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Xinhua: Carry Anti-Corruption Campaign All the Way to the End

Xinhua published an editorial commemorating the third anniversary of Xi Jinping’s Eight Rules established at a Communist Party Politburo meeting on December 4, 2012. The rules were established to curtail corruption among Communist Party members and government officials. 

The Eight Rules include travelling with a smaller entourage, having no welcome banner, no red carpet, no ribbon cutting ceremony, and no grand reception. Also Politburo members must comply with the rules themselves before requiring others to do so. The latest statistics show that, from December 2012 until the end of October 2015, the Party handled 104,934 cases of violations which involved 138,867 individuals. 55,289 of them were subjected to the Party’s disciplinary rules. Xinhua stated, “Such efforts and achievements have far exceeded many people’s expectations.” 
According to Xinhua, it was because of the worries that corruption would destroy the Party that the Party’s leadership started from themselves and persevered in the anti-corruption campaign. 
Source: Xinhua, December 3, 2015

Xi Jinping: China-Africa Comprehensive Strategic and Cooperative Partnership

On December 4, 2015, at the opening of the sixth Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) held in Johannesburg, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed to elevate “the new type of the China-Africa strategic partnership” to a “comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership.”  The comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership will be based on five principles: political equality and mutual trust, win-win economic cooperation, culture exchanges and mutual learning, mutual assistance on security, and cooperation and solidarity in international affairs. 

Xi indicated that in the next three years, China will implement cooperation programs with Africa in the following ten areas: industrialization, agricultural modernization, infrastructure, finance, green development, trade and investment, poverty reduction, public health, culture, and peace and security. 

Source: Xinhua, December 4, 2015

Guangming Daily: Obama’s “Political Legacy” Insecure

Source: Guangming Daily, December 1, 2015 U.S. President Barack Obama’s term will end in 2016. He hoped to leave the U.S. climate policy, particularly the global agreement on emissions made at the climate summit in Paris, as his "political legacy." A Guangming Daily article asked whether this might be just an empty wish. 
The article stated, “Although Obama is sparing no effort to promote America’s new emission reduction targets, opposition from the U.S. Congress continues unabated and may make Obama’s climate policy short-lived. Most Republicans voted against the Obama administration’s unilateral action on climate change issues. Many members of Congress even questioned whether human actions are responsible for global warming. Some media commentators believe that Obama can certainly use his administrative veto, temporarily excluding resistance from Congress, so that the new emission reduction measures can be implemented within his term of office. However, the U.S. Constitution requires that Congress must pass any Contracting Act in order to become a law. Otherwise once Obama leaves office, the next president will have the right to deny Obama’s climate policy, making the agreement reached at the climate summit in Paris an empty letter in the United States.” 

Sources: Guangming Daily and Xinhua, December 1, 2015

21 Percent of Listed State-Owned Enterprises Are in the Red

This year’s statistics show that, for the first three quarters of this year, 67 out of the 306 or just over 21 percent of listed state-owned enterprises (SOEs) were in the red. The top 10 of these SOEs showed losses totaling 13.524 billion yuan ($US2.11 billion). Some expect that, in order to reduce their losses in the fourth quarter, these SOEs may sell their assets or obtain government subsidies. 

The top loser for the first three quarters was Sinopec Oilfield Service Corporation, with a loss of 2 billion yuan (US$.31 billion), followed by SGIS Songshan Co. Ltd. which was 1.783 billion yuan (US$.28 billion) in the red. 
As for the sectors of industry affected, nonferrous metal companies constituted one-third of the losers while coal mining companies accounted for about 20 percent of those in the red. 
Most listed SOEs receive government subsidies. If such subsidies were excluded from the net profit, 74 SOEs (or about 24 percent) would be in the red for the first three quarters this year instead of 67. 

Source: Beijing Youth Daily reprinted by People’s Daily, December 2, 2015

VOA: Lawyer Insists that Journalist Is Not Guilty

Gao Yu, an independent journalist who faced charges of leaking state secrets, has had her sentence cut short from seven years to five years, and will be allowed to serve it outside of prison.

Voice of America interviewed Gao’s lawyer Shang Baojun over the phone for details of the second trial which ended on Thursday.

Shang insisted that defense lawyers maintained that [this case] did not have clear facts presented, and lacked evidence; the verdict should be changed to "not guilty."

Shang added that given that Gao is in her 70’s, and she has health problems, as her defense lawyer, he took comfort in the fact that her reduced term will be served outside of prison.

Xinhua News Agency reported that the court decided to change Gao’s sentence after "she confessed her crimes, pleaded guilty, and repented her wrongdoing during the second trial."

Sources: Voice of America, November 26, 2015
Xinhua News Agency, November 26, 2015

VOA: Lawyer Insists That Journalist Is Not Guilty

Gao Yu, an independent journalist who faced charges of leaking state secrets, has had her sentence shortened from seven years to five years, and will be allowed to serve it outside of prison.

Voice of America interviewed Gao’s lawyer Shang Baojun over the phone to get details about her second trial, which ended on Thursday.

Shang insisted that the defense lawyers maintained that clear facts were not presented [in this case], that the case lacked evidence, and that the verdict should be changed to "not guilty."

Shang added that, because Gao is in her 70’s and she has health problems, as her defense lawyer, he took comfort in her reduced term, which is to be served outside of prison.

Xinhua News Agency reported that the court decided to change Gao’s sentence after "she confessed her crimes, pleaded guilty, and repented her wrongdoing during the second trial."

Sources: Voice of America, November 26, 2015; Xinhua News Agency, November 26, 2015 2015                                                                                                                






Xinhua: Armed Forces Declared Across-the-Board Support for Military Reform

Xinhua recently reported that all major branches of the Chinese military expressed firm support of the military system reform addressed in President Xi Jinping’s recent speech. The key units that officially declared their positions are: The General Staff, General Political Department, General Logistics Department, General Armament Department, as well as the Shenyang, Beijing, Lanzhou, Jinan, Nanjing, Guangzhou, and Chengdu Military Regions, plus the Navy, the Air Force, the Second Artillery, the Military Science & Defense University, the National Defense University, and the Armed Police Force. In a statement that the General Departments released, it was mentioned that the reform goal was to ensure President Xi’s “firm control of the top military leadership and commanding power.” This is the first time such language has been used to describe the military reform. 
Source: Xinhua, November 27, 2015

China News: Large Scale Industrial Enterprises Suffered Profit Decline in October

China News recently reported that, according to the numbers that the National Bureau of Statistics just released, the total profit of all large scale industrial enterprises suffered a year-over-year decline of 4.6 percent. The same decline that was reported for September was only 0.1 percent. Also for October (year-over-year), these enterprises reported a debt increase of 5.6 percent and an inventory level increase of 4.5 percent. For the period of January to October, key industrial sectors that suffered declines were coal mining (62.1 percent), oil and natural gas (68.6 percent), non-metallic mineral products (8.2 percent), ferrous metal smelting (68.3 percent), non-ferrous metal smelting (4.8 percent), special equipment manufacturing (3.4 percent), and automobile manufacturing (3.1 percent). During the period of January to October, among all large scale industrial enterprises, the state-owned category saw the largest decline in profits (25 percent), and only the foreign-investment-owned category and the domestic privately-owned category saw profit growth (0.3 percent and 6.2 percent, respectively). 
Source: China News, November 27, 2015