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Xinhua: The U.S. Use of Force in Syria Entails Great Danger

A September 4, 2013, Xinhua commentary expressed disapproval of the impending U.S. military action against Syria.

"Although the United States claims that military action will be very limited, there are indications that, once a war is launched, it will be difficult for the White House to keep its scale and progress under control. A number of new challenges are more likely to lead the U.S. into new troubles. Moreover, the U.K. has abandoned the use of force in Syria; France is unresolved; NATO’s stance is even more detached. Without the support of allies, one is more doubtful about the U.S.’s ability to end the war in a prudent manner."

"The U.S. military action against Syria may not only leave the problem of chemical weapons difficult to solve; it will likely trigger new threats. Igor Morozov, a member of the Russian Federation Council’s Foreign Affairs Committee, warned, on September 3, that if the U.S. adopts military intervention against Syria, the country’s chemical weapons could fall into the hands of terrorists and spread to the Middle East and all over the world. The U.S. itself would not be spared either."

"What’s even more frightening is that many of the Syrian opposition forces have been infiltrated by Islamic extremists and the al-Qaeda organization. If the extremist forces expand, Syria is bound to be led to a more dangerous path, with the U.S.’s strategic interests jeopardized."

Source: Xinhua, September 4, 2013

People’s Daily: The Consequences of Using Force against Syria Will Be More Serious than the Iraq War

A People Daily (overseas edition) article commented on the U.S. intention to intervene in Syria for its use of chemical weapons to kill civilians. Below is an excerpt from the article: 

“In the last few days, the so-called Syria ‘Chemical Weapons’ issue has been getting hotter and hotter. The United States and some other Western countries have suddenly increased their intensity about using force against Syria. … It seems that a ‘fight’ is imminent and inevitable. As for whether the U.N. team has completed its investigation [on the use of chemical weapons], whether there is definitive evidence for the accusation against the Syrian government, and whether the U.N. Security Council will authorize the use of force against Syria, all these matters seem too trivial for the Western countries to care about.
“It doesn’t matter whether it is a Humanitarian disaster or the ‘red line’ of using chemical weapons, these are just excuses to attack opponents and gain interests. For a long time, from Kosovo to Iraq, then to Libya, Western countries have been adept at this kind of trick. 
“However, the more they play these tricks, the more clearly people can see through them to their true face. Ten years ago the United States launched the Iraq war, resulting in more than 100,000 deaths of Iraqi civilians. A long time ago, the excuse for that war had already been proven to be a poor lie. Two years ago, the Western Countries, under the guise of ‘protecting civilians,’ launched a military action against Libya, causing more than 30,000 civilians to be killed in Libya. More distressingly, Iraq and Libya have not yet gotten over of the after-effects of these wars. Unrest and bloodshed still continue. Terrorist extremists are on the rise. They are still struggling on the edge of a ‘failing state.’ The Western countries use force and leave behind a ‘mess.’ Almost all of the consequences have to be paid by the people from these regions. The lesson is quite profound. 
“Compared to the above cases, the consequences of the use of force against Syria will be more severe. … External military intervention can neither fundamentally solve the problem of chemical weapons; nor is it the right way to resolve the crisis in Syria. …
“The ‘chemical weapons’ problem is a very serious issue. One cannot hastily jump to a conclusion without conclusive evidence. Unfortunately, the United States and some other Western countries seem to have decided on the ‘presumption of guilt’ instead of having an objective investigation and on using military intervention instead of political dialogue. This exposes their true purpose: It is not really to solve the ‘chemical weapons’ problem; rather, there is an eagerness to ‘plug contraband’ to help the opposition, in order to speed up the turnover of the government and establish international rules and an international order in their favor. The international community must remain vigilant against this kind of naked hegemonic act.” 
Source: People’s Daily, August 29, 2013

People’s Daily: Party Cadres Must Take the Lead to Fight against Bad Speech on the Internet

On September 2, 2013, People’s Daily published a commentary titled, “Be Bold and ‘Show One’s Sword’ at the Critical Moment.” The commentary criticized some Chinese Communist Party officials for not daring to speak up and stop the “extreme words” and “extreme views” on the Internet. The article said that Party cadres must make comments based on the Party’s spirit and principles and guide public opinion. “In the field of ideology, Party cadres must take the lead to fight against bad speech, dare to show their sword, and take responsibility."

Source: People’s Daily, September 2, 2013

Beijing Evening News: Bring Bo Xilai’s Son Back to China for Justice

On September 3, 2013, China Review News published an article, originally from Beijing Evening News, calling for bringing Bo Guagua, the son of the arrested former Politburo member Bo Xilai, back to the People’s Republic of China so that “justice could be served.” In a recent photo, Bo Guagua was seen sipping a drink while chatting cheerfully with friends in a café in New York City.  He is attending graduate school at Columbia University. According to the article, Bo Guagua is the major cause of Bo Xilai and his wife’s corruption.

Source: Beijing Evening News, September 3, 2013

Huanqiu: China Works on 3 Big Secret Military Projects

On September 3, 2013, Huanqiu, the Chinese edition of Global Times, published an article titled, “China Works on Three Big, Secret Military Projects? Divine Light and High Energy Weapons.” China’s National High-Tech Research and Development Program (the 863 Program) has vigorously worked on three types of mysterious military and civil dual-use high-tech research and development projects: 1) high power laser weapons development; 2) hypersonic aerobatic technology; 3) the 2nd generation “Beidou” satellite navigation system.

Source: Huanqiu, September 3, 2013

Global Times: China Warned the U.S.: Don’t Interfere with Hong Kong’s Internal Affairs

Global Times recently reported that Song Zhe, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Special Commissioner to Hong Kong, warned the U.S. Hong Kong Consul General, Clifford Hart, not to interfere with Hong Kong’s internal affairs. Hong Kong media widely expressed the belief that this is the “strongest signal” given to the United States since Hong Kong returned to Chinese rule. According to many Hong Kong media reports, the frequency of Mr. Hart’s visits to local political organizations and grass-roots movements has been much higher than that of the new Hong Kong Chief Executive Chun-ying Leung. Song Zhe emphasized that the path leading to the structure of Hong Kong’s future political system is solely a Hong Kong internal matter. No foreign government should “have a hand in it.” This was the third time in the past few months that the U.S. Consular official received a warning from the Chinese government. Clifford Hart worked in the U.S. National Security Council, the Pentagon, and the State Department before coming to Hong Kong. 
Source: Global Times, August 30, 2013

China News: U.S. Defense Secretary Visited the Philippines to Arrange Expanded Presence

China News recently reported that, when the U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel was in Manila, he advised that the United States is expected to expand the scale of its rotational deployment in the Philippines. However, Hagel claimed that the U.S. had no plans to establish a permanent military base there. Hagel had visited Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei before landing in the Philippines. He expressed the belief that the new military cooperation model will benefit both the U.S. and the Philippines while providing support for President Aquino’s defense modernization plan. The Philippines is a military ally of the United States. The two countries are in the middle of negotiating a new framework agreement which, once approved, will allow the United States to use all military facilities in the Philippines. Currently the U.S. military can only operate in Subic Bay. 
Source: China News, August 30, 2013

Xinhua: Four Members in PetroChina Top Management under Investigation

Xinhua recently reported that PetroChina (China National Petroleum Corporation) announced on August 29 that four members of the company’s top management had been removed, pending an investigation for corruption. Three of them were Corporate Vice Presidents and another was the Chief Geologist. The decision of removing the four from their Party positions and corporate executive positions was made by the Chinese Communist Party branch of PetroChina. Another four Party members of the same Party branch have been chosen to fill the vacant positions. Chairman of the Board, Zhou Jiping, who is also the chairman of the Party branch, suggested that the current focus is to maintain normal business operations. According to the China Enterprise Confederation, PetroChina is China’s largest international corporation. In 2012, it was also number six on the (Global) Fortune 500 list and is the fourth largest petroleum company in the world. 
Source: Xinhua, August 29, 2013