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China Reported 3.2 Billion Charitable Donations in 2007

China Charitable Donation Report indicated that China’s public and corporate charitable donations reached $3 billion (22.3 billion Yuan) in 2007, an increase of 123% from 2006. The amount of the charitable donation from outside of China is about $1 billion (8.6 billion Yuan). This is the first official report on the annual charitable funds China received.

Sixty percent of the charitable donation went to education, poverty reduction and disaster relief. In 2008, China’s charity sector identified three areas for improvements. First, improving the organizational structure, especially for grass-roots communities and villages organizations; secondly, establishing evaluation criteria for monthly and annual evaluations; and finally improving the management of charitable projects.

Source: website of Ministry of Civil Affairs, January 31, 2008

China’s State Media Rebukes U.S. NGOs and Private Foundations (part four)

On December 26, 2007, Xinhua News Agency published an article titled “An Investigation of Fake Think Tanks in the United States.” The article listed four U.S. think tanks, calling them “non-governmental organizations funded by the government,” employing “soft daggers” through “financing, supporting, planning subversive tactics, etc. against the targeted nations.” The following is part four of the translation of the entire article. [1]
Albert Einstein Institution: Behind-the-Scenes Player Behind Myanmar Chaos

With the name of "Einstein," this institute may sound like a scientific research institute. In fact, this institution headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts has earned a reputation for orchestrating non-bloodshed "soft coup" efforts throughout the world.

The founder of The Albert Einstein Institution, Gene Sharp, is an expert on subversion of foreign governments through non-violent opposition. He and the Director of the Institution, US-Ret. Col. Helvey, provide training to dissidents worldwide. Dissidents from Serbia,Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Myanmar, Ukraine and other countries all received training at the Einstein Institute which they used in political turmoil in these countries.

French journalist Thierry Meyssan wrote a book entitled " The Albert Einstein Institution: Non-violence according to the CIA," which discusses at great lengths how the organization carries out a "soft coup" through “civil disobedience.” Einstein Institute’s funding comes from the National Endowment for Democracy, i.e., from the government.

It is has been learned that the organization regularly supplies the United States Congress and the government with ideological offensive strategy reports and project initiatives that would be implemented by its “Human Rights Foundation,” “Foundation of Democratic Values,” and “Religious Freedom Foundation.” Its fingerprints were all over the disintegration of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in recent years, as well as changes in the “Color Revolution.” At present, the Institution’s focus is on Myanmar.

Classic Cases

According to media reports, Sharp, founder of the Einstein Institution, served as "the general director" in a series of anti-government activities in the so-called "Tibetan red revolution" in Myanmar.

The Einstein Institution started to operate in Myanmar in 1989.  It has been learned that the United States Government has allocated to it a one-time $52 million funding for its activities in Myanmar.  Its current Director, Helvey is the former U.S. Embassy military attaché for Rangoon and a CIA agent with extensive experience in subverting foreign governments.
At Helvey’s recommendation, Sharp visited Myanmar in 1989 and provided “non-violent resistance” training to local oppositions.  In the recent Myanmar unrest, the Einstein Institution made waves through the networks and connections that it has built up over the years, acting in concert with the National Endowment for Democracy.

The Infamous "Fake Think Tanks"

These "fake think tanks" are not only notorious in the international communities but they are also the target of a number of protests in the United States.

Four years ago at the U.S. Congress, the U. S. Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul denounced the actions of National Endowment for Democracy for serving the interested groups in the United States under the pretext of "promoting democracy."  He stated that NED has problems of mismanagement and serious corruption and that it is not only a waste of American taxpayers’ money, but is also always creating an enemy in the international community against the United States.  He called on Congress to ban the organization.

Some American liberal scholars, lawyers and activists founded the International Foundation for Democracy against the National Endowment for Democracy.  They pointed out that "democracy in the United States has sadly deteriorated at high speed, but the United States Government leans on NED and other organizations, and engages in shockingly hypocritical activities of so-called building
democratic countries and promotion of democracy in the overseas.” Instead, they called on the people of the world to support and promote democracy in the United States.

[1] Xinhua News Agency, December 26, 2007

China’s State Media Rebukes U.S. NGOs and Private Foundations (part three)

On December 26, 2007, Xinhua News Agency published an article titled “An Investigation of Fake Think Tanks in the United States.” The article listed four U.S. think tanks, calling them “non-governmental organizations funded by the government,” employing “soft daggers” through “financing, supporting, planning subversive tactics, etc. against the targeted nations.” The following is part three of the translation of the entire article. [1]
Freedom House: Veteran Subversion Experts

Freedom House is headquartered in Washington, D.C. with offices in about 12 countries. Freedom House is well known for its annual survey of global political rights and civil liberties in various countries. Freedom House was founded in 1941 and is a veteran “subversion expert" in the United States.

Although it claims to be an "independent think-tank," three-quarters of Freedom House’s funding comes from the government. During the Cold War era, it supported some political dissidents from the Soviet Union and Poland.  Now its tentacles have reached the corners of the CIS and Eastern Europe.  Further, it has established footholds in the Middle East, Central Asia, and Latin America.

Freedom House is governed by its Board of Trustees that is composed of former senior government officials, business and labor leaders, writers and journalists.  Former CIA Director Woosley was the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Current members of the Board include former United States Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz, former President of the World Bank.

Freedom House often publishes reports critical of other countries, causing great dissatisfaction in the international community. Western scholars also think that these reports apply the standards of the United States and are full of prejudice.

The more important task of the organization is to promote human rights and freedom in some countries with the goal of subverting the governments. At present, the organization’s focus is Korea and Africa. According to British Financial Times reports, the organization is funded by the United States State Department and is one of several organizations engaged in “secret activities" in Iran.

Freedom House is unequivocal when it comes to its mission of subversion of foreign governments. The organization in a so-called research report said, "subverting foreign government is a catalyst for broad and non-violent civil opposition, specifically boycott of goods, mass protests, blockades, strikes and disobedience, thereby eroding the legitimacy and authoritarian regime and their supporters, including military loyalty."

Chomsky, a liberal professor from Massachusetts Institute of Technology pointed out back in 1988 that Freedom House, the CIA, Radio Free Europe, and other government agencies act in unison for a long time as propaganda machines for the United States Government and international right-wing forces.
Classical Cases

In 2005, riots broke out in Kyrgyzstan. A political base that President Akayev spent 15 painstaking years building, was totally destroyed within a month. According to the American media, Freedom House played an important role in it.

My Important News is a newspaper by the opposition in Kyrgyzstan.  During the political turbulence, the newspaper accepted at least $70,000 in grants from the United States Government. The newspaper was produced in a printing shop in Freedom House’s office in Kyrgyzstan. Akayev ordered the turn-off of the power to Freedom House’s branch. The next day, the United States embassy in Kyrgyzstan sent two emergency generators to Freedom House’s branch. The generators were clearly marked "Property of the United States Government."

On the eve of parliamentary election in Kyrgyzstan, "My Important News" contained a photo showing Akayev’s "mansion" under construction. This move immediately evoked strong reaction throughout Kyrgyzstan. People were so dissatisfied with the Akayev government.  At that time, opposition leaders funded by Freedom House distributed the newspaper, free of charge, in truckloads.

[1] Xinhua News Agency, December 26, 2007

Expert Calls For Reviving Cultural Contents Of the Holidays

“Holidays in China have turned into food festivals. The cultural aspect of it is missing,” Huo Shangde, Chairman of the Society for the Study of Folk Literature and Art wrote in an article published by the People’s Daily on February 14.  Huo is calling the nation to be relieved from the “food festival” and revive the vibrant cultural contents.

Huo describes China as the nation that emphasizes loyalty, respect, kindness, and love. "The traditions of the holidays imply the deep rooted cultural of harmony of heaven and mankind," he said, "without it, Chinese civilization will lose its glory."

It was reported that during the week of the Chinese New Year celebration this year, the restaurant industry in Shanghai produced 96.8 million yuan (US$ 13.4 million) in revenue, 16.7 percent increase from last year. The average banquet in Shanghai costs 1,699 yuan (US$236) per table.

China News, February 14, 2008
Xinhua, February 14, 2008

Former Prime Minister Suffered Stroke

According to people close to the source, Li Peng, the 80-year-old former Prime Minister, suffered a stroke on February 3 and was sent to the 301 PLA hospital for emergency treatment. Li regained conscious after 48 hours of urgent rescue but is still listed in critical condition. He is reportedly to appear facial paralyzed.

Li’s name is closely linked to the Tiananmen Square Movement in 1989, when Li backed the use of force to suppress the student protest.  His last public appearance was at the opening ceremony of 17th National Congress in October 2007.

Source: New Century Net

Xinhua’s Interview with the Author of The New American Imperialism

On February 13, 2008, Xinhua published an interview with Dr. Vassilis K. Fouskas, a senior lecturer in International Relations at the University of Stirling in U.K. The report summarized the key points of the interview as the following:

1) Comparing with 1947, U.S.’s economic status is challenged with a shrinking proportion in world trade and a softening economic power. 2) Bush administration’s response to 9.11 terrorists attack is the consequence of U.S.’s sliding economic status. The purpose of continuous resorting to military power is to protect its fading super power in the world economic structure. 3) 9.11 became the new turning point for U.S. to carry out its new imperialistic strategy. War against terror can continue for ever to deal with terrorism, which has replaces communism as the main target. 4) The subprime mortgage crisis shows that certain socialistic economic management is correct. U.S. government will find it difficult to handle fundamental social political economic problems. Peaceful expansion of Europe and Asia will finally replace the U.S. hegemony.

Source: Xinhua, February 13, 2008

Fujian Official on Media Management

The most recent issue of Qiushi magazine published an article titled “Understand, Treat, Use, and Manage News Media Properly” written by chief of Chinese Communist party’s Fujian provincial Propaganda Department. It reinstated that China’s news media is a mouthpiece of the Party and people under the socialist condition. It should not be deemed as a public venue independent of or opposite to the Party or people. News media should carry both the functions of news propaganda and information dissemination. It should insist on the role of guiding the public opinions, which is the soul of the work of journalists.

Source: Qiushi magazine, 3rd issue 2008 (Qiushi is the official publication of Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee)

China Kicks-Off China Year in Australia

On February 10, 2008, “China Year” (2008-2009) in Australia kicks-off in Victoria Art Center in Melbourne. China sent an artist group to celebrate the ceremony. The event was organized by Australian “China Year” Organizing Committee and Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and was sponsored by government.

Source:China News Agency, Feb. 12, 2008