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Existing System Criticized for its Effect on the Art Community

In an interview with Nanfang Weekend, Wu Guanzhong, a prominent 89-year-old contemporary painter spoke out against various issues in the art community. He said that the commercialized education system erodes the quality of education. Teachers’ evaluation process is a waste of time and money; it is full of personal connections and not effective. He is calling for closing the state-owned art associations and institutions, saying they have become corrupt and unproductive. “Events organized by these places are just like the prostitution industry, which is purely money driven.” Wu said, “The art community has been politicized. The artworks are way overpriced and the Art centers only collect junk artwork.” He concluded that there are all sorts of issues in the art community, including education, facility, contest, and market. “The existing system is the cause of it all.” Wu said he is speaking the truth and wants to speak up more when he is able.

Source: Nanfang Weekend, January 9, 2008

Xinhua Accuses VOA of Maliciously Distorting Facts

On May 5, 2007, Xinhua, the Chinese Communist official news agency, issued a statement accusing Voice of America of maliciously distorting facts about Xinhua’s September 10, 2006 regulation "Measures for Administering the Release of News and Information in China by Foreign News Agencies." In an article published on May 1, 2007 Voice of America reported on this regulation and commented, according to Xinhua, that this regulation "restricts the development of foreign media."

Chinese Communist Party Concerned About Declining Loyalty Among Members

In its publication on May 1, Qiushi Journal, the official publication of the Chinese Communist Party, carried an article written by Chen Yuanzhang, a Lieutenant General and Deputy Political Commissar of the Jinan Military District in Shandong Province. The title of the article is: "Strengthening the Loyalty of Chinese Communist Party Members." [1] The article called for an alert to the declining loyalty among party officials. Other news sources, including Xinhua, widely quoted the article [2].

Reports about Vice-Premier Huang Ju’s Death

On May 9, 2007, The Times (London) reported, "Huang Ju, China’s vice premier in charge of economic reform, the sixth most powerful official on China’s ruling Politburo Standing Committee, died this morning at the age of 69 after a prolonged battle with pancreatic cancer." [1] Around 7 pm, Hong Kong based Phoenix TV, a TV station close to Beijing issued the same report of Huang’s death. That day, other Hong Kong media and international news agencies such as Reuters also carried the news.

Later that night, when Reuters called the State Council Information Office for confirmation, the State Council dismissed the news: "It is our understanding that news regarding comrade Huang Ju’s death is totally unfounded." [2]

Ministry of Health Requests Police Force Be Deployed to Hospitals

In recent years, the conflicts between hospital’s medical staff and patients have been intensifying. Patient’s violent attacks have frequently resulted in the hospital staff being injured. The spokesperson from the Ministry Of Health recently requested that police be depolyed to the hospitals to protect the hospital staff. Analysts pointed out that the basic cause of tension between doctor and patient is the inadequate healthcare system and China’s declining moral values.

The Launch of NIGCOMSAT-1 and China’s Launch Sites

On May 14, 2007, in Sichuan, China launched a communications satellite NIGCOMSAT-1 for Nigeria. It is the first time a foreign buyer has purchased a Chinese satellite and its launching mechanism. The event has been officially touted as the beginning of China’s presence in the international market of commercial satellites.[1]

China has three launch sites. The other two are the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center and the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.