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HK LegCo Member Terminates Daughter-in-law’s Relationship with Pro-democracy Activist

Elmer Yuen Gong-yi, a pro-democracy activist for Hong Kong, as well as Victor Ho Leung-mau and Baggio Leung Chung-hang and others, recently launched a committee to establish a “Hong Kong Parliament” in exile. The Hong Kong government slammed their activity as contravening the National Security Law.

Yuen is the father-in-law of Eunice Yung Hoi-yan, a Hong Kong barrister and pro-Beijing politician. As a member of the New People’s Party and the Civil Force, Yung became member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong for New Territories East in 2016 and for the Election Committee in 2021. Yung issued a public statement on Friday August 5th, announcing that she has officially terminated her relationship with him as his daughter-in-law. She added that her husband is aware of it and understood her decision. Yung’s husband is Derek Mi-Chang Yuen, a Hong Kong-based strategist, scholar, and columnist.

Liu Mengxiong is a former member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference who swam illegally and fled to Hong Kong from mainland China in 1973. Liu said that what Yung Hoi-yan did brings back the era under Mao Zedong, when many husbands and wives had to divorce because of ‘political struggles,’ and what she did is against basic human nature.

In her statement, Yung said, “I am a Chinese with the blood of the great motherland. Under the premise of the righteousness of the country, based on the fact that, according to the National Security Office, Mr. Elmer Yuen is suspected of violating the National Security Law to subvert state power. I am now announcing that I have officially terminated my relationship with Yuen as my father-in-law.”

The Hong Kong Security Bureau said that Yuen and others are suspected of violating the “subversion of state power” under the National Security Law and will be pursued in accordance with Article 37 of the law. When the Security Bureau ordered the arrest of Yuen and others, Yung Hoi-yan announced that the “Hong Kong Parliament” was a planned, reckless and malicious organization to subvert the functions of the Hong Kong government. Yung expressed her full support of the police to crack down on all illegal activities in accordance with the National Security Law.

Source: Radio Free Asia, August 5, 2022

German Newspaper: Reduce Dependence on China

an analysis by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, a German newspaper, said, “Japan and the United States are becoming more closely linked than ever before.” “By October at the latest, Germany could also receive a diplomatic blow from Beijing, as the Committee on Human Rights of Bundestag (the German federal parliament) is planning a trip to several Asian countries. The crisis is also a good opportunity to reflect on Germany and Europe’s future relations with China. Instead of closing any existing channels of dialogue, Europe should persevere in defending its interests. However, we must also be clear that we can no longer rely on China in all cases. We should refocus and reduce too much dependence. There is still time to avoid making the same mistakes in relations with China as in relations with Russia.”

Source: Radio France International, August 7, 2022

Tycoon Donates $100 million for Taiwan’s Defense

After the departure of U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the Chinese government started live-fire military exercises against Taiwan. Robert Tsao, founder and honorary chairman of United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC), a major Taiwanese semiconductor company, announced on August 5 that he will donate $100 million to assist Taiwan in its national defense.

On the second day after the Chinese military fired off 11 missiles, Tsao held a press conference to criticize the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for its reckless behavior. “Today I am announcing a donation of NT$3 billion (about US$100 million) to help strengthen our national defense. I hope to awaken the people of Taiwan not to  be greedy for money or afraid of death, and to rise up and fight to defend freedom, democracy and human rights.”

“Some people in Taiwan have an ostrich mentality, thinking that if they bury their heads in the sand and don’t mess with them, the other side won’t make a move. Others are capitulationists, who think, “Since I can’t win anyway, I might as well surrender and survive.” Tsao added, “The worst are those in favor of reunification, thinking they can realize the xenophobic so-called China dream,”

As for those people in Taiwan who are still unwilling to “resist China and defend Taiwan,” Robert Tsao said that these people, perhaps because of ignorance, timidity, cowardice, or being bought, are unwilling to see or admit that the Chinese Communist Party is essentially a group of gangsters. “The People’s Republic of China is a triad organization masquerading as a national state. A normal civilized country promotes the rule of law, democracy, and freedom, but a fakery state like the Chinese regime worships totalitarianism, deception, hatred, and violence.”

UMC established an 8-inch wafer fab in Suzhou, China, through its subsidiary back in 2001. Tsao lamented, “If we could have done it all over again, I wish we hadn’t gone to China to help set up the fab.”

Tsao proposed that the $100 million be used to fund individuals and groups to promote national defense education and boost public morale. The money will fund research and publications to counter the CCP’s cognitive warfare against Taiwan, handle activities related to the CCP’s deterrence and infiltration of Taiwan, develop or trace sources, counter the dissemination of controversial messages by hostile forces outside Taiwan; and develop countermeasures against the CCP’s cyberattack and hacking activities against Taiwan.

Source: Radio Free Asia, August 5, 2022

CNA: Taiwan Society Remained Calm Despite the CCP’s Military Threats

Primary Taiwanese news agency Central News Agency (CNA) recently reported that, Beijing announced military exercises around Taiwan from August 4 to 7 in response to the House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit from the U.S. Foreign media stationed in Taiwan observed that the Taiwanese society was calm as usual and could not feel the tense atmosphere. On the afternoon of the 4th of August, the Chinese Communist Party launched 11 Dongfeng series ballistic missiles in fractional waves towards the waters surrounding the northern, southern and eastern parts of Taiwan. The Japanese Defense Ministry presumed that four of the missiles flew over Taiwan based on five of the missiles falling into the waters of Japan’s exclusive economic zone. Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense pointed out that it was necessary to  grasp the launch dynamics immediately, activate relevant defense systems and strengthen combat readiness. A report from the Associated Press from Keelung pointed out that, despite the large-scale military exercises by the Communist army, the atmosphere in Taiwan society remained calm. A BBC reporter said that most of the people he interviewed did not believe that the Communist army was going to attack Taiwan this time. Another fisherman said, “They are just a group of bandits. These Communists only talk big and can’t do anything. We have been listening to their threats for 70 years.”

Source: CNA, August 5, 2022

UDN: Biden to Host Pacific Islands Leaders’ Summit at the White House

United Daily News (UDN), one of the primary Taiwanese news groups, recently reported that U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman said that President Biden will host a summit of Pacific Islands leaders at the White House in September. Facing China’s growing influence, the U.S. looks to strengthen regional ties. The United States is making frequent diplomatic tours in the Pacific, seeking allies to confront an increasingly assertive China. Washington previously also announced plans to open new embassies in the Pacific. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Fiji in February this year, and U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris recently delivered a landmark video speech to the Pacific Islands Forum. Sherman visited the Solomon Islands for a series of commemorations marking the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Guadalcanal in World War II. After China signed a secret security agreement with the Solomon Islands in April this year, Western allies were alerted. The deal, which would allow China to establish military strongholds in the South Pacific, was the focus the U.S.’ concerns.

Source: UDN, August 6, 2022

China Times: UK to Build the Second Largest Rare Earth Refinery Outside China

Major Taiwanese news network China Times recently reported that, the British government stressed the importance of securing the supply chain for rare earth minerals, and is committed to diversifying the supply chain moving it away from market dominators like China. The UK unveiled a new key minerals strategy, and will begin construction of a rare earths refining facility in northern England. Rare-earth elements are used to make magnets to start electric car engines, power windows, and to operate offshore wind turbines and other high-tech devices. China currently accounts for 98 percent of the global supply. Europe and the U.S. have stepped up their efforts to reduce their reliance on China and create safe and independent supply chains for these critical minerals, so as to avoid a repeat of the supply chain crisis. The UK says the Pensana facility will be the second-largest refinery of magnet feedstock outside of China and is expected to begin operations by the end of 2023. The £145 million (approximately US$175 million) facility in Saltend, East Yorkshire, is supported by the government’s Automotive Transformation Fund and is expected to create 126 jobs. With the new strategy, Britain said it would further develop and build the skills base of its local workforce, while supporting domestic production and working with like-minded allies to diversify supply chains.

Source: China Times, July 22, 2022

Kenya Presidential Candidates Criticize Chinese Communist Party

The Kenya Presidential election will be held on August 9. The two leading candidates took positions to oppose Beijing’s expansion in Africa. China has invested in some major infrastructure projects in Kenya, including the high-speed rail, a highway, and others. The current Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta) adopted a pro-China policy, which trapped Kenya into owing China several billion dollars.

Source: VOA, July 29, 2022

Chinese Government Organized Boycotts against Western Companies

Research by the Swedish National China Center found that, in the 13 years between 2008 and 2021, Chinese consumers initiated 90 boycott actions against foreign companies. Actually, the communist party is behind or is even directly organizing these boycotts. The foreign companies thus have become the victims of the communist party’s political game.

The “organized” consumer boycotts mainly target companies in North America, Europe, and Northeast Asia. American companies have been boycotted 27 times, Japanese and French companies each 11 times, German companies 8 times, and Korean companies 6 times.

For example, Beijing directly organized a boycott of Korean companies to punish South Korea for its plan to install the THAAD missile defense system. The communist regime also started the first shot, which Chinese consumers followed, on Marriott since Marriott did a survey listing Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao as parallel options to China. Beijing also directly started a campaign against “foreign companies attempting to split China.” It first asked foreign airlines to mark Taiwan as belonging to China and later spread the boycott wave to international fashion brands such as Coach, Versace, and Givenchy. Chinese consumers were stirred up and stopped buying these companies’ products.

Source: Epoch Times, July 24, 2022