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Xi Jinping Orders PLA to Be Ready for War at Any Given Time

The recent military orders that Beijing introduced appear to suggest that China might be preparing to launch a war in the South China Sea or Taiwan or against U.S. military targets. On January 4, Xi Jinping signed the first Central Military Commission order of 2021. That order stressed that the PLA should use Xi’s thought as the guide while strengthening the party’s leadership in the military. It stated, “Focus on preparations for war.” “Comprehensively improve real time combat training and the ability to win,” and the PLA must practice combat training to ensure it is ready to fight at any time. Prior to this, there were two other orders that went into effect on January 1: “Regulations on Military Logistics” and the Amendment to the “National Defense Law.” In the Amendment to the “National Defense Law,” it gave legal grounds to launch a war if China feels that there is threat to its national interest.

Coincidentally, on January 4, the same day that Xi signed the first military order, U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo and Billingslea, the Special Presidential Envoy for Arms Control, published a joint opinion paper urging Beijing to come clean on the nuclear weapons threat and buildup. It warned that the U.S. has the knowledge of Beijing nuclear development despite Beijing’s secrecy about its activities. It called for China’s transparency and for it to join the U.S. and Russia in crafting a new arms control agreement. In the opinion paper, it stated that “over the past four years, the Trump administration has awakened the world to the China challenge. Beijing’s two-decades-long asymmetric arms race is a core part of that challenge. It endangers the American homeland, our strategic positions in the Indo-Pacific, and our allies and partners. It is of concern to all peace-loving nations. We’ve briefed allies, partners and even the highest levels of the Russian government on China’s nuclear buildup.”

1. Xinhua, January 4, 2021
2. Newsweek, January 4, 2021

354 Tested Positive and 11,708 Quarantined in Shijiazhuang

At a press conference on January 8, 2021, the Hebei Province authorities stated that, from January 6 to January 9, 2021, Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei Province, tested 10,251,875 residents for COVID-19. There were 354 positive results and 11,708 residents were quarantined.

Of the 354 positive cases, 298 were from in the Gaocheng District. Gaochen is one of eight districts of the prefecture-level city of Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei Province.

In Shijiazhuang, local stores are operating online exclusively to serve residents in the 537 residential communities. They include 90 produce wholesale markets, 59 medium to large supermarkets, 359 chain convenience stores, and 1,200 community convenience stores.

According to the local authorities, as of 8 am on January 9, 2021, Shijiazhuang had quarantined 11,708 people and has activated 120 quarantine facilities. The epidemic has not shown a clear turning point, and the risk of spreading still remains.

Source:, January 9, 2021

Sister of Imprisoned and Missing Human Rights Lawyer Committed Suicide

China’s famous human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng has been missing for more than three years and the Chinese Communist authorities have yet to issue any notice to Gao’s family. At the beginning of 2021, it was learned that Gao’s elder sister was in despair and committed suicide. Gao Zhisheng’s wife Geng He, now living in exile in the U.S., said that his sister attempted suicide twice before, because of the terror and the pressure due to what happened to her brother.

Gao Zhisheng, one of China’s top lawyers, represented cases of Falun Gong practitioners persecuted in China. Between 2004 and 2005, Gao published three open letters to the then head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao, exposing the stories of torture and mistreatment of Falun Gong practitioners in labor camps and asking the authorities to change their unlawful policy toward Falun Gong. In 2006, Gao had his lawyer’s license revoked for speaking out for the marginalized and persecuted groups. He was subsequently abducted from his sister’s house in Shandong and sentenced to three years in prison for “inciting subversion of state power.” In 2017, after serving his sentence, he disappeared .

Now Gao has been missing for more than 1,200 days. According to his wife, Geng He, that is the longest period of disappearance for Gao. She is worried that Gao has been tortured badly and is also deeply worried about his health.

On the first day of the new year, Geng He tweeted that in May 2020, Gao Zhisheng’s elder sister in Shandong committed suicide by jumping into the river due to prolonged and deep fear, depression and despair about her brother’s situation.

Source: Radio Free Asia, January 4, 2020

NYSE Delists China Telecom, China Mobile and China Unicom?

Well-known Chinese news site NetEase (NASDAQ: NTES) reported on New Year’s Day that the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) officially announced it will suspend trading of the stocks of China Telecom, China Mobile and China Unicom (Hong Kong) from January 7 to January 11, and delisting these three stocks has started. The action is to comply with the executive order President Trump signed in November, which was to ban investment in companies related to the Chinese military. The executive order does not allow U.S. investors to buy the stock of the companies that made it to the list that the Pentagon provided. This event is a sign that the United States is upping its game on the economic sanctions against China. It is expected that more Chinese companies will be forced out of the U.S. stock market in the future.

On January 5, Singapore’s primary Chinese newspaper Lianhe Zaobao reported that the NYSE decided to stop the delisting process of the three Chinese companies. This was right after the Chinese Ministry of Commerce’s statement on the willingness to take the “necessary steps” to counter the delisting. The report did not explain why the NYSE changed its mind.

Again on January 5, the BBC Chinese Edition reported that the NYSE decided to change its opinion for the second time and would continue the delisting of the three Chinese telecommunications giants. The new announcement said the decision was made based on the latest detailed instructions from the Department of the Treasury. This sudden and unexpected change caused stock market volatility.

China Mobile is China’s largest telecommunications provider with 946 million customers. It also has the world’s largest mobile network and customer population. China Telecom is China’s second largest telecommunications provider, with 346 million customers. The U.S. FCC withdrew China Telecom’s license to operate in the U.S. on December 10. China Unicom, also serving Hong Kong, is China state-owned and is the world’s fourth largest telecommunications company.

(1) NetEase, January 1, 2021
(2) Lianhe Zaobao, January 5, 2021
(3) BBC Chinese, January 5, 2021

Four Officials Punished or Expelled from the Party

On January 4, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) announced the punishment of four officials. Hu Wenming, the former chairman of China State Shipbuilding Corporation, who was “involved in serious violations of discipline and the law,” was expelled from the CCP. His pay and benefits were cancelled, the proceeds from violations of discipline and the law were confiscated, and he was sent for prosecution. The CCDI criticized Hu for “loss of faith, ineffective implementation of major decisions of the CCP, malpractice for personal gain, abuse of power, and causing the major loss of assets of a state-owned company.” Hu Wenming was the commander-in-chief of the development of China’s first domestically-made aircraft carrier, the Shandong.

Wen Guodong, former deputy governor of Qinghai Province, was dismissed from public office and expelled from the party. The CCDI accused him of losing his ideals and beliefs; he also acted in a perfunctory manner on major decisions of the party. In addition, Wen was charged with acting as a “protective umbrella” for illegal coal mining.

Deng Huilin, former deputy mayor of Chongqing city, was also dismissed from public office and expelled from the party for serious violations of discipline and the law. His problems included ganging up inside the party, harvesting political capital, being interested in political speculation, making arrogant comments on major policies of the CCP, engaging in superstitious activities, and illegally accepting gifts and banquet invitations.

Luo Jiamang, former chief accountant of China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corporation (COFCO), is the fourth official under CCP discipline. CCDI accused him of losing his ideals and beliefs, having little political consciousness, interfering with inspection work, and opposing organizational review.

Source: Radio Free Asia, January 4, 2020

Kyodo News: More than 40 Percent of Japanese Companies to Adjust Their Supply Chains

According to Kyodo News, the results of a survey show that more than 40 percent of the 96 Japanese companies that are recognized by the Japanese government as possessing critical technologies are adjusting their supply chains, including parts procurement and their supply networks. They are promoting the diversification of production bases and suppliers away from China.

The survey targeted 150 companies, all of which are listed companies that possess security-related technologies in the field of information and communication. Japan’s “Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law” stipulates that foreign investors need to submit an application in advance when making capital contributions into these firms, whose stocks have been adopted by the Nikkei Index. Among the 96 that responded, 42 companies, or 44 percent, have implemented and discussed the diversification of their supply chains away from China and into Southeast Asia and India.

The Japanese government calls for the overseas production bases to be moved back home as a part of mitigating “China risks.”

Source: Kyodo News, December 30, 2020

India “Informally” Asked Airlines not to Bring Chinese Passengers

Well-known Chinese news site NetEase (NASDAQ: NTES) recently reported that, according to multiple Indian media sources, the Indian government has informally asked all airlines not to fly in any Chinese customers. This includes domestic airlines as well as foreign airlines. Currently there are no direct flights between China and India, but most Chinese travelers come from Europe. Some airlines asked the Indian government to provide them something in writing so that they can offer some official proof when cancelling legitimate customers’ flights. This appears to be a strong retaliatory response from India to China. At the beginning of December, China banned travelers from the UK, Russia and China, citing temporary pandemic related concerns. In the meantime, around 1,500 Indian seamen were stuck in the Chinese port of Jingtang for months since the ships were not allowed to disembark the sailors or to leave the port.

Source: NetEase, December 28, 2020

BBC Chinese: British Public Opinion on China Has Changed Drastically

BBC Chinese Edition recently reported, based on a newly released survey report which polled 13 European country residents on British public opinion, that, during this time of the pandemic, the people in Britain have changed their minds significantly about China. The report was published jointly by the Central European Institute of Asian Studies (CEIAS) and the Chatham House. According to the report, currently 62 percent of the British people surveyed have a “negative” impression of China. This number is only behind Russia and North Korea. This is also the highest number among the 13 European countries. In the meantime, over 68 percent of the people polled said China’s image has gotten worse in the past three years. The worsening Chinese image may result mostly from the pandemic. However, the situation and the wide reports on Hong Kong and Xinjiang have also played an important role. The pressure in the UK to take a more hawkish stance against China has not been so strong for a long time. During the pandemic, Liu Xiaoming, the Chinese ambassador to Britain, said earlier at an online press conference, “China has not changed. The responsibility for the difficulties between China and UK rests solely with the United Kingdom.

Source: BBC Chinese, January 1, 2021