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Stand News Editors Convicted of Sedition by Hong Kong Court, Marking Setback for Freedom of Press in Hong Kong

During the 2019 “Anti-Extradition” protests in Hong Kong, local media outlet Stand News featured extensive coverage of the events. On August 29 the Hong Kong District Court found the former and acting editors of the media outlet guilty of “conspiracy to publish seditious publications.” The judge delivered the verdict but postponed sentencing to September 26, allowing the defendants to be temporarily released on bail. This case marks the first time that senior members of a news organization in Hong Kong have been convicted of “sedition” since the city’s handover to China.

The Hong Kong Journalists Association condemned the ruling, stating that it represents a serious setback for freedom of the press.

In December 2021, Hong Kong’s National Security Department froze Stand News‘ assets, worth HKD 60 million (US$ 7.7 million), forcing the media outlet to cease operations.

Source: Radio Free Asia, August 29, 2024

Tibetan Leaders Criticize CCP’s Tibet Policy Following CCP Media Report

On August 28, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouth-pieces CCTV and Xinhua News Agency released a nearly-3-minute video showcasing the “achievements of the 30th Anniversary of Paired Assistance (from Provinces and Institutions) to Tibet.” The end of the video included a quote from Xi Jinping regarding four “as long as” conditions regarding Tibet: “As long as we work together, as long as we promote ethnic unity, as long as we follow the CCP, and as long as we adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, we will surely achieve the glorious goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as planned.”

Comments from Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama and from Kelsang Gyaltsen, the Central Tibetan Administration’s representative in Taiwan, outlined a critical view of the CCP’s policies for governing Tibet during Xi’s era, summarizing four main goals of the CCP:

  1. Completely remove the influence of the 14th Dalai Lama from the subconscious of Tibetans by searching their homes and personal phones.
  2. Treat Tibetan religious language and culture as a “tumor,” close privately run Tibetan language schools, and arrest intellectual elites who attempt to preserve Tibetan culture.
  3. Force Tibetan children to attend boarding school, leaving behind their parents and their culture. Compel the children to study Mandarin Chinese and Han Chinese culture under the framework of “forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.”
  4. Fully implement the “Sinicization of religion” (i.e. the modification and watering down of religion to meet the requirements of the Chinese Communist Party)

Source: Radio Free Asia, August 29, 2024

Chinese Ship Repeatedly Rams Philippine Ship at Sabina Shoal, Third Such Clash in Two Weeks

There has been another collision between a Chinese ship and a Philippine vessel at the disputed Sabina Shoal in the South China Sea, the third such collision in less than two weeks. Drone footage released by the Philippine government showed multiple Chinese Coast Guard ships surrounding a Philippine Coast Guard ship, with one of the Chinese vessels repeatedly ramming the Philippine vessel.

Initially, the China Coast Guard charged that, on August 31, Philippine Coast Guard ship 9701 (called the Magbanua) had “illegally remained” at Sabina Shoal, dropped anchor, and continued to maneuver provocatively within the lagoon. The coast guard further alleged that the Philippine vessel had intentionally collided with a Chinese Coast Guard ship in an “unprofessional and dangerous manner,” placing full responsibility for the collision on the Philippines.

The Philippine Coast Guard, in a video press conference held on the same day, released drone footage of the collision. The footage showed that China had deployed multiple government and militia vessels to surround the Philippine Magbanua, that Chinese Coast Guard ship 5205 had rammed into the left side of the Philippine ship, and that the Chinese vessel then made several turns to further ram the Philippine ship, causing damage to Magbanua. The Philippine ship ended up with multiple holes in its side. No injuries were reported by the Philippines.

The Philippines reported that the Magbanua had been stationed so as to to prevent China from taking over the Sabina Shoal. The Philippine government expressed that it would not withdraw the boat.

This marks at least the third collision incident between China and the Philippines at Sabina Shoal in less than two weeks. When asked if the Philippine Navy would seek assistance from other countries, the Philippine National Maritime Committee stated that the Philippine Coast Guard would manage the issue and that the Philippine Navy would not be involved.

Course: Radio France International, August 31, 2024中国/20240831-中菲船舰南海2周3次碰撞-菲律宾-不因中方-霸凌-撤离

Chinese State Media Says Sullivan More Humble During Recent Trip to Beijing

A video published by the account Yuyuantantian (玉渊谭天) analyzed U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s meeting with Wang Yi in Beijing in late August. It claimed that Sullivan “lowered his position” comparing to his past behavior when dealing with China. This media account is owned by China’s state media China Media Group.

The video took the footage of Sullivan during his meeting and made two points: First, Sullivan asked Wang Yi to speak before him. Second, when it was Sullivan’s turn to speak, he repeated what Wang just stated and thus the video called him the “repetition machine.”

Source: CCTV, August 29, 2024

Former Aide to New York Governor Accused of Acting as Chinese Agent

Linda Sun, who served as a staff member for former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and also as the former Deputy Chief of Staff for current Governor Kathy Hochul, has been accused of acting as an agent for China and the Chinese Communist Party. The prosecutor handling the case stated that, starting in 2016, Linda Sun took actions at the request of Chinese consulate officials to limit contact between Taiwanese government officials and the New York Governor’s office. Linda Sun and her husband Chris Hu received substantial financial rewards for their work on behalf of China, including multi-million-dollar deals for Hu’s business activities in China, travel benefits, promotion of a family friend’s business, and the securing of employment for Sun’s cousin in China. The indictment states that the couple “laundered millions of dollars for foreign entities and used the illicit funds to purchase luxury cars and multi-million-dollar properties in New York.”

In January 2019, Linda Sun wrote to a Chinese official expressing how much she valued her relationship with the Chinese consulate, noting that during her time working for Governor Cuomo she had done a great deal to foster the relationship between the state’s government and the consulate. She also mentioned that she had successfully blocked all contact between the New York state government and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, rejecting all requests from that office.

Linda Sun’s assistance to Beijing included her arranging for Governor Cuomo to attend a “SelectUSA” reception in Washington, D.C., hosted by the Chinese Embassy, rather than an event hosted by Taiwan around June 21, 2016. She also prevented the Governor from meeting with then Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen during her visit to New York in July 2019. Sun joined local Chinese “community leaders” in Manhattan to oppose Tsai’s visit.

After the case against Sun was made public, New York Governor Hochul requested that the State Department expel the Chinese Consul General in New York, Huang Ping. Huang has since left the New York mission, though the U.S. State Department announced that Huang’s departure was not due to an expulsion but rather due to Huang’s reaching the end of a regular rotation term as consul general.

1. VOA, September 4, 2024
2. Politico, September 4, 2024

RFI Chinese: 76.6 Percent of Taiwanese Oppose Reunification

Radio France Internationale (RFI) Chinese Edition recently reported that the Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation’s latest poll results showed that more than 70 percent of Taiwanese people surveyed oppose cross-strait reunification with Mainland China. Around 67 percent of the respondents opposed the idea of a “cross-strait community with a shared future (relationship established by blood)”, and 76.5 percent opposed China’s proposed “unification of the motherland.” Compared with the same survey six years ago, the opponents of these two options increased by 4.9 percent and 12.5 percent, respectively. The Foundation expressed that Taiwanese people’s feelings towards China are currently in an “extremely cold” state.

The foundation’s chairman said that “the vast majority of Taiwanese people are extremely disgusted with the Chinese Communist Party. This phenomenon crosses the boundaries of political parties, generations, genders, education backgrounds, provincial ethnic groups, social classes and geographical regions.”

Chosun Ilbo reported that a 1996 survey showed that 44.8 percent of Taiwan residents supported cross-strait reunification at the time.

Many analysts believe that, given such negative sentiment among Taiwanese people, China will increase military pressure across the Taiwan Strait in order to maintain its influence over Taiwan. Meanwhile Taiwan will likely avoid provoking China in the short term.

It is reported that President Lai Ching Te will visit Central and South America in early September but has canceled his original plan to visit the United States during that trip.

Source: RFI Chinese, August 28, 2024

CNA: China’s August PMI Shows Decline for Fourth Consecutive Month

Primary Taiwanese news agency Central News Agency (CNA) recently reported that the Chinese National Bureau of Statistics has announced August manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI) figures. The PMI came in at 49.1 percent, down 0.3 percentage points from July. This marks the fourth consecutive month that China’s PMI has been below the 50-percent line. CNA commented that operating pressure on small and medium-sized enterprises has increased.

The PMI’s production sub-index and new order sub-index came in at 49.8 percent and 48.9 percent, respectively, down 0.3 and 0.4 percentage points from July. This indicates that both manufacturer production and market demand have slowed. The PMI of large enterprises remained in the expansion range, at 50.4 percent, a slight decrease of 0.1 percent from July. The PMI sub-indices for small-sized and medium-sized enterprises, on the other hand, were 48.7 percent and 46.4 percent, respectively, down 0.7 and 0.3 percentage points from July. This indicates that small and medium-sized enterprises have been under heavier pressure. In addition, the PMI’s price sub-index continued to fall due to insufficient demand as well as price fluctuations of bulk commodities like crude oil. With a weak housing market and sluggish household consumption, manufacturing has certainly been negatively impacted.

Source: CNA, August 31, 2024

Lianhe Zaobao: “Substitute” Goods Become Trend in China

Singapore’s primary Chinese language newspaper Lianhe Zaobao recently reported that exact, off-brand replicas of some of the world’s most famous fashion items are popping up in the wardrobes of Chinese consumers. The copycat goods range from clones of Lululemon yoga pants to Hermès handbags. They do not bear the branding of the products that they imitate and are much cheaper.

Manufacturers claim these “substitute products” are not “counterfeit” because their quality is comparable to that of the world’s top brands. For example, a herringbone coat from clothing manufacturer Chicjoc claims to use fabrics from the exact same sources as luxury brands Prada and Bottega Veneta, and their leather bags are said to be made of the very same materials as LVMH and Fendi.

As China’s economy slows, consumers continue to look for more cost-effective products and sales of such domestic “substitutes” have soared. According to Lianhe Zaobao, Chinese consumers are embracing a new era of consumption where luxury goods, which traditionally have symbolized social status, are no longer the only acceptable product. Consumers now “tend to shop rationally,” thus promoting the popularity of such “substitute” goods.

Jessica, a 45-year-old programmer at a financial institution, spent RMB 3,700 yuan (around US$522) on WeChat to buy a Hermès-like wallet that would sell for thousands of dollars if its likeness were purchased from a genuine Hermès counter. She said that the leather of the bag was soft and the stitching was exquisite. It “exceeded her expectation in every aspect” and she said she plans to buy more such products.

Source: Lianhe Zaobao, August 31, 2024