools and Internet, set up a time to tune into the Tibetan language channel of Voice of America for coded instructions from overseas and reports in-China progress and trends.”

Source: Xinhua, April 1, 2008

Xinhua: the U.S. Delivery of Ballistic Missile to Taiwan is Not Simply an Error

There is a lot more to the U.S. mistaken delivery to Taiwan of electricxla fuses for an intercontinental ballistic missile, Xinhua commented on April 2, 2008. In response to the U.S. Pentagon’s explanations of the error, Xinhua commentary questioned: One, was the shipment old equipment or new nuclear weapon? Two, was the delivery the defensive arms export or nuclear proliferation? Three, was it the result of mismanagement or intentional act? Four, is Taiwan trying to re-activate its nuclear weaponry program?

Source: Xinhua, April 2, 2008

Media in China Shall Never Publish Opinions Contrary to the Party

Qiushi, the Communist Party journal, issued an article as part of a series of commentaries regarding Hu Jintao’s speech on Party propaganda. The article states that media must primarily provide positive publicity, shall never publish any opinion contrary to the spirit of the Party’s viewpoints, and shall never provide channels for spreading “noises.”

Source: Qiushi, April 1, 2008

Tibet: Police Claimed to Have Discovered Weapons in Monasteries

According to the statement released by the Public Security Bureau, police have “discovered” large quantity of weapons in some Tibet monasteries. Among the discovered were 178 rifles, 13,013 ammunition rounds, 259 knives, 3,504 kg dynamite, 19,360 detonators, and 2 grenades. These are “sufficient proofs” that the “riot of 3/14” in Lasha was organized by Dalai Clique, according to the statement. In addition, a few “key suspects” with close ties to the oversea Dalai Clique have also been arrested.

Source: Xinhua April 2, 2008