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CNS: United States Facing an Unprecedented Credibility Crisis

Carried by China News Service (CNS), Hong Kong based Wenweipo published article on February 26, 2008, titled "United States facing an unprecedented credibility crisis". The article lists a few issues that negatively affected U.S.’s international image: war against Iraq and Afghanistan, gigantic military expense and fiscal deficit, missile defense system set up in countries outside U.S., and recent shoot-down of a spy satellite. The article stated that while U.S. often criticizes other countries for manipulating currencies, U.S. let its own currency to depreciate without control. "The conducts of U.S. makes world countries to show suspects on its credibility."

Source: China News Service, February 26, 2008

Beijing Hires PR Firm to Handle “Olympic Crisis”

According to an article published by International Herald Leader, a newspaper under Xinhua, the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) hired a public relation firm to handle "crisis management," although the name of the firm was not mentioned. The job of the firm was to respond to negative media reports about Olympic Game, arrange media to conduct interviews in Beijing or other places of China. The article stated three challenges faced by China before the Beijing Olympics: international critiques on Beijing’s support for Sudan’s dictator regime; quality of China exports; and large scale domestic social unrests.

Source: International Herald Leader, February 26, 2008

Project Launched With Strict Criteria: Recruiting Olympic Usher Girls from Ten Colleges in Shanghai

Xinmin Evening News reported that recruiting for Olympic usher girls from ten colleges in Shanghai began on February 13, 2008. Shanghai followed Beijing in beginning this process. It was reported that 40 college girls would be chosen to represent “Shanghai Image, China Etiquette.”  They will participate in the medal ceremonies for the 2008 Summer Olympics and the Handicapped Olympics. [1]
College girls will be selected from Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai Theatre Academy and seven other colleges. Not only do they have to satisfy the age requirements of between 18 to 24 years old but also their heights must range from 1.68m to 1.78m.  Meanwhile, the criteria of these girls’ weights, face shapes, skin colors, manners and intelligence are also strictly laid out. The judges will divide the registered girls into groups and hold preliminary, semi-final and final contests. The total processing time is one month.

Olympics Usher Girls’ Appearance Criteria:

1. Facial Appearance Criteria:

Three distances, the distance from the hairline on forehead to the upper start point of the nose bridge, the length of the nose and the distance from the tip of the nose to the lowest chin point, should be equal.

The lengths of the eyes, the distance between the two tear ducts and the width of the nose should be equal.

When the distance from the lower nose ending point to the lowest chin point is divided into three equal parts, the first divided line should be between two lips, and the second divided line should be the lower line of the lower lip.

The start points of the eye brows should be right above the tear duct; the ending point of the eye brow, the outside corner of the eye and the widest point of the nose should be on the same line.

2. Five Sense Organs’ Criteria

The heights of the eyes should be three tenths of the face length;

The distance between eye brow and eye should be one tenth of the face length;

The nose width should be one tenth of the face width;

The mouth width should be equal to the distance between the pupils;
The chin length should be one sixth of the face length.

3. Body and Four Limbs’ Criteria

The skeleton of the whole body should be symmetrical and proper;

The muscles should be elastic, showing health and the body’s beauty.

The body shape should be plump but not fat and clumsy.

The skin should be reddish and shining.

The four limbs should be long; the overall body should not be heavy-headed.

The thighs should show nice curves and the calf muscles should be high and a little bit popped out.

The two shoulders should be symmetrical, round and smooth, but should not drop down or pop up.

The overall body should not be clumsy, or have loose fat or be too skinny or unbalanced. Looking from the back, the spine should be straight, showing a beautiful body line.

Xinmin Evening News, February 13, 2008

India and China Decide to Hold Joint Military Drill in India

VOA reports on February 25 that India authorities have announced that India and China will hold a joint military drill this year in India. Details of the drill are yet to be determined. Both countries had a joint military drill in China earlier.

Source: VOA, February 25, 2008

“Self-Discipline Pact” Signed to Serve the 210 Million Internet Users

On February 22, 2008, China’s eight leading State run online media signed the "Chinese Pact on the Self-discipline on Visual-Audio Programs and Services of the Internet," urging all Chinese domestic websites to “spread positive, healthy programs and boycott corrupt, outdated ones.” The eight State media are the official websites of Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily, the State Council Press Office, China Radio International, China Central Television, China Youth Daily, China Economic Daily, and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

There are 210 million Chinese Internet users, according to the 21st Statistical Survey Report on the Internet Development in China published in December 2007. 69 percent are under 30 years old. The largest age group is between 18 and 24, accounting for 32% of the total Internet users.

Source: Xinhua, February 22, 2008
China Internet Network Information Center, December 2007

Xinhua: Sudan Newspaper Hails China’s Darfur Stance

On February 24, 2008, China’s envoy for Darfur, Liu Guijin, arrived in Sudan for a four-day visit. Xinhua reported that Sudan Vision, a Sudanese English-language newspaper ran an editorial in both English and Chinese, hailing China’s position on Darfur. Xinhua quoted from the editorial, “China develops cooperation partnership with Sudan based on China’s long term consistent support of African development. The support is not political.”

Source: Xinhua, Febraury 24, 2008.

Xinhua: Western Enemy Forces Who Are Pressuring Beijing Olympics Will Be The Losers

On February 21, Xinhua posted an article titled “Western Enemy Forces Who Are Pressuring Beijing Olympics Will Be The Losers”. The article was originally published on February 19 by Lian He Zaobao, the highest circulating Chinese daily in Singapore and the region, titled “What can the West Gain From Politicizing The Olympics” written by Zheng Yongnian.

Zheng claimed that “the West forces that are politicizing the Olympics will not gain any political values and the reforms in China will not follow the expectations set by the western world.” The article criticized the western democracy system and said “the democratic system is often accompanied by social turmoil and slower economic development or even endless racial conflicts in many countries.” Zheng wrote: “Holding the Olympics will help China to strengthen its soft power in the world.”

Zheng Yongnian, Columnist for Zaobao since 2004, is a professor at China Policy Institute of Nottingham.  He graduated from Beijing University in the 1980’s and went to Princeton University for his graduate program in 1995.

Source: Xinhua, February 21, 2008

Shanghai Rights Lawyer Under Constant Harassments

At 8 am on February 22, Zheng Enchong, Shanghai Rights Lawyer, was taken away by the security bureau in Zabei district of Shanghai. Zheng was still recovering from the injuries to his legs caused by the beating by the local police from two days ago. He has been taken away by the local authority 22nd times since August 24, 2007. Jiang Meili, Zhen’s wife calls for support to ensure the safety of Zhen and his family members. Numbers of human rights organizations and individuals including Hongkong based China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group have expressed their concerns on the harassment.

Zheng Enchong provided legal advice for fair compensation to the families who have lost homes due to Shanghai’s urban redevelopment projects.

Source: The Epoch Times, February 22, 2008